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26.01.2024 - 01:22

Known as the Mutsu Operation, the Japanese Army's plan divided Kyushu into three sectors which were, in turn, broken down into seven sub-divisions. The Sixteenth Area Army estimated that the main American landing effort would be directed against the southeastern coast near Miyazaki, with secondary assaults anticipated to be made at Ariake Wan and along the southwestern coast at Fugiachi Hama on the Satsuma Peninsula. The Japanese were extremely accurate as to the location of the American landing.

Mutsu Operation 1946, is an Ostfront-like [2] versus [2] map made during the times people were complaining that they couldn't fill a 7-player lobby. It follows a reimagination of what would happen if the United States went through with Operation Downfall and invaded Japan in both Kyūshū and Tokyo. Mutsu Operation 1946 will be following the Olympic-side of the invasion. The game is expected to last 50 turns wherein its Mid-game is at T13 and its endgame is T29. The game is played with the following settings:


Minutes per Turn: 5 Minutes
Max Game Duration: 50 Turns
Hold for X Turns: 3 Turns

Mutsu Operation 1946 utilises both the Ground and Naval front that rely on each other to dominate the battlefield. Japanese Mob Cities are located well across the Inland sea and will require constant naval transports to ferry troops, at the same time, the narrowness of the Ground front sometimes forces the Americans to consider utilising landing crafts to sidestep a defensive position and ultimately encircle massive armies. Due to these, Naval units are considered superior to most Land units and should be treated as dangerous units to face off against in numbers.

During the War, it is important to remind yourself that both sides are relatively equal in strength even during the late game. The overwhelming strength of the American units is countered by the sheer amount of troops the Japanese can throw, and during Scrape the Barrel, the Japanese's equally strong units are countered by the fact that they've lost a considerable amount of economy. Mistakes are not treated lightly and will result in quick and instant GGs. Avoid making inexperienced players fight against far more experienced players. If the West-side American Sixth Army is weak, they should face an equally weak Northeastern Japanese Commander.

Lastly, pray thanks to our world's history that this imagination of events did not occur in real life, preventing the ruination of a country and massive blood shed being spilt.


KETSU-GO DEFENCE is the Japanese Team comprising the Northwest and Southeast Kyushu. Their primary goal is to hold, counterattack, and eventually overwhelm the opposition with extreme ease. They gain significant events at the 5th Turn, which is the Campaign of Fire, where they gain access to strong Medium Tanks and the initial release of their Tank Destroyers. 17th Turn, which is the Divine Wind, where the production of strong single-use Suicide Aircraft can easily decimate an unprotected army. And the 29th Turn, which is Scraping the Barrel, where Japan fully bears its full might against the invaders of Kyushu.

➣ The Northwest Kyushu Commander holds the prefectures of Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, and Kumamoto. While also has direct access to Yamaguchi and parts of Hiroshima. Compared to the Southeast, the Northwest has a land bridge connecting their Mob Cities to the front. Losing their Naval Transports does not hinder them of their strength, but only momentarily delay it. They start with TWICE the number of Generals and have fortifications on not just Fukuoka City, but Kumamoto City as well. Minor fortifications can also be found in Sasebo and Nagasaki City.

➣ The Southeast Kyushu Commander holds the prefectures of Oita, the remains of Miazaki, as well as the last of Kagoshima. They play a more minor role but are directly at the front of the battle at the start of the war. The island of Shikoku is theirs to control and that is also where their Mob Cities are located. Compared to the Northwest, losing their Naval Transports is a death sentence, as the hopes of reinforcing your front become useless due to the inland sea being in the way. As such, there is an expectation for Naval Supremacy from this Commander and thus, should protect the Bungo Channel with their lives. Their fortification is at Oita City.


KYUSHU INVASION is the American Sixth Army Team split into the West and East side of the invasion. Both start with a staggeringly large stack that will overwhelm any defensive locations early on and should at least guarantee the Army control over the Kagoshima prefecture. In-game, each turn is a month, it is important to know this as American Units evolve yearly which means one every 12 turns. They do not have many notable events and are expected to conquer Kyushu with just their unit strength and skill.

➣ the Sixth Army[West] Commander starts from South Kagoshima and controls the Third Fleet. They start with only a single General and Army Corp with a second one coming only at the 9th turn. They also started with a landing fleet located near the Third Fleet, allowing them to quickly secure nearby islands or threaten the prefecture of Nagasaki under a turn.

➣ the Sixth Army[East] Commander starts from East Kagoshima and controls the Fifth Fleet. They start with two Generals and Army Corps and have a stronger combined starting stack than its Allied Counterpart. They are to advance at the East side of the combat zone and contain the Southeast Enemy Commander by both securing Naval Supremacy and pushing them to their Capitals in the ground. They have a strong 19th Turn event to successfully control the Bungo Channel.


Both Japanese Commanders should play either Imperialism or Perfect Defence. However, Relentless Attack, Sky Menace, Logistical Wizard, and Lucky Bastard are also potential options. They will be quickly overwhelmed on the Ground but will maintain fairly reasonable control over the Air and Naval fronts. The Southeast Commander is expected to delay enemy advance at the East side while also making sure both of their Tokyo Express units (their primary Naval Transport) are relatively safe from harm.

By the mid-late game, the Southeast Commander is most likely forced to sit in Oita City (the Stalingrad of this map). The Northwest Commander is expected to play more aggressively and should try to attack as much as possible if capable. Compared to their allies, the Northwest has both the fortified city of Fukuoka and Kumamoto to worry about. By the mid-game, the Allies are expected to be besieging Kumamoto already and as such, with two generals, one should be in Kumamoto City defending it with their life. There's no problem not holding the City itself, but it provides respectable reinforcements that will be detrimental to the Japanese Defence.

➣ During CAMPAIGN OF FIRE, both Japanese Commanders should improve their main stacks with newly acquired tanks and should start sending a few of them on skirmish battles. Using Convoys to their advantage, they should move around the American stack and capture cities to both reduce their population and income which the Americans will need.

