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28.09.2013 - 18:13
This thread concerns the recent "evolution threads".

For starters, everyone please, for the sake of rationality and reason, stop this nonsense of blaming everything on the mods and the admins. And if you think I'm doing this to please them, you're wrong. You're all in the wrong on this matter, and it's extremely enraging to see nonstop illogical threads strictly for bashing without actually proposing anything worthwhile. Not one thread with an alternative to your so-called "dilemma".

I'll tell you what the problem is, the really big problem. The community. Yep, the community. You all (not all ofc) feel you're entitled to something. It's not your game, so stop insisting it is. Now I'm not saying it's the community's fault that the there aren't as many implementations of community ideas or anything like that, but you're creating problems that do not exist. Yes, there are a few things that should have been implemented or looked at more profoundly on the part of the admins, but you can't expect perfection or expect everything you want all the time. You're entitled to nothing. It's their game and they'll do as they please with it.

I joined in April 2011 and this thing of "AW is dying" has been around since that time. The same statements, the same bitching, the same nonsense. Now there are a few who have proposed good alternatives to the dilemma that some claim to be present. Such as Cow who has persisted continuously the implementation of rated team games, elo ranks and so on. There's also been Desu with his re-vamped coalition system idea. And there have been many others as well.

Here are their ideas, which I strongly believe would help make a difference in the popularization of the competitive class. Unfortunately I couldn't find Cow's rated team game thread. However I did find his elo stimuli one.

Cow: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=7002

Desu: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=9657

Everyone needs to calm down on the whole UN thing. It's a game. It doesn't have to be the way you like it. If custom maps and scenarios is what sells, the admins will favor those types of games. It's just the way it is. (The way business works xa)

Stop blaming the mods for being mods. They are mods. (yes that is my argument). If you've been muted or warned or banned. You deserved it. Stop bitching for God sakes. I've been muted several times, and I know for a fact I deserved it. (although global humor should be looked at as a form of entertainment rather than something to be disciplined. But of course, I understand the surrounding factors)

Here's what can be done.
1) Favor competitive matches, maps, games over custom maps and scenarios. Not on the business aspect, but it would be best to direct new players to these types of games to increase skill and competition.
2) Add rated team games. (cow suggestion)
3) Add Desu's coalition system
4) And lastly, to the admins, I know you are much involved in this game and dedicated to making it better. Contrarily to EVERYONE ELSE who thinks they don't read threads and consider them. My only suggestion would be to give insight on the upcoming implementations every 2-3 weeks or so. This alone will make players excited for what's coming next rather than being left in the dark on the matter.

As a community, we should be thanking the admins and the mods for their work, not bashing them. Sure occasional criticism is needed, but this constant negativity doesn't make our community flourish.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
28.09.2013 - 18:50
People need to be told when they are wrong. Bashing on people is just another way to do it, if less constructive. If voices aren't heard, they only grow louder.

Doubt this thread was needed, since you could have just replied on one of the other 10 threads about the same subject.
28.09.2013 - 19:42
Escrito por Desu, 28.09.2013 at 18:50

People need to be told when they are wrong. Bashing on people is just another way to do it, if less constructive. If voices aren't heard, they only grow louder.

Doubt this thread was needed, since you could have just replied on one of the other 10 threads about the same subject.

I disagree, people are labeling them wrong. There are better ways to bring change than to bash. I understand voices need to be heard. Doing it this way is much more polite and efficient. Bashing doesn't make one look too good. It's best to bring arguments and propositions in a polite way.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
28.09.2013 - 20:14
Bashing definitely doesn't work.

And there were several carefully worded threads with reasonable suggestions that didn't work either. That doesn't mean the admins aren't looking, that they don't care, just means that they have bigger things they're working on. If we all tried to understand each other, the community as a whole would be oh so much better. But that is utopia.

