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Publicado por Darth., 26.03.2016 - 12:18
Considering all the raging going on in the News forum and other ones too, thought I'd hold a poll and see how everyone feels


See above. VOTE NOW and let's put an end to all the speculation

Yes. Its unfair to non-premiums(Pay&Win)
No. It's perfectly fair. Stop whining.
I don't care either way.
I don't feel qualified to speculate.
Only General is OP.Otherwise all is fine

Total de votos: 215
28.03.2016 - 18:22
Escrito por Chess, 28.03.2016 at 16:27

Usually the purpose of every f2p game is that at the beginning you are perfectly able to play without any premium features and make decent progress.
Test the game so to say... Find out of it you like it...
After you have made more progress you are supposed to buy some of the stuff that requires you to pay RL Money, so you can keep on making progress.
You are not supposed to be a freeloader until the end of times. In atWar that's not really necessary the case. You can still be good at this game and beat the shit out of 95% of the non-competitive players without paying anything.
In my opinion atWar is being more than generous in comparision to other games out there.

I really just care about the maps and senerios i hate having to wait to try out amap
I suggest that you can organize them by ranking
28.03.2016 - 18:33
Escrito por Chess, 28.03.2016 at 16:27

Usually the purpose of every f2p game is that at the beginning you are perfectly able to play without any premium features and make decent progress.
Test the game so to say... Find out of it you like it...
After you have made more progress you are supposed to buy some of the stuff that requires you to pay RL Money, so you can keep on making progress.
You are not supposed to be a freeloader until the end of times. In atWar that's not really necessary the case. You can still be good at this game and beat the shit out of 95% of the non-competitive players without paying anything.
In my opinion atWar is being more than generous in comparision to other games out there.

chess, stop, no, please. the games you are describing are games like clash of clans, so called pay-to-win games. i dont want my beloved Atwar to turn into that kind of absolute ebola-cancer-aids populated by nine year old minecraft let's players that is clash of clans, i've been there, i've seen things.

games like Cs:go, TF2 and Dota2 do perfectly well without the player gaining any advantage at all by buying anything (csgo costs 5$ on sales, but valve makes more money by selling skins while TF2 and Dota2 are free to play)

28.03.2016 - 20:17
All this whining is ridiculous, a single general doesn't give a player any significant advantage, maybe it becomes a problem on the maps where players are given absurd amounts of generals, but on normal maps where players get a single general it really makes little or no difference, the fact that a single reinforcement is what is causing all this crying just shows how petty some of you are
28.03.2016 - 23:54
Escrito por Viruslegion, 28.03.2016 at 20:17

All this whining is ridiculous, a single general doesn't give a player any significant advantage, maybe it becomes a problem on the maps where players are given absurd amounts of generals, but on normal maps where players get a single general it really makes little or no difference, the fact that a single reinforcement is what is causing all this crying just shows how petty some of you are

Yes add Turkey one more reinf, it's not like it has 39
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
29.03.2016 - 00:04
Escrito por Black Swans, 28.03.2016 at 23:54

Escrito por Viruslegion, 28.03.2016 at 20:17

All this whining is ridiculous, a single general doesn't give a player any significant advantage, maybe it becomes a problem on the maps where players are given absurd amounts of generals, but on normal maps where players get a single general it really makes little or no difference, the fact that a single reinforcement is what is causing all this crying just shows how petty some of you are

Yes add Turkey one more reinf, it's not like it has 39

if it already has 39 then what difference will 1 make? this is a non issue that people are whining over just for the sake of whining
29.03.2016 - 04:27
Escrito por Chess, 28.03.2016 at 16:27

Usually the purpose of every f2p game is that at the beginning you are perfectly able to play without any premium features and make decent progress.
Test the game so to say... Find out of it you like it...
After you have made more progress you are supposed to buy some of the stuff that requires you to pay RL Money, so you can keep on making progress.
You are not supposed to be a freeloader until the end of times. In atWar that's not really necessary the case. You can still be good at this game and beat the shit out of 95% of the non-competitive players without paying anything.
In my opinion atWar is being more than generous in comparision to other games out there.

