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O tópico original

Publicado por Aetius, 13.06.2019 - 15:39
text dump of previous phase: https://pastebin.com/cLrMggJB

=Turn 21 Combat Phase 3/3=

This turn will last until combat is resolved

Current Wars (2/3):

Numantine War
COMMANDER: Marcus Porcius Cato Minor
Legio V Hispana
Legio VII Germanica
Legio VIII Mortis
Legio XVI Maria
6 Legions
2 Fleets

  • Celtiberians have 8 armies, and Rome needs 2 fleets to support their armies in this campaign
  • Disaster Roll 14, Lesser Disaster 11,18
  • For every turn this war is not resolved -20 talents, and if ignored +1 unrest
  • Will invade Nearer Spain if not defeated or stalemated, gaining 1 allied army

    Tertius Fabius Magnus becomes Consul for Life!

    The Mithridatic War Games
    1 Gladiatorial Game is being Held

    *A game is being held in honor Sulla and Tertius Magnus. Rome is rather new to games such as this, many amateurs arrive from various up and coming ludus to fight as either romans or "greeks" although if the "greeks" start winning they are told to start surrendering and losing

    Prize Fights
    House Batiatius (Auctoritas)
    Virginius ''the repulsive Hispanic'' Piso
    Domius ''The savage Combrian'' Geltsringer
    Hasdrubal ''The Salty'' Barca
    Pausanias & Memnon ''Dioscuri''

    House Hypsaeus (Populares)

    Romulus defeats Domius, gaining +1 skill
    Romulus kills Hasdrubal
    Virginius defeats Brennus +1 skill
  • 17.07.2019 - 14:16
    ==Turn 12: Phase 1 has begun==
    17.07.2019 - 14:32
    Argentus Cassius Africanus will attempt to persuade Gaius Julius, else Marcus Aurelius, else Gaius Valerius Tappo, else Lucius Calpurnius Piso
    0 on equite
    bank everything
    rise aux in spain
    send vet back to rome

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    17.07.2019 - 14:41
    Gaius Papirius will persuade Lucius Calpurnius Piso. Initial bribe starting at 9 talents (from bank) and 2 from my senators.

    3 on equite for Tiberius.
    17.07.2019 - 14:58
    If honordeal passes, send those shekels. (Agreed concession shall go to Fulvius)
    4 on equite on Fulvius,
    5 shekels on persuading Marcus Aurelius, else Gaius Julius.
    Put the rest of shekels to the bank.
    Raise max auxila in all regions that Populares govern.

    17.07.2019 - 17:39
    Donate 25 in Drusus' name provided Empi gives me one talent, otherwise donate 20
    Someone Better Than You
    17.07.2019 - 19:44
    Give Concinnatores 1 talent
    Host Gladiatorial spectacle to honour gens Cornelii (18 cost) in addition donate 7 on condition Scipio becomes dictator
    3 on equite for scipio
    (Either Scipio persuades if he's higher influence with no bribe) or Paullus persuades Julius (with an added 2 in bribes), otherwise Aurelius with no bribe, or lastly the new Calpurnius without a bribe.
    Pressure 3 equites from the old Sextus Sulpicius.
    18.07.2019 - 09:32
    Publius Acilius persuades Aurelius, else Piso else Terentius
    3 on an equite for Decimus Pisentus Flaminius
    donate 20 talents to the treasury in Decimius Pisentus' name
    18.07.2019 - 10:42
    ==Turn 12: Phase 2 has begun==
    18.07.2019 - 10:49
    Consul Vote
    1. Gaius Papirius Maltinus + Publius Porcius(Commercium + Optimates)

    Censor Vote
    Vote as Commercium decide

    Praetor Vote
    1. Septimus Fabius (Populares)

    Governor of Narbonese Gaul
    OPtimates vote

    Governor of Illyricum
    OPtimates vote

    Governor of Cisalpine Gaul
    OPtimates vote

    Governor of Corsica-Sardinia
    OPtimates vote

    Egyptian Grain
    OPtimates vote

    Ship Building
    2) Marcus Fulvius Flaccus

    Tax Farmer 5
    OPtimates vote


    Scipioan Military Reforms
    Sponsor Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus (Auctoritas) +1 influence if passes
    Co Sponsor Decimus Flaminius Pisentus (Optimates) +1 influence if passes

    Hereafter no player can win by attaining 35 influence
    Maximum legions increase to 30
    All roman armies with legions gain +1 strength
    In addition to a regular veteran a general gets, they gain another veteran if there is a raw legion and if they pass a Legionary Land Bill (new)


    Legionary Land Bill (Tier I variant)
    Cost: 20 talents
    Effects: -1 unrest
    Sponsor: Gains 1 popularity and 1 veteran legion
    other: No cosponsor, may propose 1 per legion needing land

    Scipioan Military Reforms
    1) Aye

    Anyways, if Optimates vote differently on options that i voted on my own, I respect our honordeal and change to his voting.

