You can also address your questions to our valiant Mods here: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=18103
25.02.2015 - 19:15
support this, something that would make people want protocoins beyond simply for purchasing premium features. It would make it easier to get people to play tourneys with them as a reward. As well as ofc encouraiging ppl to spend money on the game.
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26.02.2015 - 03:09
1. Did you guys had the idea and develop it alone? Or there was anyone in the back supporting / giving ideas / giving monetary support or you guys payed someone for help you? It was always just the two of us, from the original idea to the actual implementation. 2. Did you guys had any problem with the servers and hosting back at that time? We didn't really think about scalability back then. Our very first server was a very simple & cheap shared web hosting. It obviously required an upgrade really quickly. 3. WHY SILVERLIGHT? I know by the faq about why no above or html back them, but did you guys ever consider java or C++ or visual studio or Codeblocks? (I probably don't know much about programming, I am still studying...). Silverlight was just about the only suitable web platform back then. I still think it's great, but the world had since moved on from proprietary to more open stuff (HTML). Which, in retrospective, was inevitable, but still kind of sad. HTML had gone a long way since we've started our game, but it's still a horrible mess in my opinion. Also, did you guys saw Silverlight somewhere or someone told you guys to try Silverlight or "How" did you guys meet Silverlight? I don't know if I made the question right... Can't remember it now. I was doing a research on the best suitable platform for our game and briefly considered Flash and even Java, but settled on Silverlight in the end, as it is just superior. To Amok: Were you fan of any game back at that time? Turn-based strategy games like Heroes of Might & Magic, Civilization, Risk. Certainly a lot of the inspiration comes from them.
26.02.2015 - 05:07
Well, if we manage to think of something to sell, without resorting to pay-to-win.
26.02.2015 - 05:11
For small bits we would probably spend more time preparing the ground and explaining things, than if we just coded them ourselves. I don't think there are any truly separate modules in atWar, everything is very inter-connected.
26.02.2015 - 05:16
Yes, Finnish education is awesome, though it's been showing some cracks lately. I have no idea about how good/bad Estonian education is. My own experience is now 17 years out of date. Back then the schools were much closer to the Russian system of education, which they inherited from Soviet Union.
26.02.2015 - 09:52
It doesn't have to be anything game changing. Just try adding in simple things that players have suggested, for example: hats and the ability to save old usernames. Also, if you want further suggestions, you could: -Allow players to only play with certain colors if they unlock the color with a small protocoin purchase (eg: black, rainbow, stripes, polka-dot) -Allow the selection of a custom rank icon to go on your shield instead of the default(will reset back to default once you rank up) -Allow non-premium members to rent a general using PC for one week, two weeks, or a month -Allow the ability to pause any quick game the player is currently playing in for 2 minutes once per day(a pause feature was proposed by players in another thread, but it could be abuse-able, but a 2 minute feature once a day that requires a PC use to use may be a good compromise) -Allow players the ability to buy different text colors to be used in game chat(I propose limiting the colors to a few non-orange shades and keeping it to game chat because it could cause confusion elsewhere) Anyways, these are just a few examples that I came up with off the top of my head, and I am sure you could come up with more if you pulled the rest of the community together to help brainstorm new ideas in another thread.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
26.02.2015 - 10:09
good suggestions blondie ![]()
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26.02.2015 - 11:25
For Ivan or Amok, Can you tell me how looks logo of rank 14 in this game? I saw somewhere rank 15 is 3 stars, but have no idea about r14.
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26.02.2015 - 14:38
Http://prntscr.com/6a7ilw the below image is recent and occured today ![]() It see the casual games bug is not fix, why does a 0 alliance game change to 3 without voting to change? My Friend, Bounty also made A FFA tournament in casual game but was altered to 3 alliance when h also put lock setting. so he cancel the game, now no one can get the $34 worth of premium protocoin.
---- Hi
26.02.2015 - 14:42
I believe this has been fixed in the latest update (today). This only happened after a service restart.
