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Publicado por SyrianDevil, 29.04.2015 - 16:14
Op rules first shot

dealing 9damage to tank at defense with out critical and the HW tank deal 1(which mean his pd and conforms my nerf)

player name

what players think

there is more but i think its obvius bug...
+ buging in cw is so denger i think
30.04.2015 - 11:28
Escrito por clovis1122, 30.04.2015 at 11:09

Escrito por klevis, 30.04.2015 at 06:01

ok appart of your insults i'll tell u i picked nc right in the moment ferluci started the game and maybe server recognized it as pd

Nice bug.... However PD infantries have max 8 def.

It doesn't explain the 9 def neither.

EDIT: Well with the +1 bonus to tanks it makes it 9 defense (damm admins told us they removed it long ago.....) . But the fact that you used bug on CW still stands. That cw should'be removed.

NO he should be banned for making all this crys and lies
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
30.04.2015 - 11:28
Escrito por clovis1122, 30.04.2015 at 11:26

Escrito por Tundy, 30.04.2015 at 11:22

My bad, yet there has to be an explanation for the 9 defense, you should run some tests to see if its not a visual bug.

He say it by himself.

Escrito por klevis, 30.04.2015 at 06:01

ok appart of your insults i'll tell u i picked nc right in the moment ferluci started the game and maybe server recognized it as pd

That is irrelevant, if the issue is a visual bug then 8 defense could be displayed as 9
30.04.2015 - 11:40
Escrito por Tundy, 30.04.2015 at 11:28

That is irrelevant, if the issue is a visual bug then 8 defense could be displayed as 9

The visual bug is just a probability.

I feel more inclined to what own Klevis say.
30.04.2015 - 11:41
Escrito por Tundy, 30.04.2015 at 11:28

Escrito por clovis1122, 30.04.2015 at 11:26

Escrito por Tundy, 30.04.2015 at 11:22

My bad, yet there has to be an explanation for the 9 defense, you should run some tests to see if its not a visual bug.

He say it by himself.

Escrito por klevis, 30.04.2015 at 06:01

ok appart of your insults i'll tell u i picked nc right in the moment ferluci started the game and maybe server recognized it as pd

That is irrelevant, if the issue is a visual bug then 8 defense could be displayed as 9

he just said his NC and his just getting pd rolls
please be more smart wtf with you people
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
30.04.2015 - 11:43
Escrito por clovis1122, 30.04.2015 at 11:26

Escrito por Tundy, 30.04.2015 at 11:22

My bad, yet there has to be an explanation for the 9 defense, you should run some tests to see if its not a visual bug.

He say it by himself.

Escrito por klevis, 30.04.2015 at 06:01

ok appart of your insults i'll tell u i picked nc right in the moment ferluci started the game and maybe server recognized it as pd

like pd can send 45 to rome even with NC as the -1 range with out the AT,,,,,,,,,,,,
he needs to calm down with his clan they know very well his bugging but they are trying to safe him and safe there clan repiolation by being like stupids and retards that dont know game machines
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
30.04.2015 - 11:43
Escrito por clovis1122, 30.04.2015 at 11:40

Escrito por Tundy, 30.04.2015 at 11:28

That is irrelevant, if the issue is a visual bug then 8 defense could be displayed as 9

The visual bug is just a probability.

I feel more inclined to what own Klevis say.

has any official source confirmed this can actually happen? Can a player get 2 strategies stacked, by "accident". And also what is the extend of the "stack"? Only stat values? What about movement of infantry? What about cost? That would mean he was aware of the mixup? Why didnt he say so from the start then? As i said something "smells" here and Klevis behaviour through all of this didnt help either.
30.04.2015 - 11:46
Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 11:28

NO he should be banned for making all this crys and lies

Klevis posted here only 2 times, meanwhile you made a hole thread with 3737773 comments....

I think youre the only attention whire and the crying bitch in here
30.04.2015 - 11:50
Escrito por Erdit, 30.04.2015 at 11:46

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 11:28

NO he should be banned for making all this crys and lies

Klevis posted here only 2 times, meanwhile you made a hole thread with 3737773 comments....

I think youre the only attention whire and the crying bitch in here

you will be forum banned when desu sees the screen shots i took from this thread about you
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
30.04.2015 - 11:50
Escrito por Erdit, 30.04.2015 at 11:46

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 11:28

NO he should be banned for making all this crys and lies

Klevis posted here only 2 times, meanwhile you made a hole thread with 3737773 comments....