Thank you! Ivan and Amok have been more than kind with their business model. I agree, if people want to play any sport competitively there is a price to pay, (equipment, renting facilities),and the advantage for premium players in scenarios and world 50k/25k maps is minimal, its only on Duels and CW that the upgrades have any major advantage, (competitive games). I also agree that when compared to other games what is on offer, here is extremely good value considering the amount of time players enjoy either as a free player or premium, so I think its just disrespectful to the founders when people complain as they don't even make that much from the game - and work tirelessly in their spare time to make the game better, then just get complained at, therefore making them reluctant to make future updates to the game.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
29.03.2016 - 04:29
Escrito por Viruslegion, 28.03.2016 at 20:17

All this whining is ridiculous, a single general doesn't give a player any significant advantage, maybe it becomes a problem on the maps where players are given absurd amounts of generals, but on normal maps where players get a single general it really makes little or no difference, the fact that a single reinforcement is what is causing all this crying just shows how petty some of you are

You are forgetting most scenarios have generals enabled for non premium players also.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
29.03.2016 - 05:17
Sun Tzu spoke the truth, u can still enjoy the game without being premium, which is not the case for most other games. If you want to get competitive, just buy the goddamn premium, just compare how much u spend on a stupid First person shooter game on PS4 for merely 10 hours of gameplay to how many hours u spend here for just 40$. Very good value for money for sure
Cheers guys keep up the good work and the new upgrades coming
Seule la victoire est belle
29.03.2016 - 07:24
Maybe you guys could add a configuration option for maps where it disables the general? Rather than all upgrades it would just get rid of that and then the game is as fair as the amount of upgrades you earn by SP.
29.03.2016 - 07:30
Escrito por beep, 29.03.2016 at 07:24

Maybe you guys could add a configuration option for maps where it disables the general? Rather than all upgrades it would just get rid of that and then the game is as fair as the amount of upgrades you earn by SP.

Good idea!
But it'll have to be available for Non-premiums too, else there's no point.

29.03.2016 - 07:39
Pretty sure that everybody who joined atWar received a little message advising that the game was NOT pay-to-win.....


The game is free to play forever. There are a few extra features that you can purchase here, but they are strictly optional and just provide more variety, rather than buy you victories. It's very important for us to keep the game fair for everyone.

Those who compares atWar to other pay-to-win games are already admitting that atWar is itself a pay-to-win game. And that goes against the message that some of us received when we first came to atWar.

I don't like being lied to.
29.03.2016 - 07:41
Escrito por beep, 29.03.2016 at 07:24

Maybe you guys could add a configuration option for maps where it disables the general? Rather than all upgrades it would just get rid of that and then the game is as fair as the amount of upgrades you earn by SP.

It has been suggested before and I think it is possible. I will double check and update as this is a workable solution to CW and Duels.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
29.03.2016 - 07:50
Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 07:39

Pretty sure that everybody who joined atWar received a little message advising that the game was NOT pay-to-win.....


The game is free to play forever. There are a few extra features that you can purchase here, but they are strictly optional and just provide more variety, rather than buy you victories. It's very important for us to keep the game fair for everyone.

Those who compares atWar to other pay-to-win games are already admitting that atWar is itself a pay-to-win game. And that goes against the message that some of us received when we first came to atWar.

I don't like being lied to.

Nobody has lied and lots of non-premium players win games everyday, furthermore its only until rank 8-9 that a player has sufficient general upgrades to make a difference. I think you are failing to realise the difference between standard games and competitive games. If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive. The general just gives an advantage to players, its only competitive players that claim it is OP. Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
29.03.2016 - 08:11
Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.
29.03.2016 - 08:21
Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 08:11

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.

Our features for premium are already scarce enough, I would be happy to propose the premium option to remove the general, from particular games.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
29.03.2016 - 08:35
Escrito por Chess, 28.03.2016 at 16:27

Usually the purpose of every f2p game is that at the beginning you are perfectly able to play without any premium features and make decent progress.
Test the game so to say... Find out of it you like it...
After you have made more progress you are supposed to buy some of the stuff that requires you to pay RL Money, so you can keep on making progress.
You are not supposed to be a freeloader until the end of times. In atWar that's not really necessary the case. You can still be good at this game and beat the shit out of 95% of the non-competitive players without paying anything.
In my opinion atWar is being more than generous in comparision to other games out there.