26.02.2015 - 14:45
![]() ![]()
26.02.2015 - 15:48
Rank 14 looks amazing. I highly doubt anybody will like the rank 15 though as just about everybody finds rank 10 ugly. There have been a lot of suggestions since you guys started working on HTML5. Have you guys taken notice to these suggestions (both big and small) and are these suggestions going to be implemented in HTML5? Or is it going to be an exact copy of this game? (As far as mechanics, CW system, elo, exc go)
26.02.2015 - 16:12
how much sp is needed for rank 14
---- Hi
26.02.2015 - 16:12
26.02.2015 - 17:00
Question to amok: Could I please have a trophy for being the most delicious talking waffel in this game <3? I kept losing tournaments at #2 or #3 and 2 tournaments died which I never got trophy from >:( ;cry;cry; ?!?!? Oh + ''#'' Is a waffle sign, could that be infront of my name <3 if not to much asked pleaseee D:?
26.02.2015 - 17:18
We're mostly just converting current version into HTML5, with a few small alterations where convenient. Nothing too ambitions though, the main concern right now is to get it working and ready for testing.
26.02.2015 - 17:19
It's not programmed in yet.
26.02.2015 - 18:52
Mod elections are already over. You have wasted your chance, try again next time. ![]()
27.02.2015 - 05:22
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27.02.2015 - 06:20
Is MY trophy..... NOT your. MY trophy.... NOT your. MY NOT. Understand? Ivan AND Amok have you guys hear about DOMINCAIN REPUBLIC? WE ARE THE BEST COUNTRY EVERRRRR HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY FOLKS!!!!
27.02.2015 - 08:49
Take it from a past mod, you are absolutely insane if you want to be mod.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
28.02.2015 - 04:30
A question for either in regards turnblocking. Say if my enemy had 20 units. As a first move i send a 1 unit tb. Then i complete another bunch of moves and send 6 units at the 20 stack, and then i add another 3 units from elsewhere making 10 overall. Whats my tb %? is the % chance from the first tb attempt the only one thats calculated? (what i believe happens) do the tb % sum up? or are all 10 units calculated as a first priority move?
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28.02.2015 - 14:45
So you guys plan to add better touch interface to the game to tablet players and those with touch screen monitors?
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28.02.2015 - 14:47
I have a question. why cant u use proto coins to by upgrades. instead of having to play 23,000 games to get the upgrades?
01.03.2015 - 04:52
We only play when testing things.
01.03.2015 - 04:52
01.03.2015 - 04:56
Finish HTML5, do some promotion, make the game bigger. That sort of thing. Would be nice if we're able to concentrate on the game full time, without having to worry about other sources of income.
01.03.2015 - 05:02
I don't remember all the specifics of this mechanic, and mostly it was Amok's responsibility. However, what I think happens is that movements by all players are resolved in the same order they were made. So, there's a sort of a queue of movements - they are resolved randomly, but always in the same order. Let's say we have 10 players - so, the first roll is between their 10 first movements. One is selected randomly and executed. Now we 9 first movements and one second movement - again, one is taken randomly. If a particular player is particularly lucky, he might have 2 or 3 of his movements executed, while other players are still at their first movement. So that's how it works. There's no %, just order and random rolls.
01.03.2015 - 05:16
01.03.2015 - 05:17
Because that would make the game "pay to win", and we're trying to avoid that.
01.03.2015 - 06:50
To Amok: Do you think there was any previous situation that made you want to make this kind-of game? For example, I've read that Ivan was already admin of another page, and he wanted something bigger and funnier.. but what about you? Was you a programmer back at that time? Was you working or studying? Did you had previous experience with administrating/coding a website/game? Any curious situation that made you want to do this? :p To both: Who decides who is the programmer and who is the designer? ![]()
01.03.2015 - 07:48
Can map maker have a way for preset allaiance but no team, for example) Nazi germany and japan have preset allaince, while some other country doesn't have a pre-set allaince but you still can make alliance. And USA and germany can't ally or german can't ally russia but peace for 4 turn.. for Pre-world war II era games.
---- Hi
01.03.2015 - 08:00
Another request is a built- in tournament system for at-war.. with a challonge-style ladder with it. and whoever wins their games ( in their tournament room) is automactically moved up. Also the setting can be present like it's a unchangable map or if it's 4 min or it's no upgrade match. or a combination of a few. similarily to a clan war , 2 diffrent player can have a option to change the setting if the tounament host made it changable. .
---- Hi
01.03.2015 - 08:31
Our skills and specialization decide. Amok is a better and more experienced programmer, and I'm better at handling design, interfaces and that sort of stuff.
