Oh and i also mean in general. when a lower rank player pick next to a high level player
NO man, read again the sentence, i was asking him if was he who defeated a higher rank in a 1v1 or was another different situation.
There are lot of players that say they have defeated you, but they really played 2 or 3 vs 1 in a big game or something like that, waiting for turns amounting units and money, etc...
If was he alonein a 1v1 congrats, if it was 2 or 3 vs 1 in a 50k game, go sense the question...
Do u undersntand now?
if you dont want people to think your sentence was a sarcastic statement dont write it that way
Which way?
I was not sarcastic, i was asking him, like a normal question trying to find out what kind of game was he talking about.
I´m not behaving like that, you started saying you defeated me once when.......
So i reply, i have defeated you lot of times.
U wrote a sentence with no sense in this toppic and you are going on.
I can´t defeat anyone with a lower rank than me? ![](/images/smilies/kopkop.gif)
What do u mean, i only can defeat higher ranks than me but no lower ranks? ![](/images/smilies/thumbup.gif)
question: Why do high ranks always act like they can beat everybody?
you: what? did you ever defeat a higher rank? 1v1?
me: yes, as rank 7 i defeated you when you were rank 10.
you: i defeated you a lot of times (when i was rank 6...)
me: dont behave like high ranks could beat anyone if you cant.
i mean that you cant beat everyone with a lower rank. anyone can mean everyone sometimes... and also, wow, you beat zizou, such an accomplishment. whats off-topic about that? we're discussing if good low ranks are better than noobish rank 11's like you...
Which accomplishment?
What a pitty that this noob rank 11 can defeat you.
What´s your problem man?
Why are you taking this topic like something personal?
Do u have any kind of personal problem?
Escrito por TuffDoge, 14.04.2015 at 09:53
Dont you love it when high ranking player 10+ talk some shit but then lose to a low ranking player from 8 and under?
It happens frequently in RP games, a lot of the time it makes them a target. No one likes a try-hard. ![](/images/smilies/cool.gif)
No comment.
Dont you love it when high ranking player 10+ talk some shit but then lose to a low ranking player from 8 and under?
Are you talking about yourself?
I mean, were u who defeated a high rank?
i defeated you when i was rank 7
also, from your duel list: Rank 7 Fremar (986) -18.7 -17.2 30d ago
Do u mean the same Fremar that defeated you 49 days ago?
Im pretty sure i can beat everybody... but then again everybody can beat me. Welcome to Atwar.
Chocobanalol Conta apagada |
Chocobanalol Conta apagada
were u who defeated a high rank? (or was other player)
Pretty sure how good fremar is is not the main topic for discussion here
Pretty sure how good fremar is is not the main topic for discussion here
Agree, none player is the main topic for discussion.
You are all noobs face it
Dont you love it when high ranking player 10+ talk some shit but then lose to a low ranking player from 8 and under?
The Question is.....Was it a 7890 vs 1 though? In say, an RP map? Or is this high rank a person who farmed from RP. For example a rank 11 from RP can easily be beaten by a decent rank 7 or 8 in EU+. It's all about circumstance.
Best Wishes
- Chancellor Cute Panda
Dont you love it when high ranking player 10+ talk some shit but then lose to a low ranking player from 8 and under?
The Question is.....Was it a 7890 vs 1 though? In say, an RP map? Or is this high rank a person who farmed from RP. For example a rank 11 from RP can easily be beaten by a decent rank 7 or 8 in EU+. It's all about circumstance.
Best Wishes
- Chancellor Cute Panda
this was a world map 50k he was chile and i was brazil south.
Dont you love it when high ranking player 10+ talk some shit but then lose to a low ranking player from 8 and under?
The Question is.....Was it a 7890 vs 1 though? In say, an RP map? Or is this high rank a person who farmed from RP. For example a rank 11 from RP can easily be beaten by a decent rank 7 or 8 in EU+. It's all about circumstance.
Best Wishes
- Chancellor Cute Panda
this was a world map 50k he was chile and i was brazil south.
lol, what is the purpose of this thread?
If you look at the first post, this was designed to just be opinion sprouting
Do u mean the same Fremar that defeated you 49 days ago?
bla, serbia vs ukraine best duel
also, learn to edit posts please
Do u mean the same Fremar that defeated you 49 days ago?
bla, serbia vs ukraine best duel
also, learn to edit posts please
How? Learn to edit posts?
You have that cause i edited some of them.
What is serbia vs Ukrania?
What´s the purpose of your words and conversation man?
You are absolutely out of the toppic.
This is one of the most autistic threads i've seen in a while
Is hormi in every single flame thread
Sorry but i simply made some questions to find out the exactly situation that guy was talking about, and later people took the issue out of toppic burning it.
Serbia op vs Ukraine..
"Naše će sjene hodati po Beču, lutati po dvoru, plašiti gospodu."
"Our shadows will walk around Vienna, wander around the court, scare the gentlemen."
Escrito por blargh, 15.04.2015 at 06:25
This is one of the most autistic threads i've seen in a while
How? Learn to edit posts?
You have that cause i edited some of them. ![](/images/smilies/kopkop.gif)
What is serbia vs Ukrania?
What´s the purpose of your words and conversation man?
You are absolutely out of the toppic.
i was serbia, he was ukraine in that duel...
and the purpose of my words in the conversation is my failing try to make you shut up
How? Learn to edit posts?
You have that cause i edited some of them. ![](/images/smilies/kopkop.gif)
What is serbia vs Ukrania?
What´s the purpose of your words and conversation man?
You are absolutely out of the toppic.
i was serbia, he was ukraine in that duel...
and the purpose of my words in the conversation is my failing try to make you shut up
Lol do u remember a game when u defeated me?
I don´t remember everygame i played and less all that i played and beated you.
Please stop this stupid issue.
If you want to say you are better and i´m a noob congrats u are so much better than me, and now please shut up and go away and stop your no sense arguments and let it be.
Stop... really, just stop... it's enough...
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.
Unknown Gamer Conta apagada |
Unknown Gamer Conta apagada
Escrito por RaulPB, 15.04.2015 at 09:54
Stop... really, just stop... it's enough...
I just love it when low-rankers act all high and mighty and then get slaughtered, then they cry about it afterwards.