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28.06.2015 - 19:50
After recently ranking up from r4 to r5 AtWar has become a game I can effectively, no longer play. The treatment of rank 5 players (and in some cases rank 6 and 7) in the main lobby is horrible, its been days sense ive played a game without being kicked for not being a higher level considering I can no longer play in the beginners lobby. For example: I joined a WWI game the other day, and after being kicked for choosing countries I would actually enjoy playing (Nothing crazy, Ottoman Empire and Italy) I decided to be more subtle in choosing my countries in a desperate attempt to be overlooked and play a game. I ended up choosing Serbia and before the game even started 3 players had complained that "Rank 5 in this game is a joke" and I was kicked within minutes of joining.

After seeing the kind of treatment that midrank players recieve ive observed that the majority of the AtWar community is simply garbage. Its hard to join any lobby without being told to leave, getting kicked, or being called a noob or any other names. Im tired of being kicked from every game i try and join for simply existing, no matter how small of a country I pick. I will admit there are many people who are sympathetic to low levels, but I still can't play any games short of a Europe+ game. Scenario games are simply impossible, people can't get better to play with you if you don't let them play. Something needs to be done and to that I say this.

It dosent matter if one player on your team is a weak link, a quick game at most will last an hour, one game, one hour out of the hundreds of games you will play has little effect on you, but how you react has negative effects on the people who are just trying to learn the game, if you don't like a rank 5 on your team than you can leave, don't hurt the people who want to play the game. Something needs to change.
28.06.2015 - 19:55
I'm not sure what your problem is unless you are addicted to maps that you can't make without premium. I usually make my own games and all works out well.
28.06.2015 - 20:00
Escrito por PeaceDictator, 28.06.2015 at 19:55

I'm not sure what your problem is unless you are addicted to maps that you can't make without premium. I usually make my own games and all works out well.

The problem is that after playing for about 2 years (i signed up in 2013) playing on one world map gets boring, really, boring. And when I try to join a scenario game I just get kicked.
28.06.2015 - 21:00
Two years and still a r5......

Also, every low rank complains about it. Wait till you are r7 or higher and you will treat them the same. No matter how much you think you wont, you will. I use to think I would be fine with r5's playing, but you are a r5. When I play a scenario game, I want to have a good game with higher level/skilled players. Your job is to rank up (you get more sp from world games, euro games, etc. than scenarios). r5's are treated liek dirt, no one denies that. But they are also horrible is a substantial amount of ways whether it be walling, playing correctly, etc. best advice is to rank up. higher ranks like to play with higher ranks as it makes the game more interesting and therefor more fun. It won't change anytime soon.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
28.06.2015 - 21:06

Rank 5 would have the tools they need if this was approved...

Anyway, the rankism of the games were already debated and they lost the argument. But they still enforce it simply because they want to. My suggestion to you is to try custom maps: Ancient, middle earth. There since is not a team game nobody will complain about you picking over certain country.

But if you really love scenarios then you can always buy premium...
28.06.2015 - 21:18
Escrito por Pheonixking929, 28.06.2015 at 21:00

Two years and still a r5......

Also, every low rank complains about it. Wait till you are r7 or higher and you will treat them the same. No matter how much you think you wont, you will. I use to think I would be fine with r5's playing, but you are a r5. When I play a scenario game, I want to have a good game with higher level/skilled players. Your job is to rank up (you get more sp from world games, euro games, etc. than scenarios). r5's are treated liek dirt, no one denies that. But they are also horrible is a substantial amount of ways whether it be walling, playing correctly, etc. best advice is to rank up. higher ranks like to play with higher ranks as it makes the game more interesting and therefor more fun. It won't change anytime soon.

I couldn't disagree more, have you ever thought every low rank complains because its something that needs to be fixed? What do think people want when they complain? Did you even read my post? It dosent matter if you want a good game with high level players, that's exactly why I said if you don't like it leave, don't hurt the people who actually want to play the game. And what are you talking about my job? I dont have a job, there is no 'job' for players to do, there 'job' is to have fun and enjoy the game, and when high rank players prevent us from that we can't do our 'job'. I don't care what ranks me up, i care about having fun, that's the bottom line.

EDIT: to expand on my point of "don't like it, leave" when you have 2 things, one person wanting to simply play the game, and another person (such as yourself) who wants a game full of experienced people the first persons needs can easily be met, while your asking for more than you 'need'. Don't deny people something so simple while you ask for more and more.
28.06.2015 - 21:32
Escrito por Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 21:18

Escrito por Pheonixking929, 28.06.2015 at 21:00

Two years and still a r5......