I think youre the only attention whire and the crying bitch in here

Klevis came here and instead of defending himself properly like a normal person against an accusation bearing actual proof, he provided a sarcastic one liner and left.

Moreso syrian made 999 comments because all of you guys jumped in against him and started mocking, trolling and judging without ever adressing his point.

I am very uncomfortable being the devils advocate on this, but someone has to do it.

edit. syrian no need to report stuff, just ignore the flames..
30.04.2015 - 12:06
Escrito por Khal.eesi, 30.04.2015 at 11:50

Escrito por Erdit, 30.04.2015 at 11:46

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 11:28

NO he should be banned for making all this crys and lies

Klevis posted here only 2 times, meanwhile you made a hole thread with 3737773 comments....

I think youre the only attention whire and the crying bitch in here

Klevis came here and instead of defending himself properly like a normal person against an accusation bearing actual proof, he provided a sarcastic one liner and left.

Moreso syrian made 999 comments because all of you guys jumped in against him and started mocking, trolling and judging without ever adressing his point.

I am very uncomfortable being the devils advocate on this, but someone has to do it.

edit. syrian no need to report stuff, just ignore the flames..

bla but banning this retard would be a good for this life
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
30.04.2015 - 12:36
Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 12:06

Escrito por Khal.eesi, 30.04.2015 at 11:50

Escrito por Erdit, 30.04.2015 at 11:46

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 11:28

NO he should be banned for making all this crys and lies

Klevis posted here only 2 times, meanwhile you made a hole thread with 3737773 comments....

I think youre the only attention whire and the crying bitch in here

Klevis came here and instead of defending himself properly like a normal person against an accusation bearing actual proof, he provided a sarcastic one liner and left.

Moreso syrian made 999 comments because all of you guys jumped in against him and started mocking, trolling and judging without ever adressing his point.

I am very uncomfortable being the devils advocate on this, but someone has to do it.

edit. syrian no need to report stuff, just ignore the flames..

bla but banning this retard would be a good for this life

keep crying more. the big boys are gonna keep beating you up at school tomorrow
30.04.2015 - 13:11
Escrito por Azula., 30.04.2015 at 08:22

Escrito por klevis, 30.04.2015 at 06:01

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 05:51

Escrito por klevis, 30.04.2015 at 04:49

Escrito por clovis1122, 30.04.2015 at 04:18

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 30.04.2015 at 04:10

Also not to mention that slander and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice are also crimes in most countries.

Rather than arguing, you should tell us how is possible for an infantry to roll 9 defense without critical......

Now tell me how is that possible the same amount same strats nc won by 7 and gen

you didnt tell us how to deal 9 with out critical at no own city than you gfy

ok appart of your insults i'll tell u i picked nc right in the moment ferluci started the game and maybe server recognized it as pd

servers don't do such things tough, its quite funny since you broke my perfect double wall 2 cw's ago, i tought well ok i'l trust klevi since he's always a good person, but to see this.. its just insane... you have to realise that this brings doubts, so why does this post get spammed with nonsence. We should look deeper in to this for sure. Since if it even was the 'server' then we have a serious problem here.

hahaha ask some good players how to break double wall and thenu will find out but i like this thread makes every hater suppost syrian
30.04.2015 - 13:31
Escrito por Khal.eesi, 30.04.2015 at 10:50


I recall me being in similar situation with a few people ganging up on me without listening to what i was saying and you khal being one of does people.

#bigwalldiscussion #neverforget
30.04.2015 - 13:44
Laochra comes acting arrogant ...never seen that one before.

30.04.2015 - 13:46
I love you Goblin
30.04.2015 - 13:56
Again. This has become comedic. All cosa is harassing while Syrian continues to destroy them, will be funning when. Season is voided.
It's not the end.

30.04.2015 - 14:25
Escrito por Mr_Own_U, 30.04.2015 at 13:56

Again. This has become comedic. All cosa is harassing while Syrian continues to destroy them, will be funning when. Season is voided.

lol sryian noob was HW xxaaxxaxa i didnt saw cuz i have him on mute ofc ,he was hw and he is crying about this roll omg epic noob !
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
30.04.2015 - 15:00
@ goblin xaxaxaxa. we were not ganging up on you, your arguments were just weak and people supported ours

@ laochra, i am glad we are amusing you.Anything constructive to add except your useless one liner?