➣ During DIVINE WIND, access to the Kamikaze Plane A6M Zero "Divine Wind", will be available. Utilize them to wear down the primary American stack OR eliminate smaller stacks that are not with the main stack. The powerful Zero can easily be thwarted by Anti-Aircraft, so keep in mind where to hit and what to hit.

➣ During SCRAPE THE BARREL, all hell breaks loose. The Southeast Commander will gain control of the Battleship Nagato. Utilize the battleship to quickly overwhelm opponents in the sea while both Commanders start overwhelming the Americans by land. A reminder that your elite units are not an instant victory, attack with caution but also with confidence.


Both American Commanders have more lenient choices for strategy. However, if unsure, stick to Imperialism. Their starting stacks are incredibly strong with the West-side Commander having a landing force right off the bat. Quickly run over Japanese early-game defences and start amassing giant stacks that will rival the Japanese.

The East-side Commander should work their way towards the outskirts of Oita City while also attempting to gain control at the Sea. At the moment that Japanese Tokyo Expresses are eliminated, consider attempting bold moves. The West-side Commander meanwhile will be facing the more stronger Japanese opposition. They will be quickly bogged down and may lose their stack if the Japanese consider your main army to be weak. Both American Commanders should try to help each other's front if possible so potential disasters do not occur, and remind each other that the longer this war lasts, the weaker they get.

➣ During 1946 (Turn 0 - 12), both American Commanders should make progress on capturing as many Japanese cities as they can get. They are allowed to ignore WF rules to help with this. By the late stages of 1946, they should already be facing in stalemate against the equally numerous Japanese Army. At the 9th Turn, the West-side Commander will gain its 2nd General.

➣ During 1947 (Turn 13 - 24), both American Commanders will get upgraded yet more expensive units. In this phase, attempt to break through a front and force one of them to sit in their Capital, most likely the enemy Southeast. After containing one of them, work together to deal with the 2nd opponent. By the middle of 1947, the Japanese would become far more aggressive, so it was expected that the Americans would have an ample amount of Infantry.

➣ During 1948 (Turn 25 - 36), both American Commanders will get significantly expensive units, but their strength may still be the same as back in 1947. During this phase, both American Commanders are expected to have decimated either Fukuoka or Oita Cities or will attempt to do so. This phase will be the start of your suffering economy, failure to eliminate a Japanese Commander during this will result in your army being wiped out by an improved force as well as the inability to create another equally strong army to match the Japanese.

➣ During 1949 and beyond (Turn 36+), there is no hope for the American Commanders to win or eliminate the Japanese Commanders, if leading by SP, they should start playing defensively and delay the game as much as possible until the 50th Turn.
Tender is the Night...
26.01.2024 - 01:25

As the map is in its Early Days, updates will be held regularly to provide a fair and balanced map for everyone. Complaints should be sent below and will be reviewed in days. The map itself will be hosted at the discretion of the Atwar playerbase.
Tender is the Night...
26.01.2024 - 01:42

Northwest Kyushu ➣ It is normal for both American Commanders to gang up on you. Losing Kumamoto City or your stack is not an instant GG. It is normal for you to fund a small amount of cash to your Southeast Ally if necessary. You will struggle to win any sea battle. Attack if given the opportunity (prioritize the US Sixth Army [East] stack)

Southeast Kyushu ➣ It is normal for you to be pushed back into your Capital (Oita City). Losing your Tokyo Expresses does not mean you cannot ferry troops to Kyushu anymore, you are still capable of producing lower quality and slower transports. Losing your primary stack may result in your death, avoid direct combat major stack combat unless your ally is nearby. It is normal for you to be in an economic deficit. Your numerous high-critical ships will help you in the sea battle.

US Sixth Army [West] ➣ It is normal for you to struggle pushing against your respective enemy, and attempt to ask for assistance from your ally. There are many defense-increasing buildings, so avoid major stack clashes if necessary. Try to encircle and wall in massive Japanese stacks instead of killing them. It is normal for you to help push the Southeast zone if necessary.

US Sixth Army [East] ➣ It is normal for you to not be able to capture Oita City alone. Once you place the enemy capital under siege, try to cut off its reinforcement or work your way towards Kitakyushu instead. Securing the Bungo Channel will easily lead to American Victory. Japanese Commanders will try to bait you into attacking an unfortified city, consider walling the city from outside reinforcements before attacking it. It is normal for you to push the Northwest zone if necessary.

The war is lost only if your will surrenders.
Tender is the Night...
26.01.2024 - 08:00

26.01.2024 - 10:47
Amazing work here! Congratz
28.01.2024 - 11:30
UNIT UPDATE (29/01/2024)


♜ Heavily Garrisoned Position ➣ Reduced Crit from 25 to 10
♜ Bunker ➣ Buildable After 1947 (Turn 13)
♜ Perimeter Fortification ➣ Buildable After 1948 (Turn 25)
♟ Fixed-Gun Emplacements ➣ Unbuildable / Defence Increased from 21 to 25
♟ Naval Gun Emplacements ➣ Unbuildable / Defence Increased from 4 to 6
♟ Anti-Air Emplacements ➣ Unbuildable / Defence Increased from 4 to 6
➝ Civilian Unrest ➣ Cost increased from 1250 to 1400

Civilians ➣ Reduced HP from 7 to 6
"Victims of War should not be able to fight back easily, nor contribute in a much greater way.


♟ Type 45 15cm Coastal Gun ➣ Buildable after Divine Wind (Turn 19)

IJA Volunteer Corps ➣ Reduced Defence from 4 to 3 (Has +1 Hidden Defence against American Infantry)
"Japanese Civilians, in numbers, are strong enough to halt Infantry, but fighting armored vehicles is another story."

IJA Infantry ➣ Reduced Defence from 6 to 5
MXY-7 "Ohka" ➣ Reduced Crit from 80 to 40
PT Boat ➣ Reduced Crit from 60 to 45
Japanese Cavalry ➣ Reduced Crit from 40 to 25
"Their courage burned too bright, defending Japan did not take much effort."