Also, every low rank complains about it. Wait till you are r7 or higher and you will treat them the same. No matter how much you think you wont, you will. I use to think I would be fine with r5's playing, but you are a r5. When I play a scenario game, I want to have a good game with higher level/skilled players. Your job is to rank up (you get more sp from world games, euro games, etc. than scenarios). r5's are treated liek dirt, no one denies that. But they are also horrible is a substantial amount of ways whether it be walling, playing correctly, etc. best advice is to rank up. higher ranks like to play with higher ranks as it makes the game more interesting and therefor more fun. It won't change anytime soon.

I couldn't disagree more, have you ever thought every low rank complains because its something that needs to be fixed? What do think people want when they complain? Did you even read my post? It dosent matter if you want a good game with high level players, that's exactly why I said if you don't like it leave, don't hurt the people who actually want to play the game. And what are you talking about my job? I dont have a job, there is no 'job' for players to do, there 'job' is to have fun and enjoy the game, and when high rank players prevent us from that we can't do our 'job'. I don't care what ranks me up, i care about having fun, that's the bottom line.

EDIT: to expand on my point of "don't like it, leave" when you have 2 things, one person wanting to simply play the game, and another person (such as yourself) who wants a game full of experienced people the first persons needs can easily be met, while your asking for more than you 'need'. Don't deny people something so simple while you ask for more and more.

When a high rank starts a game, they are expecting a good game. WHen a host spends money to support this game and ten use what they paid for to start a game, they started to have fun. The only way high ranks have fun sis by versing people of similar rank. A r5 is nothing compared to a r8+ even a r7 is significantly more experienced. The job of the host in a scenario is simple: maintain balance and make sure the game is fun. This means if one team has high ranks, the host will kick low ranks to make room for high ranks. This means a high rank will kick a low rank to ensure a higher rank plays so the game does not end prematurely. If you want to play with the big leagues, then rank up. You can complain about "rankism" all you want, everyone of us went through it and guess what? We survived. In fact it helped us because instead of being forced to play people with much higher experience and losing within a few turns, we played with people around OUR rank, slowly gathering experience, slowing gathering sp, and ranking up.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
28.06.2015 - 21:49
Escrito por Pheonixking929, 28.06.2015 at 21:32

Escrito por Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 21:18

Escrito por Pheonixking929, 28.06.2015 at 21:00

Two years and still a r5......

Also, every low rank complains about it. Wait till you are r7 or higher and you will treat them the same. No matter how much you think you wont, you will. I use to think I would be fine with r5's playing, but you are a r5. When I play a scenario game, I want to have a good game with higher level/skilled players. Your job is to rank up (you get more sp from world games, euro games, etc. than scenarios). r5's are treated liek dirt, no one denies that. But they are also horrible is a substantial amount of ways whether it be walling, playing correctly, etc. best advice is to rank up. higher ranks like to play with higher ranks as it makes the game more interesting and therefor more fun. It won't change anytime soon.

I couldn't disagree more, have you ever thought every low rank complains because its something that needs to be fixed? What do think people want when they complain? Did you even read my post? It dosent matter if you want a good game with high level players, that's exactly why I said if you don't like it leave, don't hurt the people who actually want to play the game. And what are you talking about my job? I dont have a job, there is no 'job' for players to do, there 'job' is to have fun and enjoy the game, and when high rank players prevent us from that we can't do our 'job'. I don't care what ranks me up, i care about having fun, that's the bottom line.

EDIT: to expand on my point of "don't like it, leave" when you have 2 things, one person wanting to simply play the game, and another person (such as yourself) who wants a game full of experienced people the first persons needs can easily be met, while your asking for more than you 'need'. Don't deny people something so simple while you ask for more and more.

When a high rank starts a game, they are expecting a good game. When a host spends money to support this game and ten use what they paid for to start a game, they started to have fun. The only way high ranks have fun sis by versing people of similar rank. A r5 is nothing compared to a r8+ even a r7 is significantly more experienced. The job of the host in a scenario is simple: maintain balance and make sure the game is fun. This means if one team has high ranks, the host will kick low ranks to make room for high ranks. This means a high rank will kick a low rank to ensure a higher rank plays so the game does not end prematurely. If you want to play with the big leagues, then rank up. You can complain about "rankism" all you want, everyone of us went through it and guess what? We survived. In fact it helped us because instead of being forced to play people with much higher experience and losing within a few turns, we played with people around OUR rank, slowly gathering experience, slowing gathering sp, and ranking up.