On that topic, the community in this game sucks. I really would like to know what makes me want to murder someone when something shitty happens - i.e. I'm winning and then I disconnect; when I'm losing because of crappy connection or even when people join up and gang bang me - and why I feel the need to brag and boast when I'm winning. The game AtWar was based on - Risk - is a game known to make people want to murder each other. It has destroyed marriages and several people have fallen into depression, alcoholism or worse - Monopoly - but it's a game style that makes people want to sell drugs to kids.

Get that mentality with the ability to call someone a fag and not be punched in the face and the result is this community.

(I'd like to understand why Starcraft II free for alls don't all turn to massive death threats)
Escrito por Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
28.09.2013 - 20:23
Escrito por notserral, 28.09.2013 at 20:14

Bashing definitely doesn't work.

And there were several carefully worded threads with reasonable suggestions that didn't work either. That doesn't mean the admins aren't looking, that they don't care, just means that they have bigger things they're working on. If we all tried to understand each other, the community as a whole would be oh so much better. But that is utopia.

On that topic, the community in this game sucks. I really would like to know what makes me want to murder someone when something shitty happens - i.e. I'm winning and then I disconnect; when I'm losing because of crappy connection or even when people join up and gang bang me - and why I feel the need to brag and boast when I'm winning. The game AtWar was based on - Risk - is a game known to make people want to murder each other. It has destroyed marriages and several people have fallen into depression, alcoholism or worse - Monopoly - but it's a game style that makes people want to sell drugs to kids.

Get that mentality with the ability to call someone a fag and not be punched in the face and the result is this community.

(I'd like to understand why Starcraft II free for alls don't all turn to massive death threats)

I agree, in no other games have I cried when my great empire came tumbling down due to backstabbing.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
28.09.2013 - 22:50
Escrito por notserral, 28.09.2013 at 20:14

Bashing definitely doesn't work.

totally agree.

Escrito por notserral, 28.09.2013 at 20:14

And there were several carefully worded threads with reasonable suggestions that didn't work either.

also agree.
so what else is there?

Escrito por notserral, 28.09.2013 at 20:14

That doesn't mean the admins aren't looking, that they don't care, just means that they have bigger things they're working on.

i dont care what it means and i dont care what they are working on.That is their problem.My problem is they getting my money and my valuable time and they dont even have the decency to reply to a 4 page thread and/or others that followed,suported by almost all the community (except king tophats).This is unacceptable.I feel cheated,because i spend all my time to a game and they let it die.I could have spend that time making money or
having sex.Not everything is admins its a trio admins-mods-community.But change comes from the top.

Im quoting you on purpuse because i respect you.With tophats i wont even bother, he lost all respect from me when he tried to make us all look bad except his 2 friends.And he can still rule his kingdom in the future,problem is he will have only peasants and no knights.
29.09.2013 - 00:47
Guys all of you stop arguing from this crap. you are the fucking idols of atwar. what will the nubs think now? what will i think when the pro's are going mad? who's left to make this game good. the only people decent enough to try t0 save atwar not by these crap threads is spectator. tunder, hdrakon although they are band, are still trying to save atwar! i give them my utmost respect and to muted of course and all the others. so stop being mad and try to actually save the community!!!!!
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

29.09.2013 - 06:06
I do think that aw's competitive is dying. Lot of players have left and there are no new competitive players to replace them, or maybe only a few who are not so competitive anyway. I do think that admins should reply more on why they think a suggestion is good or bad and I do think they should implement the many great suggestions that have been suggested by the community to help aw get its competitive side back. HOWEVER, I do agree with tophats, I don't think the right way is to create all these topics about "revolution" and stupid stuff like that. Think about it, if you were an admin, would you care more if the community is just bashing you even though all the time and effort you put into creating a game as good as aw? At least I wouldn't. I am pretty sure they already understand where we are coming from, so no need to further bash them. We should let the mods contact the admins and make them look at all the good ideas that have been suggested. Giving all the reasons why these should be implemented in the game. If they don't agree, that's their thought, and we need to try to convince them until they do it. But not by bashing them.
29.09.2013 - 06:54
I agree with khalesi

hi tophats you are not going to be mathdino v.2.0 so cut it

you are among the trolls who bash low ranks calling them noobs + spamming global with abomination when mods are not online in game and when they are online pretend to be nice and respectful guy
i canot take you serious asskisser
29.09.2013 - 08:47
Escrito por Milkyy, 29.09.2013 at 06:06

I don't think the right way is to create all these topics about "revolution" and stupid stuff like that.

