17.03.2019 - 07:01
It's not true. Don't believe what they say. They just don't like the map, or the concept, or the people who play in it, and so they talk dirty about it.
17.03.2019 - 13:09
Is a bad map, with a badly implemented concept and the people that play it are garbage lowest of the low. Hdrakon doesn't know what he is talking about.
17.03.2019 - 14:50
Rp is fine, roleplaying as a general or a leader in some of your favourite historical moments or fiction is a ton of fun, the issue stems from the map new world empires roleplay. It is a map that rewards instant gratification, and by design supports the act of systematically gang banging players with your friends, based on made up casus belis they create. The way the system is designed is appealing to new or lazy players who enjoy the map for lack of game play innovations, instant gratification of victory because of organized gang banging, and simplicity of design. The problem is that the way it is designed attracts new players and teaches them a form of game play that simply does not work on any other map, it causes players to get sucked in, indoctrinated into a game play routine that does not work for other maps, and causes them to A) only play rp, B) try oher maps and get attacked for playing poorly and called trolls, there after they return to rp, become trolls, or quite, lastly C) A small group of people do eventually leave nwe and transition to the rest of the game, but it simply is not enough. This map has single handedly degraded the player skill average to near none existance, and has starved every other player groups of raw recruites to to sustain thier platforms for years now and is a leading cause of atwars stagnation.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
17.03.2019 - 20:57
There could be a new RP map to replace NWE, but you didnt hear it from me
---- Not a good player
17.03.2019 - 21:05
Rp is fine. It's actually really fun if you play with the right people. It used to be really on on AtWar back in like 2014. But since the community got more and more toxic it just got worse. But honestly it's a fun game mode.
---- ![]()
17.03.2019 - 21:17
I am fully aware trust me. But a new rp does not exactly mean everyone will abandon nwe.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
17.03.2019 - 21:24
I will, leave to try it
---- Not a good player
18.03.2019 - 07:35
RP player and soy boy are 2 biggest aw insults.
---- ![]() ![]()
njab Conta apagada |
18.03.2019 - 17:25 njab Conta apagada
18.03.2019 - 20:38
RP was considerably hated more before NWE was even thought of... NWE just happened to be the cancer of it all with supreme unit spam, insane income, etc. Also NWE arguably is the most realistic RP. Especially when it comes to units; it prefers reality over balance in this area. I can confirm this because Elijah, I, and others spent hours testing the map, researching, and creating/editing/redoing the map. Everything you listed why the map is bad has literally been said about every map that is labeled as "RP". The fact NWE is still played after everything has been said about it proves people like it not because its just RP, but because it has reality and has endless possibilities when it comes to RP. NWE is also no different from maps like WW1 where you spam trenches, line walls, rush, and stack; then spam it all in one big battle over-time. It's also no different from GGG's, Colonials, or UN. Even the player base is the same in all of it. RP can use skill, tactics, strategy, etc. Some claim people only use blitz but in reality, blitz is an "I want to move a lot" strat and the units in NWE already can move pretty far; so it would make no sense to use blitz. Same thing goes for lets say Imperialist; you're provided the funds either way. You just make your units weaker. To say RP has degraded the average player skill when RP is played rarely in beginners and plenty of help is given out is a flat out lie. It's the players choice to learn about the game; automatically players should become more experienced as they go on and things start to connect. Also, to say RP has degraded the players skill is like saying playing world map games gives you skill, when in reality its no different from other maps. Just less cities, less developed, balanced, and made for general play. You learn from playing the game, not the map.
19.03.2019 - 05:48
Alot of claims but no proof, a typical alois post. The community knows the truth, you can lie to yourself sure, but it just dont work for others. I played for years before rp, and we only had the world map, and geuss what? Everone was competent for the most part, games where easy to start, people where more genuine and friendly.The maps are the game alois, after that UN came around and showed people a way to organize gang banging in a way to maximize sp by doing so. Then rp came around and continued that process, but by this point the rp community was smaller and was not effecting anyone so we let it be. Then nwe came around and became the most easily accessible rp, made the map easier by giving people presetcountries, and encouraged gang banging like never before seen. It caused its numbers to boom, the other communities continued to ignore it untill month by month the older players left and no new recruites came as they got sucked into nwe. Slowly theyre communities died as nwe prospered. By the way no one really learns to play atwar in beginners, the entire lobby is actually detrimental to the player base when it comes to learning how to play properly, people pick up bad habits that are hard to get rid of later during beginners. The fact amok extended it to rank 6 just gives them longer to learn to play the wrong way, so when they are thrown into the pool they get destroyed even worse! This causes even more people to flock to nwe which emulates the same bad habits they already learned in beginners. I dont blame rp entirely for that, there is no reward for playing properlly pass the sense of accomplishment, there needs to be a reason to want to learn to play correctly and right now there is not. Add that to the fact that the competitive community has become so toxic, and rp is instantly rewarding without any real action needed by the player, we find ourselves in a very bad situation.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
19.03.2019 - 19:02
Learn to quote, n00b. OP, RP is Hated mainly due to a slow change in the community. FFA and GGG were the games everyone would go to. Then "Political" games? Came about? They were the first RP style games, I believe(?) Then actual Role-play maps came out and alot of people went to them and all the long term, high ranks soon grew to hate them and the players, because no one could fill a normal game, just all "Join muh RP" spammed in global. So...The worst insult in AtWar, is, "He's a RP player"
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
19.03.2019 - 19:05
On phone
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
19.03.2019 - 19:11
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
19.03.2019 - 19:38
I don't think it's necessarily hated just for existing, but it does take away some players from scens. It also leads to players getting to r5/r6/r7 and not even knowing basic tactics. So it's fine if people play it, as long as they can play decently (like at least knowing how to wall etc) when playing a scen or ffa.
