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Publicado por The Tactician, 28.06.2014 - 06:58
Hallo my fellow at-warriors. I honestly couldn't suppress the urge to bitch about this picking things in CWs because of a situation that happened. We were starting a CW with CT all going well, and then the picks began. It seems their plan over the next three remakes what to get Karsan as Spain(which is fine if you can handle a uk germ combo...) . So we got first pick Stryko picked Ukr, Innate Turk (which is a fair east for east, now every time gets a west powerhouse and we're fine), Desu went Germany, and then Karsan Spain. This is where things shifted. Karsan picked Spain instead of Germany , and that gave me the opportunity to go UK which is the 2nd west powerhouse. So I did. Now all the "lol"/" no uk germany"/"noob" comments happen and the answer is really simple. You gave it to us. The thing is, certain clans want certain people to play certain countries. That is honestly very single minded. Good clans should the goal of all members being able to play all countries. The other clans hide behind the illusion of the "no uk germ" rule because they can't play all countries and have to pick one particular country and expect their other clan mate to pick it because of this rule. That is not versatile. People are getting so used to the west+powerhouse+east setup that its just a series of dull memorization and application. Yes this setup is the most balanced and the most used, but that does not mean people can't adapt to getting stuck with uk germ or turk ukraine. If someone picks Spain over Germany thats their fault. More so if people pick west (cuz they can't play was and they have a better west combo) so their teammate gets east using the leverage of the no turk ukr rule then by all means the other clan picks east. You gave up on the opportunity to get the stronger country because you can't play that then its your fault for your incapability. Besides, UK Germany combo is beatable. Stronger, but beatable. Ukr Turk is even stronger but then again its your fault for letting such a crucial pick slip. So please stop hiding behind the no uk germ rule and start manning up and play any country. This rule only encourages mechanic moves because used to playing a certain country in a certain combo.

Oh I forgot. Next two remakes they wanted Buffalo east and Karsan Spain so Innate took the power pick (can't remember if uk or germany), then Karsan Spain. Thank you for giving yourselves the west advantage and us Ukr Turk. : )

PS: If I had Stryko and Desu on my team and had to go east I would or I'd risk a Turk Ukr combo without crying.

This isn't a shitpost to CT this is just using the most recent example to prove a point. We've had the same troubles before.
07.07.2014 - 08:47
How is people not able to play a certain country well enough explotation ...i mean seriously xD

what would you say to someone if he played 1v1 all the time only with 1 country and decide to leave every time he doesnt get it?
15.07.2014 - 18:53
Just a simple cw against Illyria:
► We get 1st pick, we get ukraine.
► instantly noticed it was chill's turn of pick, so I gived them an advise:

► chill completering ignoring, goes uk.
► We pick turkey.
► Syrian rage: " lol noobs" " no ukr turkey".
► And next, they all leave. Ruined cw.
15.07.2014 - 19:04
Escrito por Goblin, 07.07.2014 at 08:47

what would you say to someone if he played 1v1 all the time only with 1 country and decide to leave every time he doesnt get it?

That used to happen extremely often, a few years ago, back when SM Ukraine was OP.
15.07.2014 - 20:42
Escrito por Kaliraa, 15.07.2014 at 19:04

Escrito por Goblin, 07.07.2014 at 08:47

what would you say to someone if he played 1v1 all the time only with 1 country and decide to leave every time he doesnt get it?

That used to happen extremely often, a few years ago, back when SM Ukraine was OP.

Maybe you wanted to say... .GW URKRAINE!
16.07.2014 - 01:50
Escrito por clovis1122, 15.07.2014 at 18:53

Just a simple cw against Illyria:
► We get 1st pick, we get ukraine.
► instantly noticed it was chill's turn of pick, so I gived them an advise:

► chill completering ignoring, goes uk.
► We pick turkey.
► Syrian rage: " lol noobs" " no ukr turkey".
► And next, they all leave. Ruined cw.

unfortunately we cant force ppl to pick turk, i told him to pick turk, syrian told him to pick turk, you told him to pick turk. he picks uk. he can play a perfectly fiine turk as well. bla.

Escrito por Leaf, 07.07.2014 at 08:44

...what? I'm not sure what you're saying, nor do I understand much of your argument, but take a look into game theory.

lmao, you could use this post to repond to 90% of clovis' posts.
16.07.2014 - 20:21
...what? I'm not sure what you're saying, nor do I understand much of your argument, but take a look into game theory.