If you even had time to read all of the revolution topic, you will be able to come to a understanding that the whole thing is a suggestion to implement some way of punishment to people that leave a game within 5 turns.

But of course, you didn't read it and just entitle yourself to bash it.
29.09.2013 - 09:28
Escrito por The Taliban, 29.09.2013 at 08:47

Escrito por Milkyy, 29.09.2013 at 06:06

I don't think the right way is to create all these topics about "revolution" and stupid stuff like that.

If you even had time to read all of the revolution topic, you will be able to come to a understanding that the whole thing is a suggestion to implement some way of punishment to people that leave a game within 5 turns.

But of course, you didn't read it and just entitle yourself to bash it.

I did read it... I was referring to calling them 'revolution'. You might have some idea, just write it out formally, but if you start writing revolution, it won't be taken seriously by the admins, in my opinion. Plus they weren't ONLY about punishing leavers...
29.09.2013 - 11:07
Ld. Dark Knight
Conta apagada
I agreed with both Tophat's and Pulse's posts. I also lold when Khal agreed to Pulse's "Bashing never works". Such hypocrisy. Anyways, even if the community does get better there's always bound to be one that ruins it for all of us. This is why the moderating system is in place to keep them in their place (even if they do keep coming back with alts and troll/bash/flame others xa).
29.09.2013 - 14:33
Escrito por Khal.eesi, 28.09.2013 at 22:50

Escrito por notserral, 28.09.2013 at 20:14

That doesn't mean the admins aren't looking, that they don't care, just means that they have bigger things they're working on.

i dont care what it means and i dont care what they are working on.That is their problem.My problem is they getting my money and my valuable time and they dont even have the decency to reply to a 4 page thread and/or others that followed,suported by almost all the community (except king tophats).This is unacceptable.I feel cheated,because i spend all my time to a game and they let it die.I could have spend that time making money or
having sex.Not everything is admins its a trio admins-mods-community.But change comes from the top.

Im quoting you on purpuse because i respect you.With tophats i wont even bother, he lost all respect from me when he tried to make us all look bad except his 2 friends.And he can still rule his kingdom in the future,problem is he will have only peasants and no knights.

You're not alone feeling that way. Mods are players too and I'd love to see more frequent updates (or at least a change in the competitive scene).

I've made some suggestions to Amok and Ivan in the past that were accepted, and suggestions that weren't, so I'm guessing it's a question of what they think is best for the game versus what I think is best.
Escrito por Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
29.09.2013 - 15:22
Im getting tired of Big Brother mods getting involved in discussions.

As I said, why do we have an ignore feature? To ignore people. Whats wrong with political discussion in Room chat? Whast wrong with insulting one another or joking around? all these people reporting merely want to get others into trouble or people with hurt ''feelings.'' There is an ignore feature. Why do mods need to intervene in personal or discussive matters.

A player recently insulted me and I insulted them back. That player reported me and I was punished. How is that even fair? And why does a mod need to even get involved? Other people mgiht see it? SO what. Just ''Ignore'' me and I go away.

I'm a TV Channel. You have a choice to listen or watch me. If you don't like me, you cna turn me off. I don't sneak in by the backdoor or make new accounts. I have one account, I am one channel. If you don't like it, you can mute it. Why is a mod needed because they are so incompetant that they can't press button.

So many problems between players would be solved if Mods stopped muting and banning for minor things.

I abuse global? You can ignore me. Though a mute is somewhat understandable if major abuse occurs.

I spout an opinion? I insult? ''Ignore'' me.

This is not difficult.