19.03.2019 - 19:49
Also this is entirely wrong rp came from un, un started in 2014 rp 2015, it exsisted coinciding with the other communities and did not become issue till nwe was released and it starved the other communities of knowledgeable new players.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
20.03.2019 - 02:04
When did this become an attack on each other, Hellykin? It's almost every time I decide to put up a valid argument with you, you attack me in some way to either accuse me with no proof or in another way just to put me down. And when I do show proof; all of a sudden it's invalid. My last message(s) (which btw all of our messages are you messaging me either mocking me, or starting an argument) with you is literally you saying the same thing you have here, and arguing out of it (as shown below). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You apologized to AW and said to give you a second chance. The fact you keep this up isn't showing we should give you a second chance let alone let you give others a second chance. And everyone does know the truth; the fact is every topic like this one really approves what I've said about RP in general. (you can look back at other similar threads) Back to what the original debate was about... It isn't because of certain maps that it makes it hard to start anything; it's the number of players in a map that you have to get. Not everyone stays for the whole game. People are still friendly as well. we just have a lower player base and what's left are forum stalkers who like to debate a lot, trolls, etc that just get more fame than the player base that is the majority. An example is this thread; a healthy debate. NWE is just as easily accessible as it is to any other RP and isn't the first RP with country presets; you can thank Ember for that (which yes, to me, brought down what RP was all about). NWE also doesn't encourage gangbang, in fact, it has rules against that and players are banned for that. I will admit, yes, NWE has taken away from other communities but that's only because NWE has a dedicated player base much like Aetius's World War I does or the Europe+ map is to the competitive area of AW. People don't play it for SP; they play it because they want to play it. That's why RP is still alive and will always be alive. I can agree with you about the beginners' room, but players don't stay in the beginner's room all throughout r6. Players explore the place. And a really good reason for joining RP (for an r5, usually r4 below are kicked from RP games) games is because they aren't yelled at for doing something wrong, kicked, etc. Unlike with WW1 and other certain scenarios and even in some competitive games. With rewarding; Yes, RP does sort of reward players in the map its self but outside of the map not so much. SP is so low for RP maps, knowledge for stuff in the map isn't generally known (it lacks a map reviews), and players spam lower-cost units without any consequence. Yes, I will admit there are things in NWE that make it sort of a bad map; but the majority of the map is based realistically without any reviews or knowledge given to its player base. I hope to change this when the editor is a little bit more workable but currently, there's nothing we can do for the map as editor is iffy. As of now, I won't remove a map that players actually like to play. Of course new maps can be made; but usually, those are made by dedicated RP players rather than scenario/competitive players who haven't dedicated time to RP, know the players well, or the general base of the genre; and AW lacks those players (currently).
20.03.2019 - 05:44
First off you act like i approached you, when in reality that was the continuation of a forum arguement that i took to pm to not derail. Secondly is that supposed to be incriminating? Everything i said albiet a few insults was true, I legitimately wished to understand because i still dont. But im not here to argue with you again. Its this simple, actions speak louder then words, your a supporter, lets see what accolades you got on your chest in a year from now. But seeing as those screen shots where from months ago and nothing has happened still, since august you still have nothing to show for absolutely nothing, fake it till you make it amirite? im not optimistic whatsoever. Anyways, regardless of your opinion on the topic he asked why people hate rp, and my response explains just that. Have a nice day alois.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
20.03.2019 - 11:13
How to quote, delete EVERYTHING in between the first "quote" and the second "quote" then backspace the gap in between the first and second "quote" then insert your reply BELOW them two quotes ![]()
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
20.03.2019 - 12:19
That is tiresome on mobile.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
20.03.2019 - 12:32
And scrolling through all this shit isn't?
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
20.03.2019 - 14:19
Same as always.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
20.03.2019 - 14:20
Learn to quote, you're annoying me now. Next thing you'll say is, cutting across Scotland with a boat is not cheating.
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
20.03.2019 - 14:27
Im not here to amuse you so who cares?
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
21.03.2019 - 05:43
Shame ![]()
---- *War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU Needs to Evoke and Become the EEC once more, as an International, Nationalist Union Long Live The Realms! Long Live the Europeans!*
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