Leaf come back <3 and plez save Afterwind from these faggy players!!! o(;_;)o

Escrito por Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
05.08.2014 - 08:27
Conta apagada
Bump of justice
05.08.2014 - 08:29
I will repeat, what is logic. If you want to avoid a combo and you have second pick then pick what you believe to be the counter to the original pick.

Good clans (LofuckingL) that back out because they made the mistake in not picking what they want should be punished with a points deduction.
05.08.2014 - 08:43
How many times, for ex. Goblin said that eu+ 3v3 isnt balanced map at all? Maybe 5000 times or more? Not only him, everyone. So only way to balance that map is by picks, and this isnt bullshit, its logic. So ok, there is counterpicking and stuff. But is it fair to pick almost unbeatable combo in this game, witch is reallity? Thats gonna balance the game? Make it "fair"? Or.. its gonna give advantage for clan who have that combo. By your point of view almost every outcome of any cw should be decided by luck, cuzz all depend on who have first pick, who is better at east (because first picks will be forced at east) and who will first pick turk, so to force other team to pick ukraine and all from reason so they can have turk uk "combo" or something similar? I understand some of your logic, but i dont see hows that can make stuff fair.
05.08.2014 - 08:47
Your whole point is shut down when you decide that. Ukraine/Turk is OP then pick UK after a Turk pick. Its not about 'fairness' its about picking the best possible combo you can.

I can get you backing out first time, but to go into the remake and do the same again then back out again, is just plain stupid.
05.08.2014 - 09:10
Sorry but whole your point about picking the best possible combo you can is bs. Now, what is the point of playing cw if picks start to be automatic, first 2 picks ukr/turk then ger/uk so the other team cant get advantage etc. Picking ukr/turk combo is.. huge advantage for the team who picks it. ger/uk, something similar but not so strong as ukr/turk. Those 2 combos stands out of other combos and i dont see how is that 'ok' to pick. Lets say like this, our cw, sm vs mk. For ex. Stryko is first pick, and ofc, he gonna pick east, turk probably. Lets say that he is just.. very good at east. Then our first pick is Knez.. No offense to Knez but he isnt such a good ukr player, but ok, he will respect your opinion and pick ukr. So you already have advantage there, but thats not enough. Gob is second pick for you, so he can pick uk. Turk/uk is good combo, you cant denie that. Not unbeatable or something but it has their own advantage. Plus, Gob probably played.. many games as uk, and he is good there. Second pick for us, me. Great. So i am even there forced to pick germany, even if i am not so good Germany. So you have even there advantage. 3rd picks even just doesnt matter probably because we have 'average' ger/ukr players while you have very good Uk/turk players. And all that because we were forced to pick ukr as first pick and because we just didnt had luck and didnt had first pick all around. Maybe my opinion on "fair" game, getting things balanced or getting advantage in normal levels is stupid, but.. getting advantage with ukr/turk combo or forcing someone else to pick some country is just.. shit.

Mauz said that i let you first pick in that cw because we left last one cuzz of combo, and imagine, we though that you wouldnt do that again.. but o well..
05.08.2014 - 09:13
Escrito por Steve Aoki, 05.08.2014 at 08:43

How many times, for ex. Goblin said that eu+ 3v3 isnt balanced map at all? Maybe 5000 times or more?

Yep ....goblin also said, in CW's clans have to pick the best counter in respons for opponents clan pick despite what players turn is at picking.

Clan who doesnt actually do this is the one who is trying to unbalance the game.

Clan who picked turk ukraine cant be blamed ...its your own fault. You had the power to stop that combo ...you didnt, you had a second time the power to stop that combo you didnt do it again

...and you would keep leaving the game until when? Until you guys have your best countries? ...better clan with better players means they can adapt to picking according to their players turn to pick, ...not "we are the best when player X plays SM ukraine, player y plays Germany etc.

End of discussion.
05.08.2014 - 09:24
And you gonna try to balance back that game by picking ukr/turk? Not sure if thats gonna work like that... Or balancing by forcing not so good east player to pick east. Cuzz, no one knows to play every country at it best. And i dont see as bad thing from clans to get their best players on their best countries in cw. But by your point thats impossible or you need some crazy luck to get that. Also, by your logic you have probably better chance in balancing one game by countries, but you gonna hardly balance it by players. So at the end..
05.08.2014 - 09:32
No not balancing the game with ukr turk ...its making you think twice before you try to arrange your pick again ...you guys are just slow arent you?

It would be impossible to get every player from both clans to play their best country ...so what gives you more right for you to pick your best but the other clan not?

And you didnt understand me when i said "clan that does this is trying to unbalance the game" ...i didnt meant by country, but i meant by player position.