All I'm hearing is "A quality game isn't worth paying for", "But the people who pay have an advantage QQ" "so unfair they get an extra unit every 4 turns QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ" It's not a big deal, you're going to bitch about 1 extra unit per round, but not about the strats like HW and IF, or about the extra HP and striking power that the general gives your stack. Here's a concept, if you want premium features, buy premium. The standard 10 player map is available to all of you free players, but I saw an excellent value in the lifetime subscription and purchased it. Honestly, the single upgrade didn't do much to widen the already existing gap between premium and non premium members, you guys just saw "new shit I can't have" and went on the warpath. Atwar is awesome for a free player, you aren't swamped with ads, which every other F2P game does to you by the way. I agree with Chess, a skilled non premium player should have no issue competing against most of the premium players here. It's not like they level cap you, Many F2P games will cap your XP until you buy the premium, imagine being stuck at R5 forever..... Let me ask you free guys this, if you'd paid for the lifetime subscription, and the development team hadn't done anything to expand the "lifetime of upgrades" we paid for, you'd be equally, if not more pissed. You free players haven't invested anything into it, so ultimately if the game server disappeared tomorrow, you're out nothing but something fun to do. Those of us who paid are out the rest of our lifetime memberships that we actually paid for. As much as you guys are complaining about the one cookie they gave us premium members, we DID pay for the privilege to receive new updates exclusive to us, or at least it was implied in the advertising for said lifetime membership. I'mma hop off my soapbox now, but I want to congratulate the development team on their update, it's amazing and innovative, I never would have thought about the defense line mod.
29.03.2016 - 08:46
Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 08:21

Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 08:11

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.

Our features for premium are already scarce enough, I would be happy to propose the premium option to remove the general, from particular games.

We could always raise the drop rates of rare units,or expand the gap between low medium and high. If people are lobbying to remove the little bit of advantage that we paid for, I'll throw this out there as food for thought. How about we give players MORE incentive to buy premium. You could always give premium units all +1HP on top of the general's advantage, or set the general to affect ALL forces instead of just the stack, so as long as he lives you get the boost. I mean, there's a world of possibilities the other way that we can ask for, but how often do you see us premium players bitching about wanting more for our money? Maybe if we gave premium more of an advantage, people would be inclined to buy it.

Ultimately, those of us who paid expect what we paid for, and the Dev team has been amazing in delivering. Stop asking them not to do stuff for those of us loyal enough to pay for a quality product, return some scrap metal, get your $40 and never worry about not having the awesome stuff they do for us again .
29.03.2016 - 09:02
Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 08:46

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 08:21

Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 08:11

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.

Our features for premium are already scarce enough, I would be happy to propose the premium option to remove the general, from particular games.

We could always raise the drop rates of rare units,



or expand the gap between low medium and high. If people are lobbying to remove the little bit of advantage that we paid for, I'll throw this out there as food for thought. How about we give players MORE incentive to buy premium. You could always give premium units all +1HP on top of the general's advantage, or set the general to affect ALL forces instead of just the stack, so as long as he lives you get the boost.

That makes the General OP as Fuck. And there are more Posts complaining about #Pay2Win.


I mean, there's a world of possibilities the other way that we can ask for, but how often do you see us premium players bitching about wanting more for our money?

Its mostly the premium players saying how general gives you an unfair advantage....but you don't see them stopping their use of the general.


Maybe if we gave premium more of an advantage, people would be inclined to buy it.

Or you could put them off the game because the perceive it as Pay2Win.


Ultimately, those of us who paid expect what we paid for, and the Dev team has been amazing in delivering.



Stop asking them not to do stuff for those of us loyal enough to pay for a quality product, return some scrap metal, get your $40 and never worry about not having the awesome stuff they do for us again .

Or since mobile payments are allowed, every time you refill your call balance, invest a dollar or two into protocoins and build up a fund. Investing 2-3 dollars = 200-300 protocoins every month, means that in about between 14 to 20 months you'll have enough for lifetime premium.
I did the same, but in bigger amounts.

29.03.2016 - 09:04
Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 08:46

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 08:21

Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 08:11

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.

Our features for premium are already scarce enough, I would be happy to propose the premium option to remove the general, from particular games.

