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13.10.2024 - 00:01
I just want to apologize to the Atwar community for my past actions. I know back in the day I was known for RPing and for well, being relentless in wars and taking games way too personal. To whoever suffered my annoying rants, to whoever I've offended in the past with my political talks, to whoever was offended by my affiliation with Adolph (I was 14 and had no idea who they were RPing as) I want to tell you I'm sorry. I apologize for cheating (I'd spend all game walling and stacking money and troops- wait for two players to fight, then kill them both - I know its not cheating but they were very easy victories and looking back definitely felt like cheating) I apologize for kill stealing, I apologize for having my clan mates join games, fund me, and then killing everyone, I apologize for taking every city except the capital to SP farm, I apologize for abusing weaker players, and I apologize for my role in the RP community. I know RPs were popular, but I cant help but feel partly responsible for the games current state of affairs. I know there were thousands who did the same as me, and I know in hindsight there's no need to apologize - its just a game, but my teen years this game brought me great comfort. the players didn't know me, but still some of my fondest memories are with you lot- I wish I could turn back time, to the good old days - I wish I could take back all the dumb and mean stuff I said to people, I wish I was nicer to newbies, I know it doesn't really matter, but some of you guys were my closest friends. I know most will never read this- but I love At-war and I love the community. Please forgive my behavior. I love you all and hope that someday- this game will be back up and running like old times. in real life- I was going through a ton of hardship. My father passed away, my mother and I grew distant, I was poor, I was angry, I was alone, I was scared, but everyday I'd escape reality for a few hours, I had laughs, I had amazing conversations with some of you, I grew to feel like the only family I had was you guys. I look back and smile fondly. then I see most of everyone I knew has been gone for years and it saddens me. god bless you all.

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