T28 Super Heavy ➣ Increased Atk from 18 to 22
"Further upgrades have been done to the Main Cannon, it is now more effective in breaking fortifications."
Tender is the Night...
28.01.2024 - 11:32
COUNTRY UPDATE (29/01/2024)

Northwest Kyushu "Campaign of Fire" income reduced from 751 to 601
Northwest Kyushu "Yamaguchi" income reduced from 517 to 417
Northwest Kyushu "Chugoku" income reduced from 965 to 865
Northwest Kyushu "Kitakyushu" income reduced from 475 to 415

Southeast Kyushu "Campaign of Fire" income increased from 751 to 901
Tender is the Night...
28.01.2024 - 15:51
COUNTRY UPDATE (29/01/2024)

Northwest Kyushu "Campaign of Fire" reinforcement reduced from 39 to 33
Northwest Kyushu "Divine Wind" reinforcement reduced from 39 to 33
Northwest Kyushu "Yamaguchi" reinforcement reduced from 26 to 24
Northwest Kyushu "Kitakyushu" reinforcement reduced from 21 to 18
Northwest Kyushu "Inner Saga" reinforcement reduced from 17 to 16

Northwest Kyushu "Divine Wind" income reduced from 751 to 601
Northwest Kyushu "North Nagasaki" income reduced from 507 to 407
Northwest Kyushu "South Nagasaki" income reduced from 674 to 574

Southeast Kyushu "Divine Wind" income increased from 751 to 901
Tender is the Night...
28.01.2024 - 15:57
UNIT UPDATE (29/01/2024)


Transport Barges ➣ Buildable at the start of Divine Wind (Turn 17)
Japanese Destroyer ➣ Reduced Crit from 78 to 58
Japanese Light Cruiser ➣ Reduced Crit from 60 to 40
PT Boat ➣ Increased Cost from 65 to 70
"The IJN was too impressive, even despite it being ruined. Their performance was honorable and its crew are hindered only by their faith."


[USA] Sixth Army (West) "Fifth Fleet" will gain 1 Landing Craft per reinforcement turn until 1948 (Turn 25)
"Island hopping was gruesome, once the ships were taken out, it became impossible to hold out for longer. Much more reinforcements are needed."
Tender is the Night...
29.01.2024 - 04:44
UNIT UPDATE (29/01/2024)


IJA Infantry ➣ Reduced Attack from 4 to 3
IJA Infantry ➣ Reduced Defence from 5 to 3 (Has +1 Hidden Defence against American Infantry)
IJA Infantry ➣ Increased Cost from 60 to 65
IJA Infantry ➣ Buildable until the end of Campaign of Fire (Turn 16)
"The one taking the brunt of the Invasion should be the infantry, not the volunteers. But the High command knew there is only a handful amount of them left."

IJA Motorized Infantry ➣ Reduced Attack from 4 to 3
IJA Motorized Infantry ➣ Reduced Defence from 7 to 6
IJA Motorized Infantry ➣ Increased Cost from 80 to 150
IJA Motorized Infantry ➣ Buildable at the start of Divine Wind (Turn 17)
"Only a handful of Infantry remain after throwing them all to the Americans. They will only be sent to fronts they believe they will make a difference."

IJA Volunteer Corps ➣ Reduced HP from 7 to 6
IJA Volunteer Corps ➣ Increased Cost from 0 to 10
IJA Volunteer Corps ➣ Buildable at the start of Divine Wind (Turn 17)
"Once the Infantry is gone, who will defend Japan from Western scum?"

IJA Ambush Infantry ➣ Increased Cost from 140 to 180
Japanese Entrenched Infantry ➣ reduced Defence from 12 to 11

Japanese Destroyer ➣ Reduced Crit from 58 to 30
Japanese Light Cruiser ➣ Reduced Crit from 40 to 30
Japanese Fleet Submarines ➣ Reduced Crit from 88 to 75
"The performance of the remaining IJN has been remarkable, it's almost as if God has favored them. That is absurd!"

Torpedo Boat ➣ Reduced Atk from 11 to 9
Torpedo Boat ➣ Increased Cost from 230 to 260
Torpedo Boat ➣ Buildable during Campaign of Fire (Turn 5 to Turn 16)

PT Boat ➣ Increased Defence from 3 to 5
PT Boat ➣ Reduced Cost from 70 to 65
PT Boat ➣ Buildable at the start of Divine Wind (Turn 17)

All "[IJN] Named" Japanese Ships except for [IJN] Nagato ➣ Reduced Crit by 30.
All Japanese Tanks ➣ Increased Cost by 10.

Northwest Kyushu "Kurume" gains a Civilian Unrest.
"The people of Kurume rioted, why should they risk every soul in a household just to defend Japan? How cruel can people in high places can be?"


Renamed "American Light Cruiser" to "American Cruiser" for extra namespace.

American Cruiser (Pre 1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 380 to 410
American Cruiser (Pre 1948) ➣ Buildable at the start of the War until 1948 (Turn 25)
American Cruiser (1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 410 to 430
American Cruiser (Post 1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 450 to 480
"Deployment of the Cruisers is now more available than ever, but the cost of a sortie may be painful."

T28 Super Heavy ➣ Increased HP from 28 to 32
Tender is the Night...
29.01.2024 - 05:39
EVENT UPDATE (29/01/2024)

Northwest Kyushu ➣ Reworked "Beginning of the War" Event to be more weaker.
Southeast Kyushu ➣ Reworked "Beginning of the War" to be slightly stronger.
Southeast Kyushu ➣ Reworked "Campaign of Fire (Turn 5)" to add 2 additional Torpedo Boat and 3 Japanese Convoy near Ehime.