We could always raise the drop rates of rare units,or expand the gap between low medium and high. If people are lobbying to remove the little bit of advantage that we paid for, I'll throw this out there as food for thought. How about we give players MORE incentive to buy premium. You could always give premium units all +1HP on top of the general's advantage, or set the general to affect ALL forces instead of just the stack, so as long as he lives you get the boost. I mean, there's a world of possibilities the other way that we can ask for, but how often do you see us premium players bitching about wanting more for our money? Maybe if we gave premium more of an advantage, people would be inclined to buy it.

Ultimately, those of us who paid expect what we paid for, and the Dev team has been amazing in delivering. Stop asking them not to do stuff for those of us loyal enough to pay for a quality product, return some scrap metal, get your $40 and never worry about not having the awesome stuff they do for us again .

Or just make it pay to play and be done with it.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
29.03.2016 - 09:04
Is it me or the xtra reinf doesnt work T1?
Seule la victoire est belle
29.03.2016 - 09:05
Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 09:04

Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 08:46

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 08:21

Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 08:11

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.

Our features for premium are already scarce enough, I would be happy to propose the premium option to remove the general, from particular games.

We could always raise the drop rates of rare units,or expand the gap between low medium and high. If people are lobbying to remove the little bit of advantage that we paid for, I'll throw this out there as food for thought. How about we give players MORE incentive to buy premium. You could always give premium units all +1HP on top of the general's advantage, or set the general to affect ALL forces instead of just the stack, so as long as he lives you get the boost. I mean, there's a world of possibilities the other way that we can ask for, but how often do you see us premium players bitching about wanting more for our money? Maybe if we gave premium more of an advantage, people would be inclined to buy it.

Ultimately, those of us who paid expect what we paid for, and the Dev team has been amazing in delivering. Stop asking them not to do stuff for those of us loyal enough to pay for a quality product, return some scrap metal, get your $40 and never worry about not having the awesome stuff they do for us again .

Or just make it pay to play and be done with it.

Exactly! This statement contradicts with what he posted before.

29.03.2016 - 09:09
Escrito por Kraigg, 29.03.2016 at 09:04

Is it me or the xtra reinf doesnt work T1?

Lol if true then the arguments against it are almost invalid. In no way does the extra reinf interfere with expansions then, and in later turns, it doesn't make that much of a difference. World games are too big for single reinfs to make much impact, and Europe games are too short. Only scenarios might be affected.

29.03.2016 - 09:13
Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 09:04

Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 08:46

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 08:21

Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 08:11

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.

Our features for premium are already scarce enough, I would be happy to propose the premium option to remove the general, from particular games.

We could always raise the drop rates of rare units,or expand the gap between low medium and high. If people are lobbying to remove the little bit of advantage that we paid for, I'll throw this out there as food for thought. How about we give players MORE incentive to buy premium. You could always give premium units all +1HP on top of the general's advantage, or set the general to affect ALL forces instead of just the stack, so as long as he lives you get the boost. I mean, there's a world of possibilities the other way that we can ask for, but how often do you see us premium players bitching about wanting more for our money? Maybe if we gave premium more of an advantage, people would be inclined to buy it.

Ultimately, those of us who paid expect what we paid for, and the Dev team has been amazing in delivering. Stop asking them not to do stuff for those of us loyal enough to pay for a quality product, return some scrap metal, get your $40 and never worry about not having the awesome stuff they do for us again .

Or just make it pay to play and be done with it.

That's the nuclear option, lol. I'd prefer to keep the free players around though. We'd lose a few of them, plus, it's nice being on the top of a caste system for a change. Wouldn't you agree Sun Tzu?
29.03.2016 - 09:15
Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 09:13

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 09:04

Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 08:46

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 08:21

Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 08:11

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.

Our features for premium are already scarce enough, I would be happy to propose the premium option to remove the general, from particular games.

We could always raise the drop rates of rare units,or expand the gap between low medium and high. If people are lobbying to remove the little bit of advantage that we paid for, I'll throw this out there as food for thought. How about we give players MORE incentive to buy premium. You could always give premium units all +1HP on top of the general's advantage, or set the general to affect ALL forces instead of just the stack, so as long as he lives you get the boost. I mean, there's a world of possibilities the other way that we can ask for, but how often do you see us premium players bitching about wanting more for our money? Maybe if we gave premium more of an advantage, people would be inclined to buy it.

