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Publicações: 7   Visitado por: 135 users
14.12.2012 - 15:26
Sometimes you attack a town and other(s) do the same. How does it work? It seems to me that the order of moving (first attacking is the first who moved an so on) has nothing to do with that.
Thanks in advance for help.
14.12.2012 - 15:52
 Amok (Administrador)
From FAQ:

All movements are prioritized according to the order of players' actions, so to successfully run away or intercept enemy units, plan this move early during your turn. Basically, you should make your moves in the order of their importance.

Order of movements is not based on time, so if one player made his first move within first 10 seconds, and the other player made his first move at the end of the turn, these will still have the same priority (50/50 chance).

21.12.2012 - 14:37
Hmm, another thing.
sometimes I see dragon attacking first, sometimes cavalry.

they are both mixed in stacks...
so, why and how?
21.12.2012 - 14:56
Escrito por MarioMalnar, 21.12.2012 at 14:37

Hmm, another thing.
sometimes I see dragon attacking first, sometimes cavalry.

they are both mixed in stacks...
so, why and how?

highest attack, attacks first
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
22.12.2012 - 05:56
Why then one battle one type attacks first, next battle another??
And both are in same stack fror both attacks?
13.02.2013 - 19:16
I have been attacking transports but cant seem to catch them. I play it the very first thing in my turn and it still doesn't work. Is it a strategy or is their a hidden movement speed number?
14.02.2013 - 05:11
Escrito por LGbearclaw, 13.02.2013 at 19:16

I have been attacking transports but cant seem to catch them. I play it the very first thing in my turn and it still doesn't work. Is it a strategy or is their a hidden movement speed number?

This has to do with 'turnblocking'. If you both move your troups in the first move; then its a 50-50% chance that you will attack the transporter and the opponent will be 'turnblocked', so he can't move.

Once a turnblock fails (in your situation) there is two possible scenarios:
1) if the unit you attempted to turnblock with has enough range to reach the target of your enemy's unit, your unit will fight your enemy's stack at that target (meaning; it will move to the location of the transporter, and attack there)
2) if your unit can't reach the target, the unit will stay where it originally attempted to intercept. Meaning your unit will be on the position where the transporter left.

Also note, that the more units you sent to attack a unit, the bigger the chance that your turnblock will succeed. If you want more info about turnblocking read this guide under the part 'Turnblocking'.
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