When a low rank starts a game they want a good game, it dosent matter, everyone wants a good game, i don't know where your going with that. What I can tell by what your saying is if a premium player wants to have fun, obviously, but that in no way, shape or form allows them the ability to take the fun away from lower ranks, just because someone pays for the game dosent mean it elevates them to a level of higher importance, premium dosent come with a tag saying "You no longer have to play with low ranks", people know what they pay for, and they get what they pay for, and preventing low ranks from playing is definitely not what they payed for.

Again with this job stuff, nobody has a job, there are no jobs. The hosts 'job' is the do whatever the hell they want with there game, there hosting it for gods sake. They can make it as unbalanced as they want. Im not here complaining about there ability to kick, that's there freedom, im complaining about how low ranks are treated, to change to minds of high rank hosts so they don't kick people out of there own interest, but to see that other people just want to have fun as well.

Your last comment is %100 irrelevant, it dosent matter what you went through, what im going through, if you survived or not. What matters is that that shit should not be happening, and you should have never had to go through that. No one is forced to play with anyone.
28.06.2015 - 22:41
Escrito por Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 21:49

Escrito por Pheonixking929, 28.06.2015 at 21:32

Escrito por Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 21:18

Escrito por Pheonixking929, 28.06.2015 at 21:00

Two years and still a r5......

Also, every low rank complains about it. Wait till you are r7 or higher and you will treat them the same. No matter how much you think you wont, you will. I use to think I would be fine with r5's playing, but you are a r5. When I play a scenario game, I want to have a good game with higher level/skilled players. Your job is to rank up (you get more sp from world games, euro games, etc. than scenarios). r5's are treated liek dirt, no one denies that. But they are also horrible is a substantial amount of ways whether it be walling, playing correctly, etc. best advice is to rank up. higher ranks like to play with higher ranks as it makes the game more interesting and therefor more fun. It won't change anytime soon.

I couldn't disagree more, have you ever thought every low rank complains because its something that needs to be fixed? What do think people want when they complain? Did you even read my post? It dosent matter if you want a good game with high level players, that's exactly why I said if you don't like it leave, don't hurt the people who actually want to play the game. And what are you talking about my job? I dont have a job, there is no 'job' for players to do, there 'job' is to have fun and enjoy the game, and when high rank players prevent us from that we can't do our 'job'. I don't care what ranks me up, i care about having fun, that's the bottom line.

EDIT: to expand on my point of "don't like it, leave" when you have 2 things, one person wanting to simply play the game, and another person (such as yourself) who wants a game full of experienced people the first persons needs can easily be met, while your asking for more than you 'need'. Don't deny people something so simple while you ask for more and more.

When a high rank starts a game, they are expecting a good game. When a host spends money to support this game and ten use what they paid for to start a game, they started to have fun. The only way high ranks have fun sis by versing people of similar rank. A r5 is nothing compared to a r8+ even a r7 is significantly more experienced. The job of the host in a scenario is simple: maintain balance and make sure the game is fun. This means if one team has high ranks, the host will kick low ranks to make room for high ranks. This means a high rank will kick a low rank to ensure a higher rank plays so the game does not end prematurely. If you want to play with the big leagues, then rank up. You can complain about "rankism" all you want, everyone of us went through it and guess what? We survived. In fact it helped us because instead of being forced to play people with much higher experience and losing within a few turns, we played with people around OUR rank, slowly gathering experience, slowing gathering sp, and ranking up.

When a low rank starts a game they want a good game, it dosent matter, everyone wants a good game, i don't know where your going with that. What I can tell by what your saying is if a premium player wants to have fun, obviously, but that in no way, shape or form allows them the ability to take the fun away from lower ranks, just because someone pays for the game dosent mean it elevates them to a level of higher importance, premium dosent come with a tag saying "You no longer have to play with low ranks", people know what they pay for, and they get what they pay for, and preventing low ranks from playing is definitely not what they payed for.

Again with this job stuff, nobody has a job, there are no jobs. The hosts 'job' is the do whatever the hell they want with there game, there hosting it for gods sake. They can make it as unbalanced as they want. Im not here complaining about there ability to kick, that's there freedom, im complaining about how low ranks are treated, to change to minds of high rank hosts so they don't kick people out of there own interest, but to see that other people just want to have fun as well.

Your last comment is %100 irrelevant, it dosent matter what you went through, what im going through, if you survived or not. What matters is that that shit should not be happening, and you should have never had to go through that. No one is forced to play with anyone.

