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Publicações: 2   Visitado por: 24 users
16.10.2012 - 01:22
I have a Dream of an intergalatic war, What I would like to see for this to look great.
1. I wish I could change the unit Icon on the map for example, changing detroyers to star ships.
2. placing cities or in my case star systems with out land or space.

When this is the non alpha version, will are created maps transfer or will we have to start new.
16.10.2012 - 02:27
 Ivan (Administrador)
Escrito por HIGHYIELD, 16.10.2012 at 01:22

I have a Dream of an intergalatic war, What I would like to see for this to look great.
1. I wish I could change the unit Icon on the map for example, changing detroyers to star ships.
2. placing cities or in my case star systems with out land or space.

When this is the non alpha version, will are created maps transfer or will we have to start new.

We will do something with icons.
You can create a tiny piece of land and stick a city into it, completely covering the 'island'.
Maps will remain, don't worry.

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