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03.08.2011 - 14:26
The room is dark. You clasp your flashlight tighter, bringing it up to the room. Above you, wood is creaking in the night; a faint murmur, low and never-ending, is all around. As ghostly whispers of words long forgotten arise from below, you take a step into the room. Moonlight breaks through the thin curtains, illuminating the hidden for your sight. Dust hangs in the air. A map of the lands lost to memory adorns the wall, a wooden table before it. Papers and documents litter the table, speaking of wars and rebellions of which Man is not permitted entrance.

It is then you see it. The pendant, lying on the table. You drop your torch, sprinting to the table.

It is gone. You search all around, but it has disappeared. The floorboards creak. You swing around. The torch blinds you. There are figures at the doors. Black, silhouettes. A haunting chant deafens you. This is the end, you realise. This is all you will ever know.

But then, they stop, vanishing. A book drops from the roof, hitting the table. It is then your questions are answered. You open the tome.

The enlightened ones are few. Their light shines through the ages, creating a world devoid of struggle and hardship. But elsewhere, the others, the forgotten many, wreck their work, howling in anger and beginning the warcry. From their lost city, Ughu'a, they craft their tools and weapons to bring an end to this universe, to bring an end to all that is life. The enlightened ones know their destiny, to die fighting the evils of savagery championed by the many, for the only way this eternity may be spared of a terrible fate is through combat.

They begin their quest. Many battles are fought, through mountain, hill and sea. Ships, grand and magnificent, are lost; brave soldiers of heaven die defending bastions of freedom, of hope. However, their attacks are strong and their wills enduring. The steel behemoths, the quiet assassin, they all break through the barricades, the walls, driving forth onto victory. The lands of the many are doomed unto a fate at the sword, for the enlightened are not held back. The Enlightenment may never end.

All men face a choice. They begin as forgotten, pawns of a collective thought that destroys the work of the enlightened. But, as they progress and continue through blood and consequence, they come to realise their decision; face doom as the many or fight as the few. The path to the few is hard, marred by scars of defeat, but these same scars remind of past mistakes and prevent their occurrence anew. To become the few, the many must be defeated. You must escape the death of the forgotten, to be forged a sword of cunning and fight for the victory at hand.

The clock strikes. This is your time. What fate do you choose?

If you seek enlightenment, follow this path. If you are a lesser man, stay put.


You seek to encounter the few. But hark, your journey will be arduous, for meetings with the Enlightened prove rare. Yet, you remain steadfast; you must seek Enlightenment, or be reduced to putty in the hands of hellfire forevermore.

After many months, you travel to the Land, the Land of Enlightenment. Scars of the dark past, where mere men walked the land, lie about; however, the full glory of Enlightenment shines in an eternal bastion on Mount Eterna. On Eterna, your questions, your demands and your hopes shall be answered, for the few see you, and know of your wants. It rests in their power to enlighten or to condemn, condemn you to a life awaiting the inevitable fiery demise that all Mankind is promised.

On Mount Eterna, you turn your gaze, for the brightness of the bastion blinds you. The building radiates a force, a force of such strength it throws you on your back. In front of you, in the distance, a rip in the fabric of time itself opens, and from its golden swirl of energy walks a silhouette, surrounded by the weapons of war and clasping an ancient scroll in his hand.

You run, desperate to meet this immortal and beg him for enlightenment.


You journey through the sands of time, through its dark recesses, through its shadowy caverns, to meet the immortal. On the moment of your meeting, a burning pulse of light bursts forth from him, and he throws opens his arms into a grand embrace.

"What do thy seek?", he shouts, his voice shaking the very knell you stand upon.

"I seek enlightenment, liberation from the many and the breaking of these shackles that clasp my wrists, that imprison myself," you reply, bowing your head in sheer awe of his power.

"Come," he says. "Through many moons, through glorious victory and crushing defeat, you must continue onward. You will encounter iron behemoths, that storm across the snowy wastes like locusts; death from above, brought by fiery steel; and unseen enemies who strike with an eagle's eye. Only then, when these threats have been conquered and driven back, will you claim your prize at the hand of Enlightenment."


The Enlightenment is no more now. The acts and deeds of a mysterious dark force, weaving its way through the hearts of mortal men like a twisting nether, has engulfed the dawn of its message, leaving only fiery blackness in its wake. As we await the definitive judgement from the remnants of the Few, regardless of their nature, an annual mourning shall be called upon this month, that of October, to commemorate the defeat of the Enlightenment to the Satanic forces moments before its victory.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
03.08.2011 - 14:51
TL:DR. Umad?
03.08.2011 - 14:54
Too much marijuana mate.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
05.08.2011 - 06:58
Actually this is good writing. I enjoyed the read, thanks.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
05.08.2011 - 13:31
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
05.08.2011 - 21:05
The Age of Enlightenment (or simply the Enlightenment or Age of Reason) was an elite cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th century Europe that sought to mobilize the power of reason in order to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in Church and state. Originating about 1650-1700, it was sparked by philosophers Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), John Locke (1632-1704), and Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) and by mathematician Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Ruling princes often endorsed and fostered Enlightenment figures and even attempted to apply their ideas of government. The Enlightenment flourished until about 1790-1800, after which the emphasis on reason gave way to Romanticism's emphasis on emotion and a Counter-Enlightenment gained force.
24.08.2011 - 16:19
You seek to encounter the few. But hark, your journey will be arduous, for meetings with the Enlightened prove rare. Yet, you remain steadfast; you must seek Enlightenment, or be reduced to putty in the hands of hellfire forevermore.

