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16.08.2024 - 18:50
 Dave (Administrador)
Ever since he dropped out of the re-election campaign, I've been hearing so much glowing praise for Biden and what a "great" President he is. Nancy Pelosi even said he was a "Mt. Rushmore kind of President". What has he done to put himself on par with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt?

Hearing and reading all of this has been so confusing to me, like living in some alternate reality where the things I see with my own eyes and experience in my daily life are the opposite of what I'm being told. Imagine if one day all the TV networks and all the newspapers proclaimed that the sky is green and 1+1=3 -- that's the how I feel watching the coverage about Biden. And then you look around and see half the people out there nodding in agreement as if to say "yes, the sky is green and it's always been green, isn't that great?"

Still, it's enough to make you question your own sanity, even if for just a moment. So after hearing all this praise for Biden and being totally baffled by it, I thought to myself, "am I the one who's wrong? Did he really do great things and I just missed it somehow?"

In this context, I decided to make an honest, good-faith effort to find out what exactly the other side likes so much about this man. I went to the mainstream regime-controlled search engine (i.e. Google) and typed in "Biden accomplishments".

The first search result is something called "The Biden-Harris Record" at whitehouse.gov -- sounds like a pretty official, legit source of information to me. So I click it and find a list of "Top Accomplishments" -- nothing better than getting it directly from the source as to why they think they're so great, right?

The first accomplishment they cite is "Lowering Costs of Families' Everyday Expenses". They even have a fancy-looking infographic for it:

They cite a couple of things like lowering the cost of insulin and capping prescription drugs, blah blah blah. None of those apply to me so I don't know if that's true. All I know for sure is the cost of everything I buy has gone up tremendously -- food, groceries, gasoline, everything cost way more than ever before. I can't be the only one who's noticed this, but they say nothing about it. Am I.... crazy here? Does nobody else go to the grocery store?

2nd accomplishment: "More People Are Working Than At Any Point In American History".... I don't know but I'm going to assume that's true because there are also more people living in this country than at any point in American history. What matters is the percentage of those who want to work who can't find jobs. To this point they claim that unemployment is at the "historically low" rate of 3.5%, but I know this number is misleading because a lot of people who couldn't find work just gave up and stopped looking. Especially after the pandemic. A lot of people have ended up doing some combination of side hustles or working under the table, or just not working at all and living off others. I'm not an economist so I can't give you an estimate, but I'm pretty sure just from what I've seen that there are a LOT of people without jobs who just aren't being counted as unemployed anymore.

3rd accomplishment: "Making More in America" -- claims companies have "announced nearly $300 billion in manufacturing investments in the United States." I don't know anything about this so I'll pass on it, except to note that just because an investment has been announced does not mean it has actually occurred yet, nor does it mean those companies can't still change their minds. No exact numbers are given for how many new factories were built or how many actual jobs were created, so I view this claim with skepticism.

4th accomplishment: "Rescued the Economy and Changed the Course of the Pandemic" -- I call bullshit on that. Trump had already turned the economy around before he left office, in the sense that it was already starting to recover. Biden then comes towards the end of that and wants to take credit for the whole thing? Anyone who was paying attention at the time would know it was Trump who instituted several rounds of economic stimulus plans (whether you agree with his policies or not). Biden walked into office and literally didn't have to do anything but continue Trump's existing policies. (Although in other ways Biden made things considerably worse, primarily with his anti-drilling, anti-energy policies that quickly made the price of gas skyrocket and in large part triggered the massive inflation problem, which had not been a problem during the Trump years.)

5th accomplishment: "Rebuilding our Infrastructure" -- I agree with the need to rebuild our infrastructure, but I have not seen any progress made in the last 4 years. Maybe I'm wrong and Biden has built a ton of stuff somewhere else in the country, but where I live and work I haven't seen a damn thing.

6th accomplishment: "Historic Expansion of Benefits and Services for Toxic Exposed Veterans" -- I'm not a veteran so I don't know if this is true. I certainly hope it is and that we are taking care of our vets.

7th accomplishment: "The First Meaningful Gun Violence Reduction Legislation in 30 Years" -- I'm sorry but you can't reduce gun violence by legislation. You reduce gun violence by putting violent people in prison and keeping them there. You reduce gun violence by putting mentally ill people in hospitals and keeping them there. Show me the numbers for how much gun crimes have gone up or down since Biden's legislation, then we'll talk (since they don't tell you, I'm betting it hasn't gone down....)

8th accomplishment: "Protected Marriage for LGBTQI+ and Interracial Couples" -- okay fine. I thought that gay marriage already became a thing under Obama... I'm not sure what exactly Biden felt needed additional protection, but sure whatever.