We are balancing the game according to countries ...of course we are! Are we suppose to calculate in every game players skills according to every damn country?

You picked your players, we picked our players for a CW ...if you cant have 3 players that can play anything that chance gives them ...i suggest you dont CW before you have 3 players like that.

...or before you grow balls to play like that.
05.08.2014 - 09:42
No offense but i think that every sentence you said in last post is just stupid. Your point is just to pick the best combo you are able to pick in game, no matter what is it, you just wanna pick it. You dont want to fight 3v3, legit 3v3 where every player plays vs someone with same or similar skills and vs someone who is, for ex, good as turkey as other player is good at ukr. We have different opinion of how cws should work. No point in talking about this anymore.

One more thing, you can talk normal. I dont see the reason to say that we are 'slow' and that we... dont have balls. I am not Tito, dont try to insult or argue with me just for fun.
05.08.2014 - 10:08
You guys overcomplicate things. It really is simple

1st pick picks what they want
2nd pick picks what they want
05.08.2014 - 11:10
If it was that simple bonk you wouldnt have a 6 page thread discussing it. and this thread is far from the first of its kind either.

the picking order is what it is. stalins martians logic is the best clan should have the best all rounded players who can play everywhere. MKs logic is that leave people pick where theyre strong and have at least some sort of balanced cw that'll hopefully turn into a good game.

neither of you are wrong to want the picking order done the way you do, we in illyria lean towards mks way of handling picks but we erm... acquiesce to stalins manner of handling them too. almost everyone in illyria can play all countries. weve clashed with stalins on this before. it sucks if we get stryko in east vs say chill but as i said it is what it is.
05.08.2014 - 11:20
This thread is just an infinite loop. Somebody always comes back to claim that something is not right.
05.08.2014 - 11:39
Escrito por Permamuted, 05.08.2014 at 11:10

If it was that simple bonk you wouldnt have a 6 page thread discussing it. and this thread is far from the first of its kind either.

the picking order is what it is. stalins martians logic is the best clan should have the best all rounded players who can play everywhere. MKs logic is that leave people pick where theyre strong and have at least some sort of balanced cw that'll hopefully turn into a good game.

neither of you are wrong to want the picking order done the way you do, we in illyria lean towards mks way of handling picks but we erm... acquiesce to stalins manner of handling them too. almost everyone in illyria can play all countries. weve clashed with stalins on this before. it sucks if we get stryko in east vs say chill but as i said it is what it is.

it really is that simple, for a 'great game' with sides evenly (apparently) matched fix the picks and choose to play 3v3, for a competition where the aim is to win, then pick the best you can.

Player vs Player strength is opinion as is country vs country.
05.08.2014 - 12:00
Escrito por Steve Aoki, 05.08.2014 at 09:42

One more thing, you can talk normal. I dont see the reason to say that we are 'slow' and that we... dont have balls. I am not Tito, dont try to insult or argue with me just for fun.

My comment about you being slow is pointing out ...that after first time we picked turk ukr after you gave us that option, you guys just repeat the same thing ...

...and now you turn that into me being an asshole ...oh pls.

Apologizes if i offended ...god knows no one from MK ever offended me. <sarcasm>
05.08.2014 - 12:15
Escrito por Goblin, 05.08.2014 at 12:09

Proposition to finnaly appease everyone would be:

- admins give us the option to arrange the order of clan members pickings before the CW starts

Nah.. that just leads to people specializing in one/two countries and only playing that in every cw... That's boring :/
05.08.2014 - 12:33
That's cause custom maps didn't exist and people just got too used to eu+ 3v3
05.08.2014 - 13:44
Escrito por Goblin, 05.08.2014 at 13:12

K ...different suggestion:

- each clan before the cw starts appoints: captain, soldier1, soldier2 ...whatever
- then the game shuffles the order of the picks and wich team picks first

- For example game randomly shuffles that soldier2 from both teams pick first, captains pick second, soldier1 from both teams pick third

I don't have an opinion on your suggestion right now.

You should probably open a new topic in 'ideas and suggestions' forum, to avoid too much off-topic comments here.
07.08.2014 - 17:13
Honestly I don't see what's wrong with just everyone playing the cw knowing how to play a basic Ukraine, Turkey, Germany and Uk.
The funny thing about this is by the time you realize that this is completely pointless, it's too late to stop reading.
08.08.2014 - 14:54
Escrito por Leaf, 05.08.2014 at 11:20

This thread is just an infinite loop. Somebody always comes back to claim that something is not right.

Exactly !!


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