@ klevis i dont understand how you can call people interested in getting to the bottom of this, haters. personally i just think its fair and would like to know the truth about this and what happened. Mk heard so much about their cheating, by you also, so i think its time to investigate you now
30.04.2015 - 15:16
Escrito por Khal.eesi, 30.04.2015 at 15:00

@ goblin xaxaxaxa. we were not ganging up on you, your arguments were just weak and people supported ours

@ laochra, i am glad we are amusing you.Anything constructive to add except your useless one liner?

@ klevis i dont understand how you can call people interested in getting to the bottom of this, haters. personally i just think its fair and would like to know the truth about this and what happened. Mk heard so much about their cheating, by you also, so i think its time to investigate you now

I explained idk how i got that def but feel free to try rome rush same units same strats and you are wellcome to investigate me
30.04.2015 - 15:33
Escrito por klevis, 30.04.2015 at 06:01

Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 05:51

Escrito por klevis, 30.04.2015 at 04:49

Escrito por clovis1122, 30.04.2015 at 04:18

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 30.04.2015 at 04:10

Also not to mention that slander and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice are also crimes in most countries.

Rather than arguing, you should tell us how is possible for an infantry to roll 9 defense without critical......

Now tell me how is that possible the same amount same strats nc won by 7 and gen

you didnt tell us how to deal 9 with out critical at no own city than you gfy

ok appart of your insults i'll tell u i picked nc right in the moment ferluci started the game and maybe server recognized it as pd

It doesnt work like that btw. Only one stats of the strategy will count, not both.
30.04.2015 - 16:05
Escrito por SyrianDevil, 30.04.2015 at 11:41

Escrito por Tundy, 30.04.2015 at 11:28

Escrito por clovis1122, 30.04.2015 at 11:26

Escrito por Tundy, 30.04.2015 at 11:22

My bad, yet there has to be an explanation for the 9 defense, you should run some tests to see if its not a visual bug.

He say it by himself.

Escrito por klevis, 30.04.2015 at 06:01

ok appart of your insults i'll tell u i picked nc right in the moment ferluci started the game and maybe server recognized it as pd

That is irrelevant, if the issue is a visual bug then 8 defense could be displayed as 9

he just said his NC and his just getting pd rolls
please be more smart wtf with you people

Maybe you should learn english.
This could just be one of many atwar's battle report bugs.
30.04.2015 - 16:10
Escrito por Tundy, 30.04.2015 at 16:05

Maybe you should learn english.
This could just be one of many atwar's battle report bugs.

Maybe you could learn spanish before trying to translate it
One of many? I don't see that many happening, where are they?
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

30.04.2015 - 17:11
Pointless retards still defending klevis and thats really funny......... why isnt he banned yet?
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
30.04.2015 - 18:32
Keep deleting thats best way to make ur point ! hA
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
30.04.2015 - 23:21
Wow this was messy to read. Any more off topic posts will be deleted. Put your serious faces on guys.


Syrian Force claims Klevis is a hacker aided with screen shots to prove his point. Klevis denies the allegations.

Facts about SP vs FR @Rome:

- PD France cannot full rush Rome in a 3vs3 without an Air Transport.
- Because of that AT, PD France does not have the funds rush Rome in a 3vs3 with 45 Infantry + General.
- NC France can rush Rome with 45 + General. AT is unneeded.
We can gather from these points that Klevis looks like he was Naval Commander.

Facts about the screen shot in question:

- Screen shot was taken and uploaded on the scene, there was not enough time to edit. Syrian's screen shots are 100% genuine.
- Naval Commander's Infantry cannot roll a 9 without criticals.
- Perfect Defence can only roll a 9 in this situation because the enemy is using tanks. PD gets +1 defence vs tanks. (8+1= the 9 shown in Syrian's SS)
- The screen shot shows a silver 9, not an orange 9. This indicates there was no Crit. damage. Only PD can hit this.
We can gather from the points above and samples below that Klevis seems to be Perfect Defence by the numbers.

Samples about NC's rolls against HW:

Notice that there isn't a single time where NC rolls a silver(no crit) 8, let alone a 9. I already explained why above.

The single sample about PD's rolls against HW:

I didn't need to look far with PD. Not just one, but two silver 9's appear with ease.