Why is this function in the game if it is pointless.
29.09.2013 - 23:53
Escrito por Tik-Tok, 29.09.2013 at 15:22

Im getting tired of Big Brother mods getting involved in discussions.

As I said, why do we have an ignore feature? To ignore people. Whats wrong with political discussion in Room chat? Whast wrong with insulting one another or joking around? all these people reporting merely want to get others into trouble or people with hurt ''feelings.'' There is an ignore feature. Why do mods need to intervene in personal or discussive matters.

A player recently insulted me and I insulted them back. That player reported me and I was punished. How is that even fair? And why does a mod need to even get involved? Other people mgiht see it? SO what. Just ''Ignore'' me and I go away.

I'm a TV Channel. You have a choice to listen or watch me. If you don't like me, you cna turn me off. I don't sneak in by the backdoor or make new accounts. I have one account, I am one channel. If you don't like it, you can mute it. Why is a mod needed because they are so incompetant that they can't press button.

So many problems between players would be solved if Mods stopped muting and banning for minor things.

I abuse global? You can ignore me. Though a mute is somewhat understandable if major abuse occurs.

I spout an opinion? I insult? ''Ignore'' me.

This is not difficult.

Why is this function in the game if it is pointless.

We as mods don't have strict rules and punishments. Oh someone called someone else a fag? 3 minute mute. Oh was it faggot? 6 minutes. No, we don't have that and not all mods have the same opinions about everything. There are mods that see a political discussion as trolling in brewing (and it usually deranges to people insulting each other, screenshotting when they're insulted back and reporting only they were insulted), and there are mods that think that is business as usual.

Now global? Global is a megaphone that reaches up to 300 people and if you were just a channel that didn't interact with anyone, fine. But once you call someone a fag on global, you will be called a fag back, some dude who has nothing to do with it but is offended will insult back, and the global channel will spiral into a huge troll channel. Everyone mutes it, therefore making global lose its purpose. That's why global is moderated heavily.
Escrito por Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
30.09.2013 - 06:20
Escrito por notserral, 29.09.2013 at 23:53
We as mods don't have strict rules and punishments. Oh someone called someone else a fag? 3 minute mute. Oh was it faggot? 6 minutes. No, we don't have that and not all mods have the same opinions about everything. There are mods that see a political discussion as trolling in brewing (and it usually deranges to people insulting each other, screenshotting when they're insulted back and reporting only they were insulted), and there are mods that think that is business as usual.

Now global? Global is a megaphone that reaches up to 300 people and if you were just a channel that didn't interact with anyone, fine. But once you call someone a fag on global, you will be called a fag back, some dude who has nothing to do with it but is offended will insult back, and the global channel will spiral into a huge troll channel. Everyone mutes it, therefore making global lose its purpose. That's why global is moderated heavily.

Bull. I got muted across most channels for two days due to a report about an insult which was a rebuttal to being insulted. If people have a rpoblem with what I say, why can't they grow a pair and just mute me? They continue to read what I sya by CHOICE when they have the option to ''ignore'' me. Even on global, you wont get messages from someone you have ignored. Only in gamechat will the ignore function cease to work.

So why am I being punished? I'm still muted since that alst message. The person who insulted me first was NOT muted. This is bias and it's completely out of order. We have an IGNORE function.

If you dont like my poltiics, my insults or my general chattery. IGNORE ME. We don't need to getting involved. If you find me offensive. IGNORE me. Thats the function. THAT is its purpose.

When will you mods get that? When will you stop muting me for minor crap? If someone reports me, tell them to ignore me. Thats what I get when I get death thrats and threas of rape upon my friends and family. If I report that, I get told to ignore and when they multi account, I get ignored by mods.