US "Sixth Army" (West) ➣ Reworked "Beginning of the War" Event to be slightly stronger.
US "Sixth Army" (West) ➣ Reworked "Arrival of the IX corps (Turn 9)" Event to be slightly stronger.
Tender is the Night...
29.01.2024 - 07:39
UNIT UPDATE (29/01/2024)

♟ Type 45 15cm Coastal Gun ➣ Increased Defence from 3 to 5
♟ Type 45 15cm Coastal Gun ➣ Buildable at the start of Divine Wind (Turn 17)

All American Cruisers ➣ Reduced HP by 2.
"The hilarity that is a few bunches of Cruisers being able to overrun two Fortified Port if there is a Naval Commander is absurd."
Tender is the Night...
29.01.2024 - 12:30
UNIT UPDATE (30/01/2024)

A6M "Divine Wind" Zero ➣ Reduced Attack from 10 to 9
A6M "Divine Wind" Zero ➣ Reduced Defence from 3 to 2
A6M "Divine Wind" Zero ➣ Increased Collateral from 8 to 10
A6M "Divine Wind" Zero ➣ Increased Cost from 125 to 145
"They flew high with the sun behind their back, and with honor comes defenselessness that should've been exploited. The Divine Wind is now armed with more collateral explosives at the cost of strength and cheapness."

PT Boat ➣ Increased Cost from 65 to 105 (reflecting on the effectiveness of the Divine Wind)
Type 4 Chi-To ➣ Increased Attack from 16 to 18

American Infantry Remnant ➣ Reduced HP from 7 to 6

EVENT UPDATE (30/01/2024)

Northwest Kyushu ➣ Reworked "Campaign of Fire" Event to be more weaker.
Northwest Kyushu ➣ Reworked "Scrape the Barrel" Event to have different units.

US "Sixth Army" (West) ➣ Reworked "Arrival of the IX corps (Turn 9)" Event to be slightly stronger.
Tender is the Night...
29.01.2024 - 12:55
29.01.2024 - 17:47
UNIT UPDATE (30/01/2024)

♜ Heavily Garrisoned Position ➣ Reduced Defence from 45 to 38
♜ Heavily Garrisoned Position ➣ Reduced HP from 36 to 28
♜ Heavily Garrisoned Position ➣ Increased Crit from 10 to 0
♜ Heavily Garrisoned Position ➣ Increased Cost from 400 to 750
"Constructions in late-WW2 Japan were poorly built. Was it out of haste on the upcoming Americans? Was it due to craftsmen being in war rather than at home? Only a T28 Super Heavy shall see."

Japanese Fleet Submarines ➣ Reduced Crit from 75 to 50
Japanese Cavalry ➣ Increased Cost from 60 to 70

Northwest Kyushu "Kitakyushu" gains Civilian Unrest.

COUNTRY UPDATE (30/01/2024)

Northwest Kyushu "Tsushima" income reduced from 280 to 180.
Northwest Kyushu "Kitakyushu" income reduced from 415 to 385.

EVENT UPDATE (30/01/2024)

All of Japan ➣ "Outskirts of Fukuoka/Oita/Kumamoto" has weaker starting defence.
Northwest Kyushu ➣ Both "Nagasaki" and "Sasebo" has weaker starting defence.
Southeast Kyushu ➣ Various Fixed-Gun Emplacements have been added to key areas to offset weaker ♜ Heavily Garrisoned Position.

US "Sixth Army" (West) ➣ Reworked "Arrival of the IX corps (Turn 9)" Event to be slightly even stronger. (There will be an insertion event in Northwest Kyushu "Tsushima")
Tender is the Night...
30.01.2024 - 14:27
When do we get the Hokkaido v Northern Honshu scenario that we played

also ily for making a comprehensive guide to how the map works unlike a certain Warlord who also does this
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
31.01.2024 - 10:12


"Due to the nature of this update, the version of the map has been updated from V1 to V1.1. We thank you people for enjoying the map and helping us create a fair and balanced environment for all 4 players—special thanks to those who have helped me with balancing and those who have given fairly reasonable advice. May this change reflect on the bloody and dirty war an invasion of this scale will bring, and bring respect to a world where it did not happen."

UNIT UPDATE (31/01/2024)

Chemical Agent ➣ Reduced Attack from 40 to 35
Japanese Convoy ➣ Increased Cost from 230 to 250
IJA Volunteer Corps ➣ Increased Cost from 10 to 25

Tokyo Express ➣ Reduced Range from 25 to 23
Tokyo Express ➣ Reduced Capacity from 40 to 35
"Due to the lack of resources, Highcommand reduced the number of ships participating in the delivery of troops towards the heated front. All ships are expected to work double time to maintain the supply!"

Japanese Fleet Submarine ➣ Increased Range from 11 to 13
All "[IJN] Named" Ships ➣ Increased Range by 2
"The ever-increasing might of the United States has spurred each dented ship and aggravated submarine to attack and defend at full steam!"

A6M "Divine Wind" Zero ➣ Reduced Attack from 9 to 8
A6M "Divine Wind" Zero ➣ Reduced Defence from 2 to 1
A6M "Divine Wind" Zero ➣ Increased Crit from 55 to 75
A6M "Divine Wind" Zero ➣ Increased from 145 to 155
G10N "Fugaku" ➣ Increased Attack from 20 to 22
G10N "Fugaku" ➣ Increased Defence from 5 to 7
"Once more, these Zeroes have proven to be effective at defending their homeland from an invasion. And after many successful attempts, each pilot is more willing to fly in and score critical objectives for the Rising Sun. But the dwindling supplies have left the weapons they wield to battle slightly more undesirable. However, Highcommand has promised those in the air, sea, and ground that their bombers that overshadow the Superfortresses will arrive in time and lay waste on American scums."

"An Increased Budget has been approved by Congress, Commander! The invasion of Kyushu will be even easier to conduct. However, they have informed us that prolonged war will only bring our beautiful country into economic ruin. I hope we end this war soon.

⇮ To End The War! ➣ Increased Cost from 1500 to 2500
⇮ In the Backfoot! ➣ Increased Cost from 2000 to 3000

120mm Gun M1 Anti-Air ➣ Increased Cost from 220 to 260
90mm M2 Anti-Air ➣ Reduced Cost from 190 to 180
M45 Quadmount Anti-Air ➣ Reduced Cost from 180 to 160

3-inch M5 Anti-Tank (Post 1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 220 to 260
3-inch M5 Anti-Tank (1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 200 to 220
3-inch M5 Anti-Tank (1947) ➣ Reduced Cost from 180 to 170
Ordnance QF 6-Pounder ➣ Reduced Cost from 160 to 140

M114 155mm Howitzer (Post 1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 150 to 190
M114 155mm Howitzer (1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 120 to 140
M101 Howitzer ➣ Reduced Cost from 130 to 120
M116 Howitzer ➣ Reduced Cost from 120 to 100

M24 Chaffee ➣ Increased Range from 12 to 13
M24 Chaffee (Post 1948) ➣ Increased Range from 12 to 13
M24 Chaffee (Post 1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 200 to 240
"After months in the workshop, the American Industry has developed a way to improve the traverse of the M24 Chaffee. Its ability to move has been greatly increased!"