All sample gifs are from France and Spain rushing Rome. This is without the bonus spawn of a 3vs3, so the results of each battle do not matter, however the rolls do matter. They are what we are questioning.

Now that we have come full circle, how was Klevis able to roll a silver 9? He claims NC, yet his silver 9 can only be made by PD. Syrian claims HW. Something is wrong here. Syrian does have merit with his accusations. On the other hand, visibly Klevis is just NC France beating the Spain rush.

I won't just outright ban Klevis on my own, moderators will have to come to some kind of consensus. Odds are against Klevis based purely upon the evidence. He will be punished unless I have made an error in my research or the administrators find a bug in their own system. It just won't be right away. Would lend credibility to Klevis' side if he came forward and told us(privately) the repeatable glitch or cheat, however he did this (if he did). He might get a lighter punishment if so. Plus it would mean there is a way to fix what is broken.

To anyone that wishes to participate, please try to replicate what we are seeing, and if you can, tell the moderators or administrators. Replicate the silver 9 with NC, or use PD France and get Rome with 45+gen. Then show the admins.

Escrito por Steve Aoki, 30.04.2015 at 15:33

Escrito por klevis, 30.04.2015 at 06:01

ok appart of your insults i'll tell u i picked nc right in the moment ferluci started the game and maybe server recognized it as pd

It doesnt work like that btw. Only one stats of the strategy will count, not both.

Steve Aoki is correct.

The server may have listed it as NC when you go up to the "units" button on the top of the game console. However, it cannot stack the strategies picked. Even if you clicked NC at the last moment, your unit stats will only be one or the other.

Naturally the evidence leads us to suspect a range/transport hack moving 45 PD infantry +general from France to Rome, making the silver 9 possible. Otherwise, we wait for the administrators to tell me I've made a mistake somewhere.
30.04.2015 - 23:43
What if it could be just a game bug not caused by player? Like for example when a transportship goes inside a city or in middle of the country? THats not caused by player but its game bug...

WHat if this would be one of those bugs?

01.05.2015 - 00:29
I don't know about all this critical, silver, 9 rolls mumbo jumbo. Purely from experience I can tell those rolls are not unusual. As France and Spain I have rushed rome lots of times. Its just unpredictable most of the times. Even if you are pd or lb (these are the only strats that I know can beat nc france) and go full its just unpredictable what the result will be.

So purely from the perspective of experience I think those rolls could be normal. Also in the universe of unexpected extreme rolls I have seen much worse than this.
01.05.2015 - 07:25
Escrito por minusSeven, 01.05.2015 at 00:29

I don't know about all this critical, silver, 9 rolls mumbo jumbo. Purely from experience I can tell those rolls are not unusual. As France and Spain I have rushed rome lots of times. Its just unpredictable most of the times. Even if you are pd or lb (these are the only strats that I know can beat nc france) and go full its just unpredictable what the result will be.

So purely from the perspective of experience I think those rolls could be normal. Also in the universe of unexpected extreme rolls I have seen much worse than this.

Those rolls are not normal, they are impossible
Me and clovis did multiple tests and tried to replicate the rolls with NC, only PD manage to get a silver roll of 9.
01.05.2015 - 08:00
Every one gets my point even cosa memebers but just trying to change facts and get topic deleted...
dont spare any of them please espacly commando.........
why isnt he forum banned yet? didnt you check all his offinsive + flame quotes with no sense + out of topic proposal?
he always flame and i have told you+devil about this some 20 time but you saw that warning him enough but yet his still flame
+i propose removing sun tsu from supporters team for defending cheats+ removing cosa cheaters cw record which they got by cheating
Edit: you forgot the part that HW did always win in rome at your screens so thats prove its unbeatable at rome with its 8defense roll with 10attack D
and which fersucks says im noob because i went HW spain :O
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
01.05.2015 - 22:25
I thought desu warned you to keep the thread clean, you trying to make it 5 more pages of useless stuff? Trolling is good but has its place and time, cheating is serious.

As a player of this community, i can forgive a clans arrogance, trolling, being consistently annoying and even racist genocide links by panteri23 in global (ok i cant forgive this, is he muted yet?) but cheating is a serious offense. Especially after everything that happened with MK. They were punished too much in my opinion and people threw mud at them for along time, your clan included and they were far more humble than you are. Being the best clan of the season, as i said comes with responsibilities. Its only fair, if its decided you cheated, that you will be punished to the maximum.

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