BUT I SAY ONE LITTLE THING and I get mtued for 5000 minutes. ITS BULLSHIT and Im tired of it. leave me alone. Leave US alone. Do YOUR job, mute actual offenders who go around the ignore function or abuse certain systems. Don't punish someone becuase someones feelings were hurt. They CHOOSE to get them hurt by continuing to keep that person unignored.
30.09.2013 - 08:37
Maybe people just don't know about the ignore button. Idk, but in global there should be nothing but game advertisements, you don't have the time to mute hundreds of people on global. When I'm playing a cw I mute all channels but clan and game to avoid distractions.
30.09.2013 - 12:25
Escrito por Tik-Tok, 30.09.2013 at 06:20

Escrito por notserral, 29.09.2013 at 23:53
We as mods don't have strict rules and punishments. Oh someone called someone else a fag? 3 minute mute. Oh was it faggot? 6 minutes. No, we don't have that and not all mods have the same opinions about everything. There are mods that see a political discussion as trolling in brewing (and it usually deranges to people insulting each other, screenshotting when they're insulted back and reporting only they were insulted), and there are mods that think that is business as usual.

Now global? Global is a megaphone that reaches up to 300 people and if you were just a channel that didn't interact with anyone, fine. But once you call someone a fag on global, you will be called a fag back, some dude who has nothing to do with it but is offended will insult back, and the global channel will spiral into a huge troll channel. Everyone mutes it, therefore making global lose its purpose. That's why global is moderated heavily.

Bull. I got muted across most channels for two days due to a report about an insult which was a rebuttal to being insulted. If people have a rpoblem with what I say, why can't they grow a pair and just mute me? They continue to read what I sya by CHOICE when they have the option to ''ignore'' me. Even on global, you wont get messages from someone you have ignored. Only in gamechat will the ignore function cease to work.

So why am I being punished? I'm still muted since that alst message. The person who insulted me first was NOT muted. This is bias and it's completely out of order. We have an IGNORE function.

If you dont like my poltiics, my insults or my general chattery. IGNORE ME. We don't need to getting involved. If you find me offensive. IGNORE me. Thats the function. THAT is its purpose.

When will you mods get that? When will you stop muting me for minor crap? If someone reports me, tell them to ignore me. Thats what I get when I get death thrats and threas of rape upon my friends and family. If I report that, I get told to ignore and when they multi account, I get ignored by mods.

BUT I SAY ONE LITTLE THING and I get mtued for 5000 minutes. ITS BULLSHIT and Im tired of it. leave me alone. Leave US alone. Do YOUR job, mute actual offenders who go around the ignore function or abuse certain systems. Don't punish someone becuase someones feelings were hurt. They CHOOSE to get them hurt by continuing to keep that person unignored.

LIKE I SAID: moderators mod differently. If you were muted by me then you could flame me all you want, but you probably weren't.
Escrito por Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
01.10.2013 - 05:08
 Ivan (Administrador)
Escrito por tophat, 28.09.2013 at 18:13

Here are their ideas, which I strongly believe would help make a difference in the popularization of the competitive class. Unfortunately I couldn't find Cow's rated team game thread. However I did find his elo stimuli one.

Cow: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=7002

Desu: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=9657

I wish I discovered Cow's idea earlier - it's quite brilliant and not that hard to implement (the best kind!). There's a lot of other things going on now, but I'll write it down and will get to it eventually. Not a fan of Desu's idea for percentage-based CW rankings. I think it has a lot of potential problems. We're planning some changes in CW, though - I'll post a new topic soon.


Everyone needs to calm down on the whole UN thing. It's a game. It doesn't have to be the way you like it. If custom maps and scenarios is what sells, the admins will favor those types of games. It's just the way it is. (The way business works xa)

Care to fill me in on the UN games? Why are they so popular and yet so many seem to hate them?


Stop blaming the mods for being mods. They are mods. (yes that is my argument). If you've been muted or warned or banned. You deserved it. Stop bitching for God sakes. I've been muted several times, and I know for a fact I deserved it. (although global humor should be looked at as a form of entertainment rather than something to be disciplined. But of course, I understand the surrounding factors)

In a curious turn of events, you're a mod now yourself. Welcome to the receiving side of the bitching


4) And lastly, to the admins, I know you are much involved in this game and dedicated to making it better. Contrarily to EVERYONE ELSE who thinks they don't read threads and consider them. My only suggestion would be to give insight on the upcoming implementations every 2-3 weeks or so. This alone will make players excited for what's coming next rather than being left in the dark on the matter.

