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Publicado por Alois, 14.04.2020 - 22:37
Feel free to ask us anything, we will try to answer everyone to the best of our ability. Maybe we can clear things up, and be more open.

Ask away!
15.04.2020 - 21:25
Escrito por 77TENGRI99, 15.04.2020 at 21:13

Why are only nerds accepted as supporter??

Because being a supporter is a nerds job. That's why. Nerds only.
17.04.2020 - 07:36
Can you support me get a free premium as a supporter that supports?
17.04.2020 - 11:45
You guys reproduce like fucking gremlins :O
17.04.2020 - 13:02
Escrito por Midnite, 17.04.2020 at 02:01

How does one become a supporter? Are there any metrics that you have to meet each month? Do you need to advertise on social media? Is there real money involved? Do you need to play 'x' amount of hours every day?

Well you have to bring value to the team; especially in the area you'd like to work in. We work in the following areas (not a full list, this is simplified):

- Social Media

- Advertising

- Helping Players (via Help Chat, guides, etc)

- Events/Tournaments (PC/SP Drops, etc)

- Forum Organization / Organization in general

- News & Updates

If you know what you're doing in this area or are willing to be trained; As well as having a good reputation, are mature, etc. You will be let onto the team one way or another.
17.04.2020 - 13:05
Escrito por sirivann, 17.04.2020 at 11:45

You guys reproduce like fucking gremlins :O

The only people we've added on are froyer, 4nic (now removed), waffel, acidus and probably some others I'm probably forgetting. All in all for the first four months of 2020, this isn't a lot of people; especially for the number of jobs we do.

All of these players are either part of our balance team (Strategy changes) that works with Dave & others on Strategies, aim to help the community / get them involved OR help me in my work as the lead supporter.
17.04.2020 - 13:18
Escrito por Alois, 17.04.2020 at 13:05

Escrito por sirivann, 17.04.2020 at 11:45

You guys reproduce like fucking gremlins :O

The only people we've added on are froyer, 4nic (now removed), waffel, acidus and probably some others I'm probably forgetting. All in all for the first four months of 2020, this isn't a lot of people; especially for the number of jobs we do.

All of these players are either part of our balance team (Strategy changes) that works with Dave & others on Strategies, aim to help the community / get them involved OR help me in my work as the lead supporter.

whats the total amount of supporters atm :O
17.04.2020 - 13:56
Escrito por sirivann, 17.04.2020 at 13:18

Escrito por Alois, 17.04.2020 at 13:05

Escrito por sirivann, 17.04.2020 at 11:45

You guys reproduce like fucking gremlins :O

The only people we've added on are froyer, 4nic (now removed), waffel, acidus and probably some others I'm probably forgetting. All in all for the first four months of 2020, this isn't a lot of people; especially for the number of jobs we do.

All of these players are either part of our balance team (Strategy changes) that works with Dave & others on Strategies, aim to help the community / get them involved OR help me in my work as the lead supporter.

whats the total amount of supporters atm :O

Not including the mods/admins in our list, there currently are around 17.
17.04.2020 - 16:36
Escrito por Estus, 15.04.2020 at 18:23

Cool, seems to be working. Do i have to save every change/edit i do, or just re-upload the background? I've been doing both.
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
17.04.2020 - 17:04
Escrito por DeepFriedUnicorn, 17.04.2020 at 16:36

Escrito por Estus, 15.04.2020 at 18:23

Cool, seems to be working. Do i have to save every change/edit i do, or just re-upload the background? I've been doing both.

Reupload the image only when you first open the editor, and start saving after every change you make.
17.04.2020 - 17:17
Escrito por Estus, 17.04.2020 at 17:04

Escrito por DeepFriedUnicorn, 17.04.2020 at 16:36

Escrito por Estus, 15.04.2020 at 18:23

Cool, seems to be working. Do i have to save every change/edit i do, or just re-upload the background? I've been doing both.

Reupload the image only when you first open the editor, and start saving after every change you make.