I'm going to explain this one last time.....

Low ranks are kicked because they are LOW RANKS. This means they LACK experience. This means they CANNOT match someone of significant higher rank. This means they will LOSE quicker than a higher rank would have. This means one side gets and UNFAIR advantage. This means the game ends QUICKER. This makes the game LESS fun. Three steps to success:

1. Play a game. Everyone get's kicked, even the high ranks. Complaining about it does as much as yelling at a bird with no wings to fly.
2. If you can't handle being kicked, then don't play. This community is not going to get any nicer. It is full of people who either have nothing better to do, who need a place to vent their personal views, or who simply want to troll. This game is designed for a very specific group of people and if you can't handle it then find another game. Suck it up, move on.
3. If a host's job is to do whatever the hell they want with their game, then stop complaining when you get kicked. You just said they can do whatever the hell they want. And yes, a host does have a job to make sure game is balanced. This is why when a host screws up another premium player says they will remake, leaves the game, remakes, and everyone else joins the remake. SO lastly, you can complain about reality, that is your right. But don't expect anything to change, don't expect people to change. No one cares about low rank's feelings, all we care about is having a fun game once in a while. You think you are worth playing with us? Then get experience, get sp, and rank up. SImple as that.

I'm going in circles here so before I stab my eyes out, I will no longer respond unless you say something so outrageous or someone else begins to comment on this thread.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
28.06.2015 - 23:57
Escrito por Pheonixking929, 28.06.2015 at 22:41

Escrito por Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 21:49

Escrito por Pheonixking929, 28.06.2015 at 21:32

Escrito por Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 21:18

Escrito por Pheonixking929, 28.06.2015 at 21:00

Two years and still a r5......

Also, every low rank complains about it. Wait till you are r7 or higher and you will treat them the same. No matter how much you think you wont, you will. I use to think I would be fine with r5's playing, but you are a r5. When I play a scenario game, I want to have a good game with higher level/skilled players. Your job is to rank up (you get more sp from world games, euro games, etc. than scenarios). r5's are treated liek dirt, no one denies that. But they are also horrible is a substantial amount of ways whether it be walling, playing correctly, etc. best advice is to rank up. higher ranks like to play with higher ranks as it makes the game more interesting and therefor more fun. It won't change anytime soon.

I couldn't disagree more, have you ever thought every low rank complains because its something that needs to be fixed? What do think people want when they complain? Did you even read my post? It dosent matter if you want a good game with high level players, that's exactly why I said if you don't like it leave, don't hurt the people who actually want to play the game. And what are you talking about my job? I dont have a job, there is no 'job' for players to do, there 'job' is to have fun and enjoy the game, and when high rank players prevent us from that we can't do our 'job'. I don't care what ranks me up, i care about having fun, that's the bottom line.

EDIT: to expand on my point of "don't like it, leave" when you have 2 things, one person wanting to simply play the game, and another person (such as yourself) who wants a game full of experienced people the first persons needs can easily be met, while your asking for more than you 'need'. Don't deny people something so simple while you ask for more and more.

When a high rank starts a game, they are expecting a good game. When a host spends money to support this game and ten use what they paid for to start a game, they started to have fun. The only way high ranks have fun sis by versing people of similar rank. A r5 is nothing compared to a r8+ even a r7 is significantly more experienced. The job of the host in a scenario is simple: maintain balance and make sure the game is fun. This means if one team has high ranks, the host will kick low ranks to make room for high ranks. This means a high rank will kick a low rank to ensure a higher rank plays so the game does not end prematurely. If you want to play with the big leagues, then rank up. You can complain about "rankism" all you want, everyone of us went through it and guess what? We survived. In fact it helped us because instead of being forced to play people with much higher experience and losing within a few turns, we played with people around OUR rank, slowly gathering experience, slowing gathering sp, and ranking up.

When a low rank starts a game they want a good game, it dosent matter, everyone wants a good game, i don't know where your going with that. What I can tell by what your saying is if a premium player wants to have fun, obviously, but that in no way, shape or form allows them the ability to take the fun away from lower ranks, just because someone pays for the game dosent mean it elevates them to a level of higher importance, premium dosent come with a tag saying "You no longer have to play with low ranks", people know what they pay for, and they get what they pay for, and preventing low ranks from playing is definitely not what they payed for.

Again with this job stuff, nobody has a job, there are no jobs. The hosts 'job' is the do whatever the hell they want with there game, there hosting it for gods sake. They can make it as unbalanced as they want. Im not here complaining about there ability to kick, that's there freedom, im complaining about how low ranks are treated, to change to minds of high rank hosts so they don't kick people out of there own interest, but to see that other people just want to have fun as well.

