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Publicações: 6   Visitado por: 29 users
06.12.2020 - 06:51
My map was decent and no bugs when I tested it. When I made a scenario of it the country colors overlap the background image. Is there a way to fix this??
06.12.2020 - 08:33
Escrito por Amapper, 06.12.2020 at 06:51

My map was decent and no bugs when I tested it. When I made a scenario of it the country colors overlap the background image. Is there a way to fix this??

you need to provide much more detailed information than this .. what is the map/scenario name .. take screenshots .. make it a little easier for us to help you .. follow this format to get the best possible help
06.12.2020 - 23:16
I don't know how to post images so i guess ima figure it out myself.
07.12.2020 - 05:17
Escrito por Amapper, 06.12.2020 at 23:16

I don't know how to post images so i guess ima figure it out myself.

Download lightshot from prnt.sc. Then save it and upload it to zippyimage. Put the link inside "[img][/img]" and thats how you can post images.
07.12.2020 - 10:06
Escrito por Amapper, 06.12.2020 at 06:51

My map was decent and no bugs when I tested it. When I made a scenario of it the country colors overlap the background image. Is there a way to fix this??

I think I do understand your question.

Step 1. Click the color:

Step 2. Shift the α-symbol, which is the opacity of the color, to 0,4 or 0,5.

Step 3. Submit changes in color menu to save the changes.

Step 4. Never forget to save the scenario itself as well before you leave the scenario editor.
10.12.2020 - 21:40
 Dave (Administrador)
Closing this since it's obviously not a bug... OP just didn't know how to set the opacity. Also next time please follow the correct format when submitting a bug report.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu


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