M26 Pershing (Post 1948) ➣ Increase Cost from 260 to 300
M26 Pershing (1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 240 to 260
M4 Sherman (1947) ➣ Reduced Cost from 230 to 220
M4 Sherman (1946) ➣ Reduced Cost from 210 to 190

M43 H.M.C (Post 1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 260 to 300
M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage ➣ Increased Cost from 240 to 260
M116 HowitzerM40 Gun Motor Carriage ➣ Reduced Cost from 220 to 210
M7 Priest ➣ Decreased Cost from 200 to 180

T28 Super Heavy ➣ Upkeep Removed
T30 Heavy Tank (Post 1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 370 to 410
T30 Heavy Tank (1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 340 to 360
T29 Heavy Tank ➣ Reduced Cost from 310 to 300
M1920 Railway Gun ➣ Reduced Cost from 850 to 800
"Behold! The weapons that will turn the tide of war! The American Industry has efficiently managed to cut production costs while maintaining the quality of the vehicle. But be wary as they are still affected by the dwindling economy!"

Landing Crafts ➣ Increased Range from 13 to 15
American Cruiser (Pre 1948) ➣ Reduced Cost from 410 to 390
American Cruiser (1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 430 to 440
American Cruiser (Post 1948) ➣ Increased Cost from 450 to 500
"The Landing Crafts's engines have been improved, no thanks to the factories back home. Each craft will now be able to reach its objectives swifter than ever!"

B-29 "Superfortress" ➣ Reduced Cost from 310 to 270
B-50 "Superfortress" ➣ Increased Cost from 330 to 370
F6F "Hellcat" ➣ Reduced Cost from 100 to 80
F8F "Bearcat" ➣ Increased Cost from 110 to 120
P-61 "Black Widow" ➣ Increased Cost from 190 to 200
P-80 "Shooting Star" ➣ Increased Cost from 170 to 200

EVENT UPDATE (31/01/2024)

Northwest Kyushu ➣ Reworked "Beginning of the War" Event to be slightly stronger
Southeast Kyushu ➣ Reworked "Beginning of the War" Event to be slightly stronger

[USA] Sixth Army (West) ➣ Reworked "Income Deterioration" Events to be slightly punishing
[USA] Sixth Army (East) ➣ Reworked "Income Deterioration" Events to be slightly punishing
Tender is the Night...
31.01.2024 - 13:23
UNIT UPDATE (1/02/2024)

American Entrenched Infantry ➣ Renamed "American Entrenched Infantry" to "US Entrenched Infantry" for shorter length.

US Entrenched Infantry ➣ Fragmented "US Entrenched Infantry" to 3 different units. (1946 / 1947 / 1948+)
US Entrenched Infantry (1946) ➣ Retains current Cost
US Entrenched Infantry (1947) ➣ Increase Cost from 120 to 140
US Entrenched Infantry (1948+) ➣ Increase Cost from 120 to 170
Congress has found discrepancies in the cost of production. "Why is it?" they asked, "that a group of soldiers armed with HMGs and Mortars, still retain their pricing in this failing economy?"
Tender is the Night...
02.02.2024 - 00:39
UNIT UPDATE (2/02/2024)

"Fanatical Defence can sometimes be labelled as an Offense, Japanese Heavy Equipment is now more encouraged to be aggressive and destructive."

Type 97 Shinhōtō Chi-Ha ➣ Increased Attack from 10 to 11
Type 97 Shinhōtō Chi-Ha ➣ Reduced Defence from 7 to 6
Type 97 Shinhōtō Chi-Ha ➣ Reduced Cost from 210 to 200

Type 97 Chi-Ha ➣ Increased Attack from 9 to 10
Type 97 Chi-Ha ➣ Reduced Cost from 205 to 190

Type 98 Ke-Ni ➣ Increased Attack from 7 to 8
Type 98 Ke-Ni ➣ Reduced Defence from 6 to 5
Type 98 Ke-Ni ➣ Reduced Cost from 190 to 180

Type 3 Chi-Nu ➣ Increased Attack from 12 to 13
Type 3 Chi-Nu ➣ Reduced Defence from 10 to 9

Type 4 Chi-To ➣ Increased Attack from 18 to 20
Type 4 Chi-To ➣ Increased Cost from 330 to 510
Type 4 Chi-To ➣ Now buildable during Divine Wind

Type 38 75mm Field Gun ➣ Reduced Cost from 110 to 90
Type 4 15cm Howitzer ➣ Reduced Cost from 120 to 110
Type 89 15cm Cannon ➣ Reduced Cost from 130 to 120
Type 96 15cm Cannon ➣ Reduced Cost from 140 to 130

Type 96 25mm Anti-Air ➣ Increased Attack from 3 to 4
Type 3 12cm Anti-Air ➣ Increased Attack from 3 to 4
Type 5 15cm Anti-Air ➣ Increased Attack from 3 to 4
Type 1 47mm Anti-Tank ➣ Increased Attack from 3 to 4
Type 2 57mm Anti-Tank ➣ Increased Attack from 3 to 4

"To bring success to the American Operation, much stronger firepower at a much earlier rate is needed."