Sorry, we've neglected the forum for a while, being busy with other things. A big project is in the making and we'll announce it soon. Meanwhile we'll try to fix all the small things that can be fixed quickly and keep you updated on the developments.
01.10.2013 - 06:02
Escrito por Ivan, 01.10.2013 at 05:08

Escrito por tophat, 28.09.2013 at 18:13

Here are their ideas, which I strongly believe would help make a difference in the popularization of the competitive class. Unfortunately I couldn't find Cow's rated team game thread. However I did find his elo stimuli one.

Cow: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=7002

Desu: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=9657

I wish I discovered Cow's idea earlier - it's quite brilliant and not that hard to implement (the best kind!). There's a lot of other things going on now, but I'll write it down and will get to it eventually. Not a fan of Desu's idea for percentage-based CW rankings. I think it has a lot of potential problems. We're planning some changes in CW, though - I'll post a new topic soon.

Great, can't wait to see the new topic!


Everyone needs to calm down on the whole UN thing. It's a game. It doesn't have to be the way you like it. If custom maps and scenarios is what sells, the admins will favor those types of games. It's just the way it is. (The way business works xa)

Care to fill me in on the UN games? Why are they so popular and yet so many seem to hate them?

Well essentially I was using UN games as an example to describe the popularity of custom maps and scenarios over regular maps. Most players who play competitively (3v3 team games, world games 1v1s and so on) tend to dislike it because of it's low strategic input and for its unit spamming. I personally don't really mind, I can definitely see how UN games could be fun for new players.

Stop blaming the mods for being mods. They are mods. (yes that is my argument). If you've been muted or warned or banned. You deserved it. Stop bitching for God sakes. I've been muted several times, and I know for a fact I deserved it. (although global humor should be looked at as a form of entertainment rather than something to be disciplined. But of course, I understand the surrounding factors)

In a curious turn of events, you're a mod now yourself. Welcome to the receiving side of the bitching
Haha well yes. I'll get a taste of that I'm sure.

4) And lastly, to the admins, I know you are much involved in this game and dedicated to making it better. Contrarily to EVERYONE ELSE who thinks they don't read threads and consider them. My only suggestion would be to give insight on the upcoming implementations every 2-3 weeks or so. This alone will make players excited for what's coming next rather than being left in the dark on the matter.

Sorry, we've neglected the forum for a while, being busy with other things. A big project is in the making and we'll announce it soon. Meanwhile we'll try to fix all the small things that can be fixed quickly and keep you updated on the developments.

Understandable of course, one of the reasons I thought a thread like this was needed to get people to realize the reality of things.

Thanks for the reply, and keep up the good work!
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
01.10.2013 - 06:05
Escrito por tophat, 28.09.2013 at 18:13

Escrito por Ivan, 01.10.2013 at 05:08

I wish I discovered Cow's idea earlier - it's quite brilliant and not that hard to implement (the best kind!). There's a lot of other things going on now, but I'll write it down and will get to it eventually. Not a fan of Desu's idea for percentage-based CW rankings. I think it has a lot of potential problems. We're planning some changes in CW, though - I'll post a new topic soon.

Great, can't wait to see the new topic!


Care to fill me in on the UN games? Why are they so popular and yet so many seem to hate them?

Well essentially I was using UN games as an example to describe the popularity of custom maps and scenarios over regular maps. Most players who play competitively (3v3 team games, world games 1v1s and so on) tend to dislike it because of it's low strategic input and for its unit spamming. I personally don't really mind, I can definitely see how UN games could be fun for new players.


In a curious turn of events, you're a mod now yourself. Welcome to the receiving side of the bitching

Haha well yes. I'll get a taste of that I'm sure.