9th accomplishment: "Historic Confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and Federal Judges of Diverse Backgrounds" -- in other words, we choose judges now primarily on the basis of their sex and/or skin color (isn't that the definition of racism?), rather than that silly old way we used to pick judges where we hired the most experienced, most qualified person regardless of what they looked like. DEI hires doesn't seem like a step forward to me. (What ever happened to MLK's line about judging people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character?)

10th accomplishment: "Rallied the World to Support Ukraine in Response to Putin's Aggression". This is a big topic but the short version is this: 1) it's pretty clear the U.S. had a definite role in provoking the war (you can debate what our motives were). 2) we've sent a LOT of money over to Ukraine, money that we could have better spent on our own people and problems. 3) A LOT of Ukrainians (and Russians too) are now dead while the war still goes on.

None of that sounds like a win to me.

11th accomplishment: "Strengthened Alliances and Partnerships to Deliver for the American People" -- mostly he's talking about strengthening NATO, which seems like more of a benefit to everyone else in NATO than to Americans. If China or Russia invaded the US tomorrow (not likely but just for sake of argument), I really don't see Finland or Sweden coming to save us. More likely the other way around.

12th accomplishment: "Successful Counterterrorism Missions Against the Leaders of Al Qaeda and ISIS" -- okay sure, killing terrorists is good, so I'll give Biden the win on this one. Then again, he did leave what, $80 billion-some-odd of military equipment behind in Afghanistan, which I'm pretty sure isn't going to any good guys....

13th accomplishment: "Executive Orders Protecting Reproductive Rights" -- I'll have to disagree on this one since I see abortion as morally wrong (with maybe a few very limited exceptions). But sure some people (not me) might see this as a win.

14th accomplishment: "Historic Student Debt Relief for Middle and Working Families" -- this pisses me off. I was such a dummy, I actually worked and paid my own way through college. If I had known that Biden would come a long 20 years later and just cancel those debts, why did I bother working so hard? This is a blatant attempt to buy the young college vote of today, but it's a slap in the face to those of us in the previous generation who worked so hard.

15th accomplishment: "Ending our Failed Approach to Marijuana" -- I've never used Marijuana and never will, so this is not particularly important to me, but as a libertarian-minded person I suppose in principle that Marijuana should be legalized everywhere. So that's fine and all.... but I do find the irony amusing that Harris, back when she was a DA, put so many people in prison for minor marijuana possession. I bet she doesn't want to mention that now!

16th accomplishment: "Advancing Equity and Racial Justice, Including Historic Criminal Justice Reform" -- all I know is that racial tensions/divides have gotten worse during Biden's time, not better. I'm really not sure what Biden thinks he did to make it "better".

17th accomplishment: "Delivering on the Most Aggressive Climate and Environmental Justice Agenda in American History" -- sounds like destroying our economy for no concrete benefit to the environment. Sounds like the environmentalists, the solar panel manufacturers, the wind turbine manufacturers, and who-knows who else are getting rich in the name of "saving the environment". I love the outdoors and I want clean air, clean water, etc... who wouldn't? But telling us all to drive electric cars and paying for carbon offsets doesn't seem like the answer.

18th accomplishment: "More People with Health Insurance than Ever Before" -- again there are also more people living in America than ever before... has the percentage changed? All I know is that health insurance is fucking expensive, and gets more and more expensive every year. And the coverage is shitty. My wife has actually started getting healthcare internationally because it's cheaper and the quality of service is better. The U.S. healthcare system is totally fucked -- not an accomplishment to be proud of.

So there you have it, direct from the source what Biden thinks are his greatest accomplishments. I'm sorry, I don't see any greatness here. I see a lot of bullshit, lies, and even if I give him 1 or 2 technical "wins" they are to do with issues that are really not that important in the grand scheme of things. What I see (and what's important to me) is that our economy is a total disaster and on the verge of collapse. I see a country that is no longer respected abroad. I see millions of people entering this country illegally with no vetting whatsoever. I was awake and paying attention between 2016-2020 and I remember things were so much better, not that long ago!

Tell me... what am I missing here?
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

19.08.2024 - 21:33
 Dave (Administrador)
Regarding the 2nd "accomplishment" pertaining to unemployment... I just heard another way that the employment numbers are misleading is that so many people are working multiple jobs now just to make ends meet. I know first-hand several people in this category. Does the government count it as 2 jobs "created" even if its only 1 person working both? (i think they do)

There's also the fact (which ties back to inflation) that real wages are down so much that people are forced to take multiple jobs just to pay for things.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

21.08.2024 - 21:42
Both parties corrupt both parties are trash... both have been busy filling there pockets by those companies lobbying on both sides and by making profits out of policy they approve ... Golden age of USA is gone....
22.08.2024 - 14:04
I think that there is one accomplishment that everyone can agree on.

He became president. It's truly a great accomplishment. It's even an accomplishment to be nominated for a 3rd party, so Biden has an amazing one under his belt.

I mean, how many people have become president? He is a member of a highly exclusive club.

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