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Publicações: 3   Visitado por: 18 users
15.07.2015 - 06:27
Hey guys , i just started map editing and i'm thinking of making a prehistoric map. I've uploaded a background image that looks like this: http://australianmuseum.net.au/uploads/images/7177/g012%20late%20cretaceous%20map_bi.jpg .
Here is my problem , whenever i start a game to test it , my land and naval units can move anywhere on the map , even though there are land marked areas and water marked areas. How can i do so i can limit the units in different areas ? And yes , i tried "Limit to Contries" option at every unit , but that's useless. I believe i need to set the area where for example land units cannot go , but naval units can.
Fully trained
15.07.2015 - 07:01
I hope you're not using that image. It's way too small.

Could you please screenshot your map in the editor?
15.07.2015 - 07:28
Nope , i'm not using that one , i resized it. Here's a screenshot: http://imgur.com/w5xnSM1
Fully trained

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