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13.12.2012 - 05:39
First of all, I'm not satisfied with manualy entering /pr Insert_long_hard_to_type:_name_of_Allied_player_and_his_spuse_#%$

That set aside, presently, game allows only click+type message if one clicks on a name of a chat person.

We already have list of friends/enemies, and list of players in a game, as well as player ownership of a country/land with his name.

ALL THESE places where player name is listed SHOULD be clickable to start a private CHAT or/and sending message (especialy if he is offline).

It would speed up diplomacy and bring some more user friendliness to the game.

Please add my suggestion to development.

Premium members should have PM boxes set to unlimited or at least 1000. Also, Those messages sent from a game in progress should be grouped into same game named group, and should contain the link to jump into the game.
13.12.2012 - 05:45
Another thing that irked me before, and does the same now.

I started to review battles fought.
I had to leave to get my kid to a place and returned in 30 minutes.

Turn started, and I can't SEE MY FOUGHT BATTLES AGAIN????
wtf, that is a must to be available.

Thank you for the opportunity to play such a great game, but.....it should get even better.
13.12.2012 - 07:35
Thanx for the move, I didn't see this section of fora to post it here.
13.12.2012 - 09:40
Conta apagada
It's not that hard to send private messages. You'll get used to it. If he's offline just send a PM on the web.
If you're going to have a long conversation with someone, just change the chat channel to private and select the player you're going to talk with.
Why do you even need to watch battles? It's not necessary and you basically lose half of your turn. Just skip them.
16.12.2012 - 08:25
I need to check battles when Im playing huge maps. and of course, its interesting to see other players battles too.

Long talks with others don't work quite easily as private chatting doesn't always allow selecting of the desired person.
16.12.2012 - 12:14
Conta apagada
You don't, it's a waste of time.

If you want a long talk maybe go to his game or make a private game.
16.12.2012 - 13:52
Or get skype.
17.12.2012 - 02:05
Joey Barton
Conta apagada
Lold at that thread title


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