3 years my man, 3 years. I am forever in debt
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
19.04.2020 - 13:42
Escrito por Estus, 17.04.2020 at 17:04

Escrito por DeepFriedUnicorn, 17.04.2020 at 16:36

Escrito por Estus, 15.04.2020 at 18:23

Cool, seems to be working. Do i have to save every change/edit i do, or just re-upload the background? I've been doing both.

Reupload the image only when you first open the editor, and start saving after every change you make.

Getting a "Connection Closed" for my map i want to test, know the problem?
Edit, Okay now the game is loading but now(FFS, IM DYING INSIDE!) the borders and cities are there on the map but it wont let me pick them certain countries and also wont let me move, name is not there either
Another Edit, When i go into editor it doesn't show them borders but does show the cities.
Edit, okay its fixed, for now
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
19.04.2020 - 18:44
Escrito por DeepFriedUnicorn, 19.04.2020 at 13:42

Getting a "Connection Closed" for my map i want to test, know the problem?

No idea, try cleaning the browser cache.

Escrito por DeepFriedUnicorn, 19.04.2020 at 13:42

the borders and cities are there on the map but it wont let me pick them certain countries and also wont let me move, name is not there either
When i go into editor it doesn't show them borders but does show the cities.

Identify these glitched countries and go to editor. You may delete and re-create those countries (open the "Countries" tab and search for them). If this didn't worked you will have to delete the borders and draw again.

How did you fixed it?
20.04.2020 - 13:23
Escrito por Estus, 19.04.2020 at 18:44

Escrito por DeepFriedUnicorn, 19.04.2020 at 13:42

Getting a "Connection Closed" for my map i want to test, know the problem?

No idea, try cleaning the browser cache.

Escrito por DeepFriedUnicorn, 19.04.2020 at 13:42

the borders and cities are there on the map but it wont let me pick them certain countries and also wont let me move, name is not there either
When i go into editor it doesn't show them borders but does show the cities.

Identify these glitched countries and go to editor. You may delete and re-create those countries (open the "Countries" tab and search for them). If this didn't worked you will have to delete the borders and draw again.

How did you fixed it?

I have no idea how it got fixed. I've been trying on Firefox too(new download, but same problems) it's all over the place. Sometimes it's grand sometimes it's not.

Is there anyway admins or mods can "Refresh" my account or something similar? Without deleting anything, Maybe that will help my own map maker?
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
20.04.2020 - 14:09
Why do we need you?
what did you do in game apart of throwing sp and pc?
why there is no public surveillance on your work?
this game has an avg peak of 700 players online each day (only peak, avg players online are between 300-400 at any moment) and thats when you incloud COVID-19 and holidays
(if you look just 2 months ago, 150 avg, 300 peak) alts inclouded, why does it need 17 supporters, 15 mods, and 3 admins?

>playing atwar:

Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
20.04.2020 - 19:49
Escrito por Alois, 17.04.2020 at 13:05

Escrito por sirivann, 17.04.2020 at 11:45

You guys reproduce like fucking gremlins :O

The only people we've added on are froyer, 4nic (now removed), waffel, acidus and probably some others I'm probably forgetting. All in all for the first four months of 2020, this isn't a lot of people; especially for the number of jobs we do.

All of these players are either part of our balance team (Strategy changes) that works with Dave & others on Strategies, aim to help the community / get them involved OR help me in my work as the lead supporter.

forgot me
they said play atwar,they said it would be fun,dam

We are not the same - I am a Martian
20.04.2020 - 23:58
Excuse me i wanna ask for information on how to find a womans G spot , thanks
21.04.2020 - 00:45
Escrito por j-e-s-u-s, 20.04.2020 at 14:09

Why do we need you?
what did you do in game apart of throwing sp and pc?
why there is no public surveillance on your work?
this game has an avg peak of 700 players online each day (only peak, avg players online are between 300-400 at any moment) and thats when you incloud COVID-19 and holidays
(if you look just 2 months ago, 150 avg, 300 peak) alts inclouded, why does it need 17 supporters, 15 mods, and 3 admins?