Your last comment is %100 irrelevant, it dosent matter what you went through, what im going through, if you survived or not. What matters is that that shit should not be happening, and you should have never had to go through that. No one is forced to play with anyone.

I'm going to explain this one last time.....

Low ranks are kicked because they are LOW RANKS. This means they LACK experience. This means they CANNOT match someone of significant higher rank. This means they will LOSE quicker than a higher rank would have. This means one side gets and UNFAIR advantage. This means the game ends QUICKER. This makes the game LESS fun. Three steps to success:

1. Play a game. Everyone get's kicked, even the high ranks. Complaining about it does as much as yelling at a bird with no wings to fly.
2. If you can't handle being kicked, then don't play. This community is not going to get any nicer. It is full of people who either have nothing better to do, who need a place to vent their personal views, or who simply want to troll. This game is designed for a very specific group of people and if you can't handle it then find another game. Suck it up, move on.
3. If a host's job is to do whatever the hell they want with their game, then stop complaining when you get kicked. You just said they can do whatever the hell they want. And yes, a host does have a job to make sure game is balanced. This is why when a host screws up another premium player says they will remake, leaves the game, remakes, and everyone else joins the remake. SO lastly, you can complain about reality, that is your right. But don't expect anything to change, don't expect people to change. No one cares about low rank's feelings, all we care about is having a fun game once in a while. You think you are worth playing with us? Then get experience, get sp, and rank up. SImple as that.

I'm going in circles here so before I stab my eyes out, I will no longer respond unless you say something so outrageous or someone else begins to comment on this thread.

Your not explaining anything I don't understand, the problem is what you're saying ive told you otherwise every time. I've refuted EVERYTHING you have said, you come back with anything other than a counter argument. Perhaps I should refute every sentence so you will understand, and im only gonna do this once. I didn't realize I needed a structured argument to make my point, but whatever. Ill take it from the very top.

1. "also, every low rank complains about it. Wait till you are r7 or higher and you will treat them the same." If everyone is complaining that means there's a problem, its obvious.
2. "When I play a scenario game, I want to have a good game with higher level/skilled players" It dosent matter if you want a good game with high level players, that's exactly why I said if you don't like it leave, don't hurt the people who actually want to play the game.
3. "Your job is to rank up (you get more sp from world games, euro games, etc. than scenarios)." what are you talking about my job? I dont have a job, there is no 'job' for players to do, there 'job' is to have fun and enjoy the game, and when high rank players prevent us from that we can't do our 'job'. I don't care what ranks me up, i care about having fun, that's the bottom line.
4. "When a high rank starts a game, they are expecting a good game." When a low rank starts a game they want a good game, it dosent matter, everyone wants a good game, i don't know where your going with that.
5. "When a host spends money to support this game and ten use what they paid for to start a game, they started to have fun. The only way high ranks have fun sis by versing people of similar rank. A r5 is nothing compared to a r8+ even a r7 is significantly more experienced."
"" What I can tell by what your saying is if a premium player wants to have fun, obviously, but that in no way, shape or form allows them the ability to take the fun away from lower ranks, just because someone pays for the game dosent mean it elevates them to a level of higher importance, premium dosent come with a tag saying "You no longer have to play with low ranks", people know what they pay for, and they get what they pay for, and preventing low ranks from playing is definitely not what they payed for.
6. "The job of the host in a scenario is simple: maintain balance and make sure the game is fun. This means if one team has high ranks, the host will kick low ranks to make room for high ranks. This means a high rank will kick a low rank to ensure a higher rank plays so the game does not end prematurely." Again with this job stuff, nobody has a job, there are no jobs. The hosts 'job' is the do whatever the hell they want with there game, there hosting it for gods sake. They can make it as unbalanced as they want.
7. "You can complain about "rankism" all you want, everyone of us went through it and guess what? We survived." irrelevant, it dosent matter what you went through, what im going through, if you survived or not. What matters is that that shit should not be happening, and you should have never had to go through that.
8. "Low ranks are kicked because they are LOW RANKS. This means they LACK experience. This means they CANNOT match someone of significant higher rank. This means they will LOSE quicker than a higher rank would have. This means one side gets and UNFAIR advantage. This means the game ends QUICKER. This makes the game LESS fun." IRRELEVANT, you act as if balance is everything, that balance is the only way to have fun, balance is love, balance is life. It dosent matter, every game has an unfair advantage in some aspects, r10s and r8s are in games with each other all the time, not every team has exact ranks as if you act how it should be. Besides, a growing player wanting to simply play the game is more important than balance, cost benefit analysis.
9. "Play a game. Everyone get's kicked, even the high ranks. Complaining about it does as much as yelling at a bird with no wings to fly." Its obvious high ranks are kicked for a different reason low ranks are, they don't suffer the same injustices anyways. Horrible analogy, complaining is a fringe word, im simply out for a change. Are you saying when I think something is horribly wrong i should just shut my mouth? Hell no, im speaking out for stuff that shouldnt happen, thats the bottom line.
10. "If a host's job is to do whatever the hell they want with their game, then stop complaining when you get kicked. You just said they can do whatever the hell they want. And yes, a host does have a job to make sure game is balanced. This is why when a host screws up another premium player says they will remake, leaves the game, remakes, and everyone else joins the remake. SO lastly, you can complain about reality, that is your right. But don't expect anything to change, don't expect people to change. No one cares about low rank's feelings, all we care about is having a fun game once in a while." You fail time and time again to recognize and process what im saying, you obviously didn't bother to read what i said after i made that claim. Im not here complaining about there ability to kick, that's there freedom, im complaining about how low ranks are treated, to change to minds of high rank hosts so they don't kick people out of there own interest, but to see that other people just want to have fun as well. Please read what i have to say next time. Again, there is not job, no rigid set of rules, if I decide to make a game that's so unbalanced its not even funny, does that mean im not doing my job? No it dosent, it means im doing what i want with my game, now you could argue that this is a horrible game and im a bad host, and you would be right, but there are no jobs, no one hosts a game right or wrong. The host does what they want, and so you don't tell me to stop complaining again because host can do what they want im going to post what i said again so you don't overlook what ive said for the billionth time. Im not here complaining about there ability to kick, that's there freedom, im complaining about how low ranks are treated, to change to minds of high rank hosts so they don't kick people out of there own interest, but to see that other people just want to have fun as well.