After many months, you travel to the Land, the Land of Enlightenment. Scars of the dark past, where mere men walked the land, lie about; however, the full glory of Enlightenment shines in an eternal bastion on Mount Eterna. On Eterna, your questions, your demands and your hopes shall be answered, for the few see you, and know of your wants. It rests in their power to enlighten or to condemn, condemn you to a life awaiting the inevitable fiery demise that all Mankind is promised.

On Mount Eterna, you turn your gaze, for the brightness of the bastion blinds you. The building radiates a force, a force of such strength it throws you on your back. In front of you, in the distance, a rip in the fabric of time itself opens, and from its golden swirl of energy walks a silhouette, surrounded by the weapons of war and clasping an ancient scroll in his hand.

You run, desperate to meet this immortal and beg him for enlightenment.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
24.08.2011 - 20:31
Escrito por Vafika, 05.08.2011 at 21:05

The Age of Enlightenment (or simply the Enlightenment or Age of Reason) was an elite cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th century Europe that sought to mobilize the power of reason in order to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in Church and state. Originating about 1650-1700, it was sparked by philosophers Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), John Locke (1632-1704), and Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) and by mathematician Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Ruling princes often endorsed and fostered Enlightenment figures and even attempted to apply their ideas of government. The Enlightenment flourished until about 1790-1800, after which the emphasis on reason gave way to Romanticism's emphasis on emotion and a Counter-Enlightenment gained force.

thx for the useless piece of common information vafika
I was banned for your sins

VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
09.09.2011 - 17:30
Escrito por VAGlNEER 2.0, 24.08.2011 at 20:31

Escrito por Vafika, 05.08.2011 at 21:05

The Age of Enlightenment (or simply the Enlightenment or Age of Reason) was an elite cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th century Europe that sought to mobilize the power of reason in order to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in Church and state. Originating about 1650-1700, it was sparked by philosophers Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), John Locke (1632-1704), and Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) and by mathematician Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Ruling princes often endorsed and fostered Enlightenment figures and even attempted to apply their ideas of government. The Enlightenment flourished until about 1790-1800, after which the emphasis on reason gave way to Romanticism's emphasis on emotion and a Counter-Enlightenment gained force.

thx for the useless piece of common information vafika

09.09.2011 - 20:39
Escrito por Garde, 09.09.2011 at 17:30

Escrito por VAGlNEER 2.0, 24.08.2011 at 20:31

Escrito por Vafika, 05.08.2011 at 21:05

The Age of Enlightenment (or simply the Enlightenment or Age of Reason) was an elite cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th century Europe that sought to mobilize the power of reason in order to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in Church and state. Originating about 1650-1700, it was sparked by philosophers Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), John Locke (1632-1704), and Pierre Bayle (1647-1706) and by mathematician Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Ruling princes often endorsed and fostered Enlightenment figures and even attempted to apply their ideas of government. The Enlightenment flourished until about 1790-1800, after which the emphasis on reason gave way to Romanticism's emphasis on emotion and a Counter-Enlightenment gained force.

thx for the useless piece of common information vafika


quite the intelligent response, gardevoir
I was banned for your sins

VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
09.09.2011 - 20:57
Both of you knock off these pointless posts please. There is no need to reply to this post.
16.09.2011 - 15:54
You journey through the sands of time, through its dark recesses, through its shadowy caverns, to meet the immortal. On the moment of your meeting, a burning pulse of light bursts forth from him, and he throws opens his arms into a grand embrace.

"What do thy seek?", he shouts, his voice shaking the very knell you stand upon.

"I seek enlightenment, liberation from the many and the breaking of these shackles that clasp my wrists, that imprison myself," you reply, bowing your head in sheer awe of his power.

"Come," he says. "Through many moons, through glorious victory and crushing defeat, you must continue onward. You will encounter iron behemoths, that storm across the snowy wastes like locusts; death from above, brought by fiery steel; and unseen enemies who strike with an eagle's eye. Only then, when these threats have been conquered and driven back, will you claim your prize at the hand of Enlightenment."
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.
21.10.2011 - 18:41
The Enlightenment is no more now. The acts and deeds of a mysterious dark force, weaving its way through the hearts of mortal men like a twisting nether, has engulfed the dawn of its message, leaving only fiery blackness in its wake. As we await the definitive judgement from the remnants of the Few, regardless of their nature, an annual mourning shall be called upon this month, that of October, to commemorate the defeat of the Enlightenment to the Satanic forces moments before its victory.
Dinner. The imprisonment of arachnids.

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