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14.01.2014 - 12:37
This little glitch occurred in a casual game (Royal Rumble tourney B). 2 of my militia near Warsaw somehow ended up in Slovakia... This bug is similar to other bugs I've seen, mostly in casual games.

I think there are 2 bugs here:
1) Acquiesce had 1 infantry WF Warsaw. I had 1 militia* attacking Acquiesce's INF and it seems to have followed the INF. Clearly, it should not end up traveling beyond its normal movement range (I am not playing GW or Blitz so they have normal mili movement range).
2) The second mili was set to complete the wall. Instead, it ends up also following Acquiesce's INF into Slovakia... The point where I wanted to make a wall was very close to the Acqui's INF. It seems to had ended up attacking instead of walling.

* I'm fairly certain I had 2 mili attacking the INF (+ 3 mili walling Warsaw). I have the impression that 1 mili disappeared somehow, but I can't prove this so I'm sticking to the bugs directly visible in this SS.

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