Sorry, we've neglected the forum for a while, being busy with other things. A big project is in the making and we'll announce it soon. Meanwhile we'll try to fix all the small things that can be fixed quickly and keep you updated on the developments.

Understandable of course, one of the reasons I thought a thread like this was needed to get people to realize the reality of things.

Thanks for the reply, and keep up the good work!
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
01.10.2013 - 06:10
 Ivan (Administrador)
Escrito por tophat, 01.10.2013 at 06:05

Great, can't wait to see the new topic!

01.10.2013 - 07:51
Escrito por Ivan, 01.10.2013 at 06:10

Escrito por tophat, 01.10.2013 at 06:05

Great, can't wait to see the new topic!


I also feel the need to add that a lot of us don't like UN mostly because of the players. They are worse than the trolls imo. These UN players are like bitchy little kids. Blaming people for things they never did (observable in a typical UN game, someone calls another rogue, turns everyone else against him and they allyfag the fuck out of him). Dismissing logic in arguements. Flaming and spamming everywhere. Completely ignorant and think that we are hating them because they are better than us. Most UN players are like this and is the thing I hate most about the game.
01.10.2013 - 07:56
 Ivan (Administrador)
Escrito por Xenosapien, 01.10.2013 at 07:51

I also feel the need to add that a lot of us don't like UN mostly because of the players. They are worse than the trolls imo. These UN players are like bitchy little kids. Blaming people for things they never did (observable in a typical UN game, someone calls another rogue, turns everyone else against him and they allyfag the fuck out of him). Dismissing logic in arguements. Flaming and spamming everywhere. Completely ignorant and think that we are hating them because they are better than us. Most UN players are like this and is the thing I hate most about the game.

I see. But if some people enjoy this type of gameplay, why not just leave them to it and steer clear of the UN games yourself?
01.10.2013 - 07:58
Escrito por Ivan, 01.10.2013 at 05:08

Escrito por tophat, 28.09.2013 at 18:13

Everyone needs to calm down on the whole UN thing. It's a game. It doesn't have to be the way you like it. If custom maps and scenarios is what sells, the admins will favor those types of games. It's just the way it is. (The way business works xa)

Care to fill me in on the UN games? Why are they so popular and yet so many seem to hate them?

The problem with UN is that it give you huge amounts of SP by doing so little in the scenario, just be UN and go rogue and watch the SP stack up in a few turns.
UN would be fun for a roleplaying mode but it's abused, it's impact on the game is having people above Rank 5 not walling because they've spent all their time getting SP from UN, while they lack the proper knowledge of strategy in other games than UN.

A solution to this is to remove SP from UN games, which also discourages the massively overpowered UN powers to go rogue for the SP pool.
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
01.10.2013 - 08:02
Escrito por Ivan, 01.10.2013 at 07:56

Escrito por Xenosapien, 01.10.2013 at 07:51

I also feel the need to add that a lot of us don't like UN mostly because of the players. They are worse than the trolls imo. These UN players are like bitchy little kids. Blaming people for things they never did (observable in a typical UN game, someone calls another rogue, turns everyone else against him and they allyfag the fuck out of him). Dismissing logic in arguements. Flaming and spamming everywhere. Completely ignorant and think that we are hating them because they are better than us. Most UN players are like this and is the thing I hate most about the game.

I see. But if some people enjoy this type of gameplay, why not just leave them to it and steer clear of the UN games yourself?

I do try to keep away from them as much as possible. But the attitude leaks into chat and other games. It has become a bit better now I've ignored the main ones. But you still get people with that attitude in game and commonly UN spamming/flaming the chat. I do feel that this has decreased, however, it is still a problem.
01.10.2013 - 10:06
Escrito por Pyrrhus, 01.10.2013 at 07:58

Escrito por Ivan, 01.10.2013 at 05:08

Escrito por tophat, 28.09.2013 at 18:13

Everyone needs to calm down on the whole UN thing. It's a game. It doesn't have to be the way you like it. If custom maps and scenarios is what sells, the admins will favor those types of games. It's just the way it is. (The way business works xa)

Care to fill me in on the UN games? Why are they so popular and yet so many seem to hate them?