    18.07.2019 - 11:00
    Consul: 2
    Censor: 1
    Praetor: 1
    Narbonese Gaul: Whatever Empi votes
    Illyricum: 1
    Cisalpine Gaul: 3
    Sardinia: Abstain
    Concessions: Nay on all
    Law: 1
    Someone Better Than You
    18.07.2019 - 11:57
    2. Marcus Fulvius Flaccus + Publius Acilius (Populares + Optimates)
    2. Aulus Aelius (Concinnatores)
    3. Nay
    2. Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus (Auctoritas)
    1. Marcus Aurelius (Populares)
    2. Loser Censor
    2. Loser Praetor
    5) Nay
    1) Septimus Fabius
    1) Tiberius Servilius (Commercium)
    1) Aye
    deploys are k

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    18.07.2019 - 15:53
    Consul Vote
    1. Gaius Papirius Maltinus + Publius Porcius(Commercium + Optimates)
    Censor Vote
    1. Drusus Claudius Minor (Concinnatores)
    Praetor Vote
    1. Septimus Fabius (Populares)
    Governor of Narbonese Gaul
    2. Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus (Auctoritas)
    Governor of Illyricum
    1. Marcus Aurelius (Populares)
    Governor of Cisalpine Gaul
    1.Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (Concinnatores)
    Governor of Corsica-Sardinia
    3.Loser of Preator
    Egyptian Grain
    1) Decimus Flaminius Pisentus (Optimate)
    Ship Building
    2) Flaccus
    Tax Farmer 5
    1) Tiberius Servilius (Commercium)
    Military Reforms

    18.07.2019 - 15:56
    Consul Vote
    1. Gaius Papirius Maltinus + Publius Porcius(Commercium + Optimates)

    Censor Vote
    1. Drusus Claudius Minor (Concinnatores)

    Praetor Vote
    2. Caius Plautius (Populares)

    Governor of Narbonese Gaul
    2. Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus (Auctoritas)

    Governor of Illyricum
    vote as optimates

    Governor of Cisalpine Gaul
    1.Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (Concinnatores)

    Governor of Corsica-Sardinia
    2. Loser Praetor


    Egyptian Grain
    vote as optimates

    Ship Building
    2) Marcus Fulvius Flaccus

    Tax Farmer 5
    2) Gaius Papirius Maltinus

    Scipioan Military Reforms
    1) Aye
    18.07.2019 - 17:18
    ==Turn 12: Phase 3 has begun==
    18.07.2019 - 19:19
    Tunder gives me 3 now, tunder is put in one of the 3 consul tickets, should tunder win it he gives me 5 talents.
    Should he win that ticket i do the proposals aswell as potnetially switching places and etc, he is consul only in name should he win it
    He promises not to persuade optimate senators for 6 turns.
    18.07.2019 - 21:23
    Escrito por AndrejUuU, 18.07.2019 at 19:19

    Tunder gives me 3 now, tunder is put in one of the 3 consul tickets, should tunder win it he gives me 5 talents.
    Should he win that ticket i do the proposals aswell as potnetially switching places and etc, he is consul only in name should he win it
    He promises not to persuade optimate senators for 6 turns.

    19.07.2019 - 10:32

    Battle of Tauromenium

    Dictator Scipio + Moh Gaius Julius
    (1 legion +4 veterans+ 8 command +1 reform)=19 strength
    10 armies =10 strength
    Battle Roll: 7
    Result: Disaster

    Seeing the slave army on the beach dunes Scipio ordered a bombardment and for the army to land under its covering fire. All seemed well until when half of the soldiers had landed and upon a signal from Tryphon the rowing slaves within the roman fleets rose up their chains already unlocked by traitors within.
    At this point the slave army attacked down the slopes. Scipio and Julius try to regain control of the situation and decide to withdraw soldiers to retake the ships rather than continue fighting on land, which they barely manage to do. Thousands of legionnaires, some the old veterans of Nola against carthage desperately try to flee to the retreating ships but are cut down in the waves
    It was an unmitigated disaster. Scipio resigns command and goes to Narbonese Gaul in shame.