Thats everything, do you have anything more to say? And no one is going in circles but you, trying to understand everything i say. Now for one final point, you have admitted yourself that low ranks get treated like dirt and that's true but from what i can tell you support this, you advocate for low ranks to be treated like dirt, and you don't care that they are. Thats your flaw right there, you admit the problem but you still argue against it. Is that how you think this game should be played out? Low ranks getting treated like dirt? Obviously, your thought process is part of the problem. Im simply advocating for a change in through, not a change in the game, for low ranks to stop getting treated like shit. No one ever said i was trying to take away your right to want a game with only high ranks, but you cant host an open game and kick the people who want to play with you for no reason other than there not as good as you and it just might not be as fun as you wanted it to be, that's the price you pay when you play online games, you have to sacrifice a little bit of what you keep screaming about, what you 'want'.

I would say the same to you, that your claims are 'outrageous', but there not, i see where you're coming from, but your reasoning and your logic are flawed. The main thing that's wrong with what your saying is that you think what you 'want' is more important than what a low rank player 'wants' and that's simply ludicrous. But that's it, that's everything, like you said, don't respond, but if you do please present some form of counter argument.
29.06.2015 - 03:29
Oh god, please don't quote wall. Anything except quote wall!!!
29.06.2015 - 04:46
I feel ya, when i was a rank 5 i coudnt join any of the 3v3 games because of rank limits. I Could make my own games though. Rankism will always be present in AW, even by me. I make my 3v3 games 7-15 just for a higher quality game, and my EU+ 5k FFA 5+, again for a higher quality game. You could ask a clan mate (or anyone online with premium, you can ask me too) to make the game you want.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

29.06.2015 - 05:08
Escrito por Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 20:00

Escrito por PeaceDictator, 28.06.2015 at 19:55

I'm not sure what your problem is unless you are addicted to maps that you can't make without premium. I usually make my own games and all works out well.

The problem is that after playing for about 2 years (i signed up in 2013) playing on one world map gets boring, really, boring. And when I try to join a scenario game I just get kicked.