Ultimately, those of us who paid expect what we paid for, and the Dev team has been amazing in delivering. Stop asking them not to do stuff for those of us loyal enough to pay for a quality product, return some scrap metal, get your $40 and never worry about not having the awesome stuff they do for us again .

Or just make it pay to play and be done with it.

That's the nuclear option, lol. I'd prefer to keep the free players around though. We'd lose a few of them, plus, it's nice being on the top of a caste system for a change. Wouldn't you agree Sun Tzu?

Caste system??? Lol. Never heard it called that before. Oh so many mean, racist jokes come to mind

29.03.2016 - 09:21
Escrito por Darth., 29.03.2016 at 09:09

Escrito por Kraigg, 29.03.2016 at 09:04

Is it me or the xtra reinf doesnt work T1?

Lol if true then the arguments against it are almost invalid. In no way does the extra reinf interfere with expansions then, and in later turns, it doesn't make that much of a difference. World games are too big for single reinfs to make much impact, and Europe games are too short. Only scenarios might be affected.

It seems if I make solo game I get the xtra reinf but if I make 1v1 or duel I gwt nothing extra...
Sun Tzu can u clarify what triggers that xtra reinf?
Seule la victoire est belle
29.03.2016 - 09:24
Escrito por Darth., 29.03.2016 at 09:02

Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 08:46

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 08:21

Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 08:11

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.

Our features for premium are already scarce enough, I would be happy to propose the premium option to remove the general, from particular games.

We could always raise the drop rates of rare units,


They are already raised.

In fact, Premium users have access to the "Afterwind" rare unit.

29.03.2016 - 09:36
Escrito por Darth., 29.03.2016 at 09:05

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 09:04

Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 08:46

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 08:21

Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 08:11

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.

Our features for premium are already scarce enough, I would be happy to propose the premium option to remove the general, from particular games.

We could always raise the drop rates of rare units,or expand the gap between low medium and high. If people are lobbying to remove the little bit of advantage that we paid for, I'll throw this out there as food for thought. How about we give players MORE incentive to buy premium. You could always give premium units all +1HP on top of the general's advantage, or set the general to affect ALL forces instead of just the stack, so as long as he lives you get the boost. I mean, there's a world of possibilities the other way that we can ask for, but how often do you see us premium players bitching about wanting more for our money? Maybe if we gave premium more of an advantage, people would be inclined to buy it.

Ultimately, those of us who paid expect what we paid for, and the Dev team has been amazing in delivering. Stop asking them not to do stuff for those of us loyal enough to pay for a quality product, return some scrap metal, get your $40 and never worry about not having the awesome stuff they do for us again .

Or just make it pay to play and be done with it.

Exactly! This statement contradicts with what he posted before.

I think you missed the point of my statement Darth. I like the way it is now, I don't want to change anything, they gave us one thing and people are throwing a fit because we got something they didn't. It's not even that good of an upgrade, it's 1 unit on the entire board, that you could just kill and be done with the advantage. we got a single general upgrade out of 6 of them, it's really not a big deal, I don't understand what everyone is up in arms about. It's a nice cookie for us that personally I'm happy with. My statement about pushing for more was simply to make a point to the people complaining about the new general upgrade. The statement about expanding the gap between low medium and high is a serious proposal, just because it would be fun as hell to have rare units shit out on every city takeover, it would add a new game mode, I don't think there's a huge difference between low medium and high, if I were speaking from a developmental standpoint I'd say make high the new medium, get rid of medium's old rate, leave low as is, and make high between 75% and 90%. Or have high a higher rate in between and add an extreme setting for those numbers lol. They could also change it from a 3 variable setting to a pure percentage variable input, not sure if the framework of the code allows for something like that to be done, as far as changing a dropdown 4 to a number box, but I don't know how this is coded honestly, the only class I ever had was HTML 4.01 14 years ago when I was a freshmen in college lol. I had a couple of geocities websites in the 90s for AoL Chat RP guilds I ran in the 90s/2000s, but my knowledge is purely 4.01 and I have no idea if something like that could be changed in 5. Anyhow, I'm a little stoned, back to my original point, I don't think the gap should be widened, I like it the way it is, and I don't think the developers upset the balance with the nice little treat they gave the paid members in the upgrade. Personally the ability to create maps and play other players created maps was enough for me to buy it. I really wasn't driven by the general at all to be honest, it's a nice bonus, but it's a vulnerable unit and it