Well, quite obviously you dont pay attention to what we do or read on any updates we've done. I have a supporters log that I've bene trying to update, I also made a trelllo a while back that noone looks at, I have also explained time and time again what we do. We handle AWs social media (this includes discord), help in advertisement, organization, staff meetings (I schedule them as the things supporters do in most if not all cases include moderators and admins) - of which btw bring you a lot of the game development that has happened because the staff are then able to keep on the same track and update each other / discuss etc, on top of this we also host tournaments (this includes some mods like Sascha who is set as a leader of the supporter team with me, but mostly to help me with my tasks / anything else that needs attending to), we also help with developmental things such as strategy changes and the most recent, AW Radio; which without the help of the supporter's Dave wouldn't have been able to implement AW radio at the time he did. It would have taken him A LOT longer.

The supporters are exactly what you'd think they are; they support the game. There is a list I could include, but it's simply just a lot to explain. What I've said here is only a chunk of what we do and have done.
21.04.2020 - 03:47
Escrito por Alois, 21.04.2020 at 00:45

Escrito por j-e-s-u-s, 20.04.2020 at 14:09

Why do we need you?
what did you do in game apart of throwing sp and pc?
why there is no public surveillance on your work?
this game has an avg peak of 700 players online each day (only peak, avg players online are between 300-400 at any moment) and thats when you incloud COVID-19 and holidays
(if you look just 2 months ago, 150 avg, 300 peak) alts inclouded, why does it need 17 supporters, 15 mods, and 3 admins?

The supporters are exactly what you'd think they are; they support the game.

okie! tnx for no answer!

>playing atwar:

Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
21.04.2020 - 04:10
Escrito por j-e-s-u-s, 20.04.2020 at 14:09

Why do we need you?
what did you do in game apart of throwing sp and pc?
why there is no public surveillance on your work?
this game has an avg peak of 700 players online each day (only peak, avg players online are between 300-400 at any moment) and thats when you incloud COVID-19 and holidays
(if you look just 2 months ago, 150 avg, 300 peak) alts inclouded, why does it need 17 supporters, 15 mods, and 3 admins?

Supporters do differents jobs, such as atwar discord, social medias, helping to balance strats, making pc drops etc...
Why do u need public surveillance our work lol ?
15 mods with differents timezone, and it's good to have many mods online when the community is toxic/cancer af.
3 admins there is Dave, clovis another programmer and Brian the community relation admin that's k lol.
17 supporters, we try to make the game better that's what we're trying to do lol.
03.05.2020 - 12:33

What the flying fuck is that supposed to be? When opening Rise of Rome 7 Rebelion, it reaches 6/7 when loading and stays there. It shows that message below in the chat as well. Any ideas? This didn't happen a day ago...
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

03.05.2020 - 20:41
Escrito por RaulPB, 03.05.2020 at 12:33

What the flying fuck is that supposed to be? When opening Rise of Rome 7 Rebelion, it reaches 6/7 when loading and stays there. It shows that message below in the chat as well. Any ideas? This didn't happen a day ago...

Just tried to host it and worked fine. Maybe it isn't an issue with the map.
04.05.2020 - 07:17
Escrito por Estus, 03.05.2020 at 20:41

Just tried to host it and worked fine. Maybe it isn't an issue with the map.

Ah no, other people seem to be able to play it just normally. On the other hand, I can't even access the game. But all the other maps seem to work fine for me... don't know why this one particular doesn't...

EDIT: wtf, I just tried to host one right now and it worked fine for me too... I don't understand
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

04.05.2020 - 09:39
Escrito por RaulPB, 04.05.2020 at 07:17

Escrito por Estus, 03.05.2020 at 20:41

Just tried to host it and worked fine. Maybe it isn't an issue with the map.

Ah no, other people seem to be able to play it just normally. On the other hand, I can't even access the game. But all the other maps seem to work fine for me... don't know why this one particular doesn't...

EDIT: wtf, I just tried to host one right now and it worked fine for me too... I don't understand

A cleared cache perhaps?
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
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