T29 Heavy Tank ➣ Now Buildable at Turn 9
T28 Super Heavy ➣ Increased Cost from 0 to 400
M1920 Railway Gun ➣ Increased Cost from 800 to 900
M1920 Railway Gun ➣ Now Buildable at T13

EVENT UPDATE (2/02/2024)

[USA] Sixth Army (West) ➣ Has more starting money
[USA] Sixth Army (East) ➣ Has more starting money
Tender is the Night...
02.02.2024 - 07:58
UNIT UPDATE (2/02/2024)

♜ Operation Objective ➣ Removed (Weakens Capital Defences on Both sides)

IJA Infantry ➣ Reduced Cost from 65 to 60

"I Corps" Army Group ➣ Increased Range from 10 to 12
"IX Corps" Army Group ➣ Increased Range from 10 to 12
"V Corps" Army Group ➣ Increased Range from 10 to 12
"XI Corps" Army Group ➣ Increased Range from 10 to 12
"40th Infantry 'Sunburst'" ➣ Increased Range from 9 to 10
"158th Infantry Regiment" ➣ Increased Range from 9 to 10
Tender is the Night...
02.02.2024 - 08:15
EVENT UPDATE (2/02/2024)

[USA] Sixth Army (West) ➣ Reworked "Arrival of IX Corps (Turn 9)" Event to be slightly stronger
[USA] Sixth Army (East) ➣ Reworked "Sea Secondary Landing(T19)" Event to be slightly stronger
[USA] Sixth Army (West) ➣ Reworked "Income Deterioration" Events to be slightly punishing
[USA] Sixth Army (East) ➣ Reworked "Income Deterioration" Events to be slightly punishing
Tender is the Night...
02.02.2024 - 08:32
UNIT UPDATE (2/02/2024)

O-I Super Heavy ➣ Added as a unit, unbuildable. Has 21/18 for 32 HP and 28 Critical. Almost Identical to the T28 Super Heavy. Spawns in Scrape the Barrel
"The Americans have abandoned Tokyo, and they've left their Armor in the plains ready for us to scrap and turn into superior weapons of war. Beware Invaders of Kyushu! For you shall receive the might of the Super Heavies.
Tender is the Night...
05.02.2024 - 16:50
Just an observation from my side. I know you like make units, but sometimes less is more. At this point, for me, there are too many different types of units. Especially since players often create the same unit all the time. I know, units are fun, they add variety to the game, but sometimes you really need fewer to appreciate the ones you have.
Example from capital of the red country:
1. Munitions depot
2.Fortified Port
3.Carto & Supplies
4.Will to fight
5.Costal guns 1
6.Costal guns 2
7.Anti air
8.Fixed gun
12.Garrisoned position
This is 12 units, can't you do the same in 4-5 units to make it more readable?
There are 15 types of planes, can't there be 6?
Now the question is why I interfere. It's a pity when someone creates a good map and then there are too few players who understand it. Players are lazy (like me), they don't want to read about all these units, and then there is no one to play.
06.02.2024 - 08:56
Escrito por VonHolstein, 05.02.2024 at 16:50

Just an observation from my side. I know you like make units, but sometimes less is more. At this point, for me, there are too many different types of units. Especially since players often create the same unit all the time. I know, units are fun, they add variety to the game, but sometimes you really need fewer to appreciate the ones you have.
Example from capital of the red country:
1. Munitions depot
2.Fortified Port
3.Carto & Supplies
4.Will to fight
5.Costal guns 1
6.Costal guns 2
7.Anti air
8.Fixed gun
12.Garrisoned position
This is 12 units, can't you do the same in 4-5 units to make it more readable?
There are 15 types of planes, can't there be 6?
Now the question is why I interfere. It's a pity when someone creates a good map and then there are too few players who understand it. Players are lazy (like me), they don't want to read about all these units, and then there is no one to play.

This is a very decent observation, and totally valid as an opinion.

To explain what each unit does to provide more understanding, it is better to know the context of the map and each unit operating within the map first. We can tackle this by first, the 4 Defence structures in a Capital City. [Trench, Bunker, Perimeter Fortification, Garrisoned Position]

As Japan, your IJA Infantry is incredibly weak and pathetic outside cities, they are poorly supplied and will struggle to deal with any combat if caught outside a city. However, the Japanese are determined to hold important areas of the country and will willingly die defending it with their lives no matter what. Thus, an infantry with 3 defence initially will gain an increase defence of +4 within the capital cities of Fukuoka, Oita, and Kumamoto. Another +1 defence is added if a general is present, inspiring the troops within and motivating their eagerness to defend their homeland.
An IJA Infantry should, in theory, be weak outside a city, but incredibly strong in defending key cities.
This is why there are 4 different Building:Defence structures, as each +1 defence stacks on each other and allows a unit inside to gain more defence. This will not apply if you just stack a city with 4 trenches, as only 1 of them will apply the +1 damage. (A case of Atwar Coding)

From 12 concerns, we're now down to 8, let's now address the Fixed-Gun emplacements, Anti-Aircraft, and Coastal Guns. These are specialized buildings that provide bonus defence when attacked by a specific unit, except for Fixed-Guns which is an all-arounder. Why are they split into three then? This is because if we were to just put 10 Fixed-Gun emplacements, a mass of tanks will just remove all 10, leaving the city to be vulnerable to the more mighty and strong B50 Superfortress bombers that will decimate the people inside, that is why we want Anti-Air to be present while Fixed-Gun emplacements are present, same can be said to the Naval Gun Emplacements considering the American Cruiser can be argued as the United State's most strongest spammable unit in theory, behind the T29 Heavy Tank.
We want to create a scenario where specified rushes like those are heavily countered. The Foritified Port technically does that job too, but from what you've noticed, some areas outside a capital has either a fortified port, or just naval gun emplacements, they are explicitely placed in intentional areas to remove USA ship abuse while still making them strong against confrontation in open waters.

We could say that the extra Coastal Gun is redundant, that I may actually believe, and may consider removing it if there is more opinions from other people who wishes to say so.

Going from 8 concerns, we're now down to Will to Fight, and the Supplies / Munitions Depot. The Will to Fight extends the the reinforcements of a city from the limit of 10 to 13, giving the Japanese more manpower to outnumber the American Army. Lastly, as I explained earlier from the Building:Defence, having 2 different Building:Finance will reduce the upkeep of a unit inside the city from just -3 to a whopping -6. If you add the general in the mix, this means you are saving A LOT of money from keeping your stack rested in a city, giving them time to recover and know that they are safe and protected behind heavy guns and concrete structures.