    Roman Casualties
    Legio X Triumphalis
    Legio XII Africanus
    1 legion

    Slave Casualties

    Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus -2 popularity for losing 3 legions
    Romans hate military disasters, +1 unrest

    -1 unrest for naval victory

    Tarentine Campaign
    Lucius Aemilius Paullus (Flanking)
    (8 Legions +8 veterans+ 5 command+1 reforms)=30 strength
    Philip V (Flanking)
    20 armies +6 command =26 strength
    Battle Roll: 9+4=13
    Result: Stalemate

    Philip, growing increasingly paranoid and supersitious in his old age does not fight and instead opts to fortify himself in Tarentum. He knows time is on his side upon hearing news that Pergamon's defeat, his son-in-law would soon arrive. From this great fortress in the south he has begun sending out his cavalry on daily raids against italian and greek villages and farms who still continue to support the Roman occupiers.
    Paullus can do little except build a wall around the city and try to contain him.

    Roman Casualties

    Maecdonian Casualties

    Lucius Aemilius Paullus reforms veteran legion Legio X Triumphalis
    19.07.2019 - 13:42
    Appointing Decimus Flaminius Pisentus for dictator, empi please confirm
    19.07.2019 - 14:50
    Appoint Pisentus dictator on conditions that:
    Auctoritas decides deployments
    Auctoritas/Optimates make all rome consul proposals together. In deadlock, dice will be used.
    19.07.2019 - 14:54
    ==Turn 13: Phase 1 has begun==
    19.07.2019 - 14:54
    Escrito por The_Empirezz, 19.07.2019 at 14:50

    Appoint Pisentus dictator on conditions that:
    Auctoritas decides deployments
    Auctoritas/Optimates make all rome consul proposals together. In deadlock, dice will be used.

    19.07.2019 - 15:19
    take 12 out of bank (3 pelanty) add this to his 5 welath, and Popillius 1 and:
    host Gladiatorial Spectacle in glory of Marcellus Popillius
    0 on equite for Argentus
    Argentus tries to get Quinticius, else Furius, else Terentius no bribes on all
    governors rise full aux

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    19.07.2019 - 17:01
    Rise aux if possible.
    Fabius will persuade Agrippa Furius Macrobius, or Quinctius or Terentius, without any bribes.
    Rest to the bank (for now)

    19.07.2019 - 19:44
    Tunder gives me 3 talents as a sign of cooporation.
    19.07.2019 - 19:46
    Pressure equites persuade Furius with Flaminius, use bribes if needed be
    20.07.2019 - 09:03
    5 on donations, try to persuade Furius with Gaius Sempronius Gracchus, use as much bribe as necessary, if taken do the same with Quinctus, if taken too with Terentius. Will be corrupt in Cisalpine, also also raise auxilliary armies
    Someone Better Than You
    20.07.2019 - 09:12
    3 on equite for Julius
    Persuade Furius, Quinctius. and Terentius in this order, use as much bribes as need be
    rise max auxila in narbo gaul
    Gaius Julius becomes faction leader
    20.07.2019 - 10:18
    3 Talents to Sextus Equite.
    My Elder senator will Persuade Furius, Quinctius in this order.
    21.07.2019 - 09:08
    Help Concinnatores' persuasion with shekels (bribing if necessary)
    21.07.2019 - 10:53
    1.- Thracian command, with all current legions (Flaminius pisentus + Furius moh perhaps) (keep in mind its flexible i can command vs virathius macedon slaves etc)
    2.- with enough money (?) I can also provide u with Sicillian command
    3.- Rome will pay for your landbills to get an extra legion with the money obtained in thrace if u dont rebel
    4.- you will be innocent, means voted innocent in the trial by tunder and jesus, in the trial of Acilius (Titus Acilius)
    5.- as dictator u get the first persuassion roll, on furius (Agrippa Furius)
    6.- we can make honor deal so none of your senators ever get put into provinces without your approvement, i cannot be in any way sent to any province, unless i chose to
    7. Jesus does all nominations expect concessions (we do it togheter, final say dictator) and provinces (we do it togheter,final say dictator) and i wont send any of jesus' or tunders guys to provinces
    8. White is appointed dictator by jesus, more spepcifically Flaminius Pisentus Decmius
    Decimus Flaminius Pisentus (Optimates) is appointed dictator
    10. I do governorships, i cant send Libertatem, Populares, Commercium, Optimates (unless i want to), to governorships,
    On proposals
    10.Consuls will be white + jesus another ticket is pavle + white. White is dictator. Censor is jesus. Tunder is pontifex and adile, pavle is preator. We all will vote like this and won't bribe. If empi bribes we all will counter bribe 1:1,
    11. Tunder gets Pontifex Maximus, BUT he has no power to veto, and donates half of the pontifex income he gest from the state (rounded down)

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