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O tópico original

Publicado por Ivan, 26.03.2011 - 04:33
A few people think that Bombers are a problem. What do you think?


Should Bombers be changed to Att:6 / Def:5? (Currently 6/6)


Total de votos: 226
15.12.2011 - 08:39
Escrito por Runway1R, 15.12.2011 at 08:28

That's real creepy there amok.

You know he didn't individually pick these out, he just wrote a short script that did it all for him... and not creepy at all, it's just researching his audience in hopes of improving the game based on this data. There's a reason why no-one used Iron Fist in March--most saw it as an unproven strategy because it was just recently introduced. It could also not have been the most used for a large amount of people for the same reason.

Today these results would be unreliable as many strategies have been moved to premium and the number of free players is increasing. Some strategies have yet to receive boosts or nerfs, most notably Naval Commander and Great Combinator (though Gardevoir plays it quite well)!
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
15.12.2011 - 08:41
I still find it creepy.
15.12.2011 - 09:36
I'm sorry, but this has nothing to do with the original idea of this thread, which is from march, by the way, and many things were changed since then (IF, for example, used to be a more expensive strategy with less boost to it's HP, hence it wasn't used).

Anyway, avoid bringing too old threads back to life if you haven't anything to contribute with it.

"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
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