We hope this explains to you the reasoning of why capital cities are heavily fortified with different unit variety, as a tldr; this means that out of the 12 concerns, only 1 can easily be dealt with while the 11 can't without reworking a major aspect of the scenario.

As you are aware, this map is heavily inspired from Dire's way of mapping, after all, this was made out of the necessity that we couldn't fill Ostfront anymore and reduced the number of players from 7 to 4. Dire has a unique way of units where they have depth with different variety, circumstances, and ways to use them. Not every unit is an Anti-Everything, and that shouldn't be.

Personally if you ask me, an infantry should, in no way, be able to defeat a tank in a direct confrontation (World Map Units). Unless they are accompanied with Anti-Tank weaponry and other similar manner. An infantry should also be unable to properly defend against an air-attack. Mere rifles are not strong enough to halt an incoming plane and will require Anti-Air for them to properly stop it.

There is a redundant amount of units, but each unit serves its purpose. As the war goes on, some units go, others comes in. A map with this much depth will never stand in shallow waters, as it goes against the inspiration and the idea of Defence in Depth and goes against the concept of "Anti-Everything" units.
Tender is the Night...
06.02.2024 - 09:00
I understand and do not mind if not many players will willingly play the map. And as a map maker, it is not within my right to demand players to play my creations. Cartography in general for me is something done out of passion and not out of necessity. There are plenty of great maps in Atwar, and it is not within my business to persuade others to play mine.

This is reflected in the fact that out of the current and recent hosts of Mutsu Operation: 1946, barely any, if not, none at all were hosted by me. I will take into consideration your ideas, but please be informed almost all of them will not be touched.

And besides, people enjoyed Ostfront with over 200+ plays, people have played RP maps with over 200+ units. Saying that the atwar population is lazy is not entirely true. It is only a matter of preference on the map.
Tender is the Night...
06.02.2024 - 19:45
I'm pretty inexperienced, but a game I saw seemed quite favored towards the IJN units. (Dunno which version it would have been) It was entertaining to read your "quotes."
06.02.2024 - 23:26
Escrito por Efhilt, 06.02.2024 at 19:45

I'm pretty inexperienced, but a game I saw seemed quite favored towards the IJN units. (Dunno which version it would have been) It was entertaining to read your "quotes."

Good Day! Ever since the release of the game, it has been revealed that the Japanese units are incredibly powerful. Not only were they cheap, but they were also effective in dealing with American Units. Japan has been hit with various nerfs all throughout the existence of the map in order to make the American Victory more achievable.

As of the current version, Japan is still relatively stronger than USA if both are manned with inexperienced players. However, there have been games where players who controlled the USA snowball hard enough that they overwhelm the Japanese defences and eventually cap the USA. This was enough for some players in the IJA-side to call "USA is unbalanced".

However, from the looks of it and from post-game reviews, Japan is still seen as relatively strong. Meaning that the matter of skill is now put into question for an American to win against the Japanese. The map is more balanced than ever since the last versions of the map!
Tender is the Night...
07.02.2024 - 08:12
UNIT UPDATE (7/2/2024)

✡ Munitions Depot ➣ Removed (This is a general nerf to the Japanese Faction, however, upon request by a few people in DMs to reduce clutter, it has been removed. Cry for "income" imbalance will not be considered afterwards due to this change)
♟ Fortified Port ➣ Increased Bonus Defence against Naval Units from 50 to 60 (Only +30 Defence is applied against [IJN] Nagato)[Reflecting the removal of the ♟ Type 45 15cm Coastal Gun]

♟ Type 45 15cm Coastal Gun ➣ Removed (This is a general nerf to the Japanese Faction, however, upon request by a few people in DMs to reduce clutter, it has been removed. Cry for "Naval" imbalance will not be considered afterwards due to this change)

Type 3 Chi-To ➣ Reduced Cost from 510 to 480
O-I Super Heavy ➣ Reduced Crit from 28 to 25
O-I Super Heavy ➣ Increased Attack from 21 to 25
O-I Super Heavy ➣ Reduced Defence from 18 to 12
"The American Invasion has left the Japanese desperate for ever-increasing strength of their Imperial Army. Improvements in their heavy weaponry were approved by Tojo himself!"

Tokyo Express ➣ Reduced HP from 16 to 12
"To strengthen their Army, the Japanese have made further sacrifices to the quality of their Navy."

Infantry-Based Units ➣ Decreased Crit by 5
Vehicle-Based Units ➣ Decreased Crit by 3

M1920 Railgun ➣ Decreased Cost from 900 to 800
M1920 Railgun ➣ Increased Speed from 3 to 4
M1920 Railgun ➣ Decreased Crit from 25 to 15
"With the help of their extensive logistics capabilities and professional army engineers, they're able to transition Japanese Railways to their gauge. The Railguns are much faster and cheaper to operate."


Northwest Kyushu "Scrape The Barrel" increased Income from 561 to 761
Southeast Kyushu "Scrape The Barrel" increased Income from 841 to 1041

Updates after this will be delayed or only sent if the matter at hand is pressing and requires immediate change. Therefore, upon this point, as already proven by Dire and Arisen, the battles are mostly skill-based and not country-based. Thus, it is vital for players to learn how to play their respective picks and adapt to the country itself. A guide will be posted at a later date that properly dictates how a person should play a specific pick, please stay tuned for that. Again, thank you for playing Mutsu Operation : 1946. A new map is already at work that covers the other front of the entire Operation Downfall scenario.
Tender is the Night...
08.02.2024 - 10:53
UNIT UPDATE (9/2/2024)

T29 Heavy Tank ➣ Gains +3 Defence if attacked by lower-calibre Artillery units (Type 38 75mm Field Gun / Type 4 15cm Howitzer)
T30 Heavy Tank (1948) ➣ Gains +3 Defence if attacked by lower-calibre Artillery units (Type 38 75mm Field Gun / Type 4 15cm Howitzer)
T30 Heavy Tank (Post 1948) ➣ Gains +3 Defence if attacked by lower-calibre Artillery units (Type 38 75mm Field Gun / Type 4 15cm Howitzer)
"Improved frontal armour on the Heavy Tanks results in small-arms fire being ineffective when fired upon. However, tanks are still able to penetrate it from its sides.

