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Publicações: 11   Visitado por: 36 users
26.04.2014 - 01:05
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Has this been happening to anyone else? When I try to buy premium it gives me "Temporary connection problem. Please contact Xsolla support if the error occurs again." I contacted Xsolla support and awaiting a reply so has this been occurring for anyone else?
28.04.2014 - 18:25
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Escrito por Guest, 26.04.2014 at 01:05

Has this been happening to anyone else? When I try to buy premium it gives me "Temporary connection problem. Please contact Xsolla support if the error occurs again." I contacted Xsolla support and awaiting a reply so has this been occurring for anyone else?

It happened to me, but it doesn't anymore
29.04.2014 - 01:46
Black Shark
Conta apagada
Escrito por Guest, 28.04.2014 at 18:25

Escrito por Guest, 26.04.2014 at 01:05

Has this been happening to anyone else? When I try to buy premium it gives me "Temporary connection problem. Please contact Xsolla support if the error occurs again." I contacted Xsolla support and awaiting a reply so has this been occurring for anyone else?

It happened to me, but it doesn't anymore
Then why don't you have prem?
29.04.2014 - 01:46
Black Shark
Conta apagada
Escrito por Guest, 26.04.2014 at 01:05

Has this been happening to anyone else? When I try to buy premium it gives me "Temporary connection problem. Please contact Xsolla support if the error occurs again." I contacted Xsolla support and awaiting a reply so has this been occurring for anyone else?
You have prem, is the problem fixed?
29.04.2014 - 03:02
Conta apagada
Escrito por Guest, 29.04.2014 at 01:46

Escrito por Guest, 26.04.2014 at 01:05

Has this been happening to anyone else? When I try to buy premium it gives me "Temporary connection problem. Please contact Xsolla support if the error occurs again." I contacted Xsolla support and awaiting a reply so has this been occurring for anyone else?
You have prem, is the problem fixed?

Yeah, I contacted one of the developers and they fixed it.
29.04.2014 - 03:14
 Amok (Administrador)
Sorry guys, forgot to let you all know. The problem is officially fixed now.
29.04.2014 - 13:09
Black Shark
Conta apagada
Escrito por Amok, 29.04.2014 at 03:14

Sorry guys, forgot to let you all know. The problem is officially fixed now.
You forgot to close the thread. Nub
30.04.2014 - 02:58
 Amok (Administrador)
Escrito por Guest, 29.04.2014 at 13:09

You forgot to close the thread. Nub

Why would I close it? Let it be!
30.04.2014 - 04:02
Black Shark
Conta apagada
Escrito por Amok, 30.04.2014 at 02:58

Escrito por Guest, 29.04.2014 at 13:09

You forgot to close the thread. Nub

Why would I close it? Let it be!
Silly nub, there is no point for this thread other than me calling you nub
30.04.2014 - 16:04
Escrito por Guest, 30.04.2014 at 04:02

Escrito por Amok, 30.04.2014 at 02:58

Escrito por Guest, 29.04.2014 at 13:09

You forgot to close the thread. Nub

Why would I close it? Let it be!
Silly nub, there is no point for this thread other than me calling you nub

He might be pro. Game creator knows your move and play if you 1vs1 him. You're GG
30.04.2014 - 23:33
Black Shark
Conta apagada
Escrito por Htin, 30.04.2014 at 16:04

Escrito por Guest, 30.04.2014 at 04:02

Escrito por Amok, 30.04.2014 at 02:58

Escrito por Guest, 29.04.2014 at 13:09

You forgot to close the thread. Nub

Why would I close it? Let it be!
Silly nub, there is no point for this thread other than me calling you nub

He might be pro. Game creator knows your move and play if you 1vs1 him. You're GG
Nah, he's noob.

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