So I guess you admit that you really like the maps only premiums can make.
I don't know, there are a lot of newbs that have premium and you can enjoy many things.
Also I play all types of different continent world map only and its fun. If you crave something different maybe go outside and enjoy the birds?
29.06.2015 - 05:09
Oh and for everyone mad at this guy and saying it is his job to level up.... It seems his main problem is that he can't play the maps he wants. It's a funny model we have here where only premiums can make various maps, they usually play europe anyway haha.
29.06.2015 - 05:09
Oh and for everyone mad at this guy and saying it is his job to level up.... It seems his main problem is that he can't play the maps he wants. It's a funny model we have here where only premiums can make various maps, they usually play europe anyway haha.
29.06.2015 - 06:06
If you are saying you are here 2 years but only reached rank 5 in those 2 years, that is telling more about you and your activity than us who dont accpet rank 5s in our games. Why should we care about some inactive rank 5 who comes once per year and cry about treatment

Point of this game is COMPETING like in every other game or sport.
Fact is that you are lower rank and you still have to learn plenty of things plus improving your skills.
Compare it with some sport or other game:
- if you didnt learn all the things and grew up from lower league, you wont be able to drive directly in F1 races. You will participate in lower league races with other participants who are, at this moment, skilled about same as you are.

Imagine if we are not able ti kick lower ranks from our games. Just imagine that mess. They dont have all upgrades, they dont know what to pick, they use one and only strategy, they still didnt get main game points. If we, competitive players, couldnt kick you, this game would lose its point - COMPETING.
We wont enjoy in it anymore. It is up to you to learn and come competitive enough to participate in games with higher ranks.

If you want not to be kicked anymore, buy that fucking premium and make your own games with your own options and no one is going to kick you.
Stop crying, go learn, see you in cws one day

29.06.2015 - 08:24
 Acquiesce (Mod)
Buy premium or rank up like the rest of us. It's not everyone else's job to accommodate you.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
29.06.2015 - 08:43
Creator of WWI here. Main reason I kick low ranks is they are untrustworthy with little stake in atwar. Seems like every time I give low ranks a chance, they prove themselves not worthy of that opportunity.

The higher rank you are, the more of a reputation you need to uphold. Atwar is like a big community and we kind of all know each other. The higher rank you are the less likely you will be a wfer, troll, or leaver, since by then everyone will know and not allow you in their games or have you on an enemy list. Low ranks are totally unknown and is too much of a risk.
29.06.2015 - 08:53
I would very much like to accommodate r5's in 3v3's but even when i tell them which country they are too choose the majority of times they ignore. me thinking they are bad asses for getting as far as the main room, the only way a host can be a little more certain that a r5 player is actually going to play properly instead of trolling, is if the r5's have put the time into the game and rank up.
i know it can be annoying to not be able to play a game and that may not be your fault but their are an incredible amount of trolls on this game it just cant be help.
Also that ww1 game is a very team orientated map one person screws up even in serbia and thats gg. try pick Romania next time if you get in to the game.
as well as that i almost never see rank limits that exclude r5's on scenarios like middle earth or game of thrones. "almost never".

29.06.2015 - 09:39
>ask for counter argument
>says host job is to do whatever the hell he wants
>I say host kicks low ranks
>you cry "that not cool he can just leave"
>I sit back on chair amazed at the stupidity here
>brain explodes from irrationality of your arguments
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
29.06.2015 - 09:56
Escrito por Anthonest, 28.06.2015 at 19:50

After seeing the kind of treatment that midrank players recieve ive observed that the majority of the AtWar community is simply garbage. Its hard to join any lobby without being told to leave, getting kicked, or being called a noob or any other names. Im tired of being kicked from every game i try and join for simply existing, no matter how small of a country I pick. I will admit there are many people who are sympathetic to low levels, but I still can't play any games short of a Europe+ game. Scenario games are simply impossible, people can't get better to play with you if you don't let them play. Something needs to be done and to that I say this.

It dosent matter if one player on your team is a weak link, a quick game at most will last an hour, one game, one hour out of the hundreds of games you will play has little effect on you, but how you react has negative effects on the people who are just trying to learn the game, if you don't like a rank 5 on your team than you can leave, don't hurt the people who want to play the game. Something needs to change.


I remember my r5 days. What I did was rank up through playing europe+ games. By doing this you can learn the mechanics of the game, benefits of strategy, and tricks that will prepare you for scenario play.

Good luck!

29.06.2015 - 10:05
Also, I'm starting to see more r5s around the main room, if an r5 comes to me asking to make 3v3, Id make one. Trial by fire

29.06.2015 - 10:06
@Acquiesce. Mods should take into account that there is a rule against this kind of behavior which requires enforcement. It is true that most mods don't do anything because it's not really interesting them. They come online and put themselves as afk in purpose so people don't turn to them or simply ignore when they are not afk. If you want to know what is the rule which I speak about, I speak of the rule in In Game Behavior category which is of course the first rule that begins the list of rules:

"In Game Behavior
1. Doing anything that interferes with the ability of other users to enjoy playing a game in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of staff in maintaining the game for the enjoyment of all its users is not permitted.

