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Publicações: 1   Visitado por: 11 users
17.12.2024 - 17:51
Bug Report
Expected behavior
When making large walls during a turn those walls stay connected when new turn begins

Actual behavior:
Sometimes when making a big wall for my front line or blocking off a big section of something with multiple ships my walls will have big gaps in them right after making them the previous turn. When I'm first making the wall everything is connected and perfect but as soon as the turn ends and the new turn begins some of the walls are no longer connected even though they were when I made them the previous turn. Leaving random gaps in my lines.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1- Make a large wall of maybe 8-10 units spanning as long as possible in water or land
2- Make long walls over and over and then end turn
3- At some point one of the walls you make that was connected the previous turn will not be connected seemingly at random


Browser version:
Chrome 131

Windows 11

Any other relevant information:
There are no enemies around the wall to goof it up and none of my units are to close to accidentally merge.
Is this a known problem or is there something I'm missing?

I've been able to replicate this problem at random in private servers by myself with no enemies around.

Happened in this game repeatedly to the player CrazyTrain while making walls with ships.
"If your opponent is of choleric temper, irritate him."
- Sun Tzu

Fire Rising

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