The problem with UN is that it give you huge amounts of SP by doing so little in the scenario, just be UN and go rogue and watch the SP stack up in a few turns.
UN would be fun for a roleplaying mode but it's abused, it's impact on the game is having people above Rank 5 not walling because they've spent all their time getting SP from UN, while they lack the proper knowledge of strategy in other games than UN.

A solution to this is to remove SP from UN games, which also discourages the massively overpowered UN powers to go rogue for the SP pool.

UN games are pretty much SP farming. Would be a good option to remove SP from all UN games and any future UN games made. (Hopefully not)

TJM !!!
01.10.2013 - 10:18
Escrito por Ivan, 01.10.2013 at 07:56

Escrito por Xenosapien, 01.10.2013 at 07:51

I also feel the need to add that a lot of us don't like UN mostly because of the players. They are worse than the trolls imo. These UN players are like bitchy little kids. Blaming people for things they never did (observable in a typical UN game, someone calls another rogue, turns everyone else against him and they allyfag the fuck out of him). Dismissing logic in arguements. Flaming and spamming everywhere. Completely ignorant and think that we are hating them because they are better than us. Most UN players are like this and is the thing I hate most about the game.

I see. But if some people enjoy this type of gameplay, why not just leave them to it and steer clear of the UN games yourself?

I could get 2k sp in 3 turns if i play as UN
01.10.2013 - 11:02
Escrito por Ivan, 01.10.2013 at 07:56

Escrito por Xenosapien, 01.10.2013 at 07:51

I also feel the need to add that a lot of us don't like UN mostly because of the players. They are worse than the trolls imo. These UN players are like bitchy little kids. Blaming people for things they never did (observable in a typical UN game, someone calls another rogue, turns everyone else against him and they allyfag the fuck out of him). Dismissing logic in arguements. Flaming and spamming everywhere. Completely ignorant and think that we are hating them because they are better than us. Most UN players are like this and is the thing I hate most about the game.

I see. But if some people enjoy this type of gameplay, why not just leave them to it and steer clear of the UN games yourself?

Well, first of all, they are not seeing all the possibilities in aw and how much more fun, strategic it is to play competitive games. Of course, I don't blame them if they like playing UN more. But the problem is, they gain almost no skill, and get loads of sp (This is also pretty unfair because others have to play more to rank up). They then use what they learnt from these UN games, such as allyfagging, having huge discussions in game and mainly poor skill to play a game of competitive game. This results in an unpleasant game to be in. This doesn't happen much right now, but the community is worried that it can.
Second of all, even if they don't join any competitive games, they are taking away the new players by advertising the UN games that are open, in a way that convinces low players to try it out (it basically looks attractive) and introducing them to only playing that sort of game as well. So, at the moment, I hear from my friends that it takes very long to just get one world game filled, because everyone is going to play UN (also other scenarios and custom maps, but mainly UN).

We fear that in the future, those will be the only games that are open. There are more high skilled players that quit than the ones that enter with low-intermediate skill (which will most probably never turn into high skill, because there won't be high skilled players to practice against).

To sum it up:
1) They gain very easy sp by playing UN. This will result in a lot of high rank players that have no idea how to think in a competitive way.
2) They can ruin competitive games (The one time they try it out) by using what they learnt in UN games to play them. This will make players hate on them, and this will result in them playing more games such as UN and not think about playing competitive games.
3) They direct the new players into the same field.
4) This makes it much harder to start for example a world game (default map)
5) This annoys high skilled players, so they start playing less until the eventually quit.
6) This can very well result in no more default maps being played. Un games will be used as cw's etc. This is not what atWar is about. There is no strategy nor competence involved in those games.

This might be a little over exaggeration, but we fear that aw will lower down to that. That is why we want to redirect new players to play competitive games. Of course scenarios and custom maps can be played, but we feel like it might take over the community.

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