01.03.2015 - 08:36
We're seriously moving away from "Ask anything" into the "Suggest anything" territory, but I'm going to reply to these two. Preset alliances is a useful thing, so we'll try to provide this option for map-makers. Whenever we manage to find time for it - for such a seemingly simple thing, it can be surprisingly complicated and time-consuming. Built-in tournaments would be awesome to have, but it's a massive effort, especially if we want them to be flexible enough to please everyone. For now they'll just have to be community-organized, I'm afraid.
01.03.2015 - 09:40
I was working for the game dev shop at the time, but the games we did were mostly generic casual Flash/Flex stuff, so it didn't really influence me. It's all to do with me an Ivan being big fans of this particular game genre.
Soldier001 Conta apagada |
01.03.2015 - 09:56 Soldier001 Conta apagada
When will seasonal elo for duels be introduced ?
Chocobanalol_deleted Conta apagada |
01.03.2015 - 15:35 Chocobanalol_deleted Conta apagada
I've got one: Stop wasting months on the completely unnecessary HTML5 version and implement a tournament system and/or rated team games. I can't follow your line of reasoning Ivan/Amok: The whole thing with HTML5 is to get more players right? Maybe instead of focusing on something that does absolutely nothing for the players who were loyal to your game for years, you could just follow the suggestion (from 2011 btw.: that makes 3,5 years, just saying) and strengthen the competitive part of the game. I seriously considered you two guy cool in the past, but I don't get whats wrong with you, really. You're slowly destroying your game and it makes absolutely no sense. And don't tell me this 'hurr player number still growing' shit again, because this says absolutely nothing about the loyalty of this would-be-rank2s. On the other hand: If this would take even more time than the HTML5 version then keep doing what you're doing. Maybe in 2017 I will check in again for the new forum design or some other useless stuff. Not even hating I just don't understand your way of setting priorities. Cheers, CowlumnaDurrruti.
01.03.2015 - 16:40
It's already here, just not displayed yet. Will arrange this tomorrow.
SaltyDog Conta apagada |
01.03.2015 - 23:00 SaltyDog Conta apagada
I have a GREAT idea for a new world map/scenario, but I need to be able to make the max parameters for attack, defend, range....etc. a bit higher than what's allowed on a few units to make it work. Is there a way to remove the max parameters for attack, defend, range....etc. on ALL units on a standard world map?
02.03.2015 - 09:53
Here are the three crucial reasons why we're doing an HTML5 version, even though we're reasonably happy with the Silverlight one: 1. Silverlight is dying. Microsoft has abandoned it and dropped all support for it. We don't want atWar to die with it. 2. Installing SL is an additional step many are not willing or are not able to make. SL doesn't run on Linux and is buggy on Mac. Many users are experiencing weird crashes and empty black screen. 3. We need to bring the game to phones and tablets, which are increasingly more popular for gaming. This is not possible with SL. Having a built-in tournament system is cool, but can hardly compare in terms of urgency.
02.03.2015 - 10:37
Amok why u ignooring my question!?
02.03.2015 - 11:03
well what is the sp limit for rank 14??? ppls r rank 13 from years now....we ned new rank
02.03.2015 - 12:01
The wise Greeks have a saying, it goes like "Ever since the apology was created, the "philotimo" got lost".Offcourse a direct translation for the word "philotimo" doesnt exist in english, because well, Greek language has over 5 million words and English no more than 200 thousand, but in your situation it can translate to "Just because you say you are sorry, doesnt mean you get to ask stupid questions. Its already been answered blondie, look it up.
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Chocobanalol Conta apagada |
03.03.2015 - 02:31 Chocobanalol Conta apagada
I see, thanks for clarifying. Obviously I can only argue from my perspective as a competitive player and I still see huge potential in this game, I always did so, it's just that the introduction of scenarios and now the ongoing development of the HMTL5 version seem to take such a huge amount of time that could be equally well spent on implementing more competitive aspects into the game. Your reasoning seems sound though, and since you implemented ELO for duels and clan-wars, which was always one of my goals, I must admit I'm satisfied at where things are heading, just the pace is driving me mad. (No offense, I know you're doing the best you can.) So instead of harassing you guys I might as well go into hibernation again. Hopefully we will see rated team-games and improved turn-blocks in the future, this will be the point where I will come back, since of course this game in itself is still totally awesome. Cheers, Cow.
04.03.2015 - 06:38
Thanks for the questions everyone. We're going to close this session now, until next time. Cheers!
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