American Convoy ➣ Reduced Cost from 230 to 215
P-61 "Black Widow" ➣ Reduced Cost from 200 to 190
M1920 Railway Gun ➣ Increased Speed from 4 to 5
Tender is the Night...
08.02.2024 - 21:46


"Seeing the map gaining traction and positive (and negative but reasonable) feedback brings joy to me as a map creator. Although I've already been experienced with the map-making scene since 2020, only now have I gained the courage to post an actual playable map. Again, special thanks to Arisen and Dire for playing a major role in the development of this map! And for those who have enjoyed Mutsu Operation : 1946 so far, be prepared for the Tokyo front. The war there will also start soon~"
"This is another Major update, reducing unit clutter, repurposing some, and giving previously unused units the opportunity to be used via buffs added to them. Hopefully, these changes facilitate a new playstyle for both Japan and the USA and we will be actively looking out for any imbalances after this change. Again, thank you for your continued support!"

UNIT UPDATE (9/02/2024)

♟ Fortified Port ➣ Reduced HP from 40 to 30

A6M Zero "Divine Wind" ➣ Increased Attack from 8 to 9
A6M Zero "Divine Wind" ➣ Increased Cost from 155 to 165
A6M Zero "Divine Wind" ➣ Reduced Range from 16 to 14
Ki-102 "Kō" ➣ Increased Attack from 12 to 13
Ki-102 "Kō" ➣ Reduced Defence from 5 to 4
Ki-45 "Toryu" ➣ Increased Attack from 10 to 11
Ki-49 "Donryu" ➣ Increased Attack from 15 to 16
Ki-84 "Hayate" ➣ Increased Attack from 5 to 7
Ki-84 "Hayate" ➣ Increased Cost from 100 to 110
N1K2-J "Shiden-Kai" ➣ Increased Attack from 7 to 9
N1K2-J "Shiden-Kai" ➣ Increased Cost from 110 to 130
Ki-100 "Goshikisen" ➣ Increased Attack from 9 to 11
Ki-100 "Goshikisen" ➣ Increased Cost from 120 to 140
MXY-7 "Ohka" ➣ Increased Attack from 4 to 5
MXY-7 "Ohka" ➣ Reduced Critical from 40 to 30
MXY-7 "Ohka" ➣ Increased Range from 18 to 20
MXY-7 "Ohka" ➣ Increased Cost from 60 to 85
"'Transcend life and death. Eliminate all thoughts about your life and your death. Only then you will disregard your earthly life totally. You will be empowered to focus your attention on eradicating your enemy with unwavering determination. In the meantime, reinforce your excellence in flight skills.', that is what is written in every manual and every cockpit of every Japanese pilot. Let us raise our ceramic cups and make a toast to the continued future of the Empire of Japan."

O-I Super Heavy ➣ Removed Upkeep
Type 3 Chi-Nu ➣ Reduced Cost from 230 to 220
Japanese Entrenched Infantry ➣ Increased Defence from 11 to 12

3-inch M5 Anti-Tank (Post 1948) ➣ Removed
American Cruiser (Post 1948) ➣ Removed
M114 155mm Howitzer (Post 1948) ➣ Removed
M26 Pershing (Post 1948) ➣ Removed
M43 H.M.C (Post 1948) ➣ Removed
T30 Heavy Tank (Post 1948) ➣ Removed
"To streamline production, various models were pulled out and scrapped. Previous iterations of these vehicles will retain its use throughout 1949.

F8F "Bearcat" ➣ Reduced Availability from Turn 35 to Turn 30
P-80 "Shooting Star" ➣ Hasten Availability from Turn 36 to Turn 31
P-80 "Shooting Star" ➣ Increase Cost from 200 to 260
"The project was a success. This will be the first Jet Fighter ever mass-produced and used in combat! It may be costly, sure, but we shall hope this will turn the tides of war!"

American Marines Pre-1947 ➣ Reduced Cost from 150 to 140
American Marines Post-1947 ➣ Reduced Cost from 170 to 160

90mm M2 Anti-Air ➣ Increased Defence against Planes from 11 to 13
90mm M2 Anti-Air ➣ Increased Cost from 170 to 200

120mm Gun M1 Anti-Air ➣ Repurposed [Now has +13 Defence to both Tanks and Planes (+3 more against Divine Wind)]
120mm Gun M1 Anti-Air ➣ Buildable Starting from Turn 9
120mm Gun M1 Anti-Air ➣ Increased Attack from 4 to 6
120mm Gun M1 Anti-Air ➣ Increased HP from 9 to 11
120mm Gun M1 Anti-Air ➣ Reduced Range from 6 to 5
120mm Gun M1 Anti-Air ➣ Increased Price from 250 to 400
"Gun depressions check... Elevation check... Rounds check... Alright, let's bring this bad boy to the frontlines."

M7 Priest ➣ Increased Range from 10 to 11
M40 Gun Motor Carriage ➣ Increased Range from 10 to 11
M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage ➣ Increased Range from 10 to 11
M24 Chaffee ➣ Increased Range from 13 to 14
M24 Chaffee (Post 1948) ➣ Increased Range from 13 to 14
"Superior American Industry has further improved the engines of their mechanized units. Its improved mobility will allow for immediate responses in times of sudden need.

COUNTRY UPDATE (9/02/2024)

Southeast Japan "Yawatahara / Uwajima / Sukomo / Sasaki / Matsuyama Port" loses Fortified Port and Will to Fight.

EVENT UPDATE (9/02/2024)

Sixth Army USA [West / East] ➣ Gains 3 120mm Gun M1 Anti-Air yearly [Every 12 turns].
Sixth Army USA [West / East] ➣ Reworked "Beginning of the War" Events at each American Fleets.
Southeast Kyūshū ➣ Gains Will to Fight in "Yawatahara / Uwajima / Sukomo / Sasaki / Matsuyama Port" at Turn 17.
Tender is the Night...
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