Maybe when mods are selected in proper way and not by friends that suggest them even if they are shit people. MAYBE then this game will have suitable mods that do actually try to help this shitty community from continue deteriorating to even disgraceful level than it is right now.

@Anthonest I sympathize with the grief you have right now about this problem I hope it will be treated and not ignored as they do normally here.
29.06.2015 - 11:24
I think you should start your own games and kick all the high ranks that try to join
29.06.2015 - 13:12
Dude, just rank up...earn your stripes. You can also buy premium and host your own games which allows you to set a rank limit.

29.06.2015 - 13:20
Conta apagada
tbh i bet most of us remember when we couldnt join 3v3s so all we did was just rank up or even better join a clan
29.06.2015 - 13:48
Why is everybody attacking him for being rank 5 for 2 years? I am sorry but not everyone in this game is addicted like most of you guys 24/7 online?
You guys respect someone like (opi) who farmed his way up by fking maps all of you people complained about, now there is a dude here being a lowrank and obviously doesnt farm and yet u guys attack him?

He has a point how most of the people behave towards lowranked players. Those scenario mapmakers even made several threads with ideas to give low ranks automatic shit countries so they dont ''ruin'' their maps.. What kind of bullshit is that? Stop with this ranksism and freaking think back how you were when u were low rank, yes most of you are ''competitive players'' and called ''pro'' because you simply are that part of the game, but not everybody has the same interests as you guys and still have skills.. Take a look at zone or ferlucci for example, they were well known scenario players.. same with that dude i forgot his name of who played only ancient or medieval duels..

And to say, become premium and stop moan, is just legit stupid, I thought the moto of this game was that you didnt needed money to play a game like this, well obviously those comments proof wrong..

Escrito por Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
29.06.2015 - 13:49
We all went through this, yea as an unknown low rank its hard, rank up and get on with it. Once you build yourself a half decent reputation its fine. Id no problems once i hit r7. I was even for a time that guy that people kicked from 3v3s for being too new.

Escrito por Abraham, 29.06.2015 at 10:06

@Acquiesce. Mods should take into account that there is a rule against this kind of behavior which requires enforcement. It is true that most mods don't do anything because it's not really interesting them. They come online and put themselves as afk in purpose so people don't turn to them or simply ignore when they are not afk. If you want to know what is the rule which I speak about, I speak of the rule in In Game Behavior category which is of course the first rule that begins the list of rules:

"In Game Behavior
1. Doing anything that interferes with the ability of other users to enjoy playing a game in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of staff in maintaining the game for the enjoyment of all its users is not permitted.

Maybe when mods are selected in proper way and not by friends that suggest them even if they are shit people. MAYBE then this game will have suitable mods that do actually try to help this shitty community from continue deteriorating to even disgraceful level than it is right now.

@Anthonest I sympathize with the grief you have right now about this problem I hope it will be treated and not ignored as they do normally here.

What you seek is a babysitter not a mod. Its not the job of the moderation team to jump on every player who so much as looks funny at you. This is the internet. If ones enjoyment is so easily affected then one should perhaps consider seeking alternative forms of entertainment than online games, like perhaps gardening. This community isnt any worse or any better than other communities ive played in. They're all the same.
29.06.2015 - 13:55
Escrito por Croat, 29.06.2015 at 06:06

If we, competitive players, couldnt kick you, this game would lose its point - COMPETING.

Just gross.. I am not commenting to hurt your feeling or attack you, like you accused me plenty of times doing to you, but just please.. dont speak for the competitive players. Speak for yourself.
Escrito por Acquiesce, 18.06.2015 at 16:10

Nobody elected you to be the voice of the majority and shouting the loudest (!) doesn't make you right.

Escrito por Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
29.06.2015 - 14:07
Escrito por Waffel, 29.06.2015 at 13:55

Escrito por Croat, 29.06.2015 at 06:06

If we, competitive players, couldnt kick you, this game would lose its point - COMPETING.

Just gross.. I am not commenting to hurt your feeling or attack you, like you accused me plenty of times doing to you, but just please.. dont speak for the competitive players. Speak for yourself.
Escrito por Acquiesce, 18.06.2015 at 16:10

Nobody elected you to be the voice of the majority and shouting the loudest (!) doesn't make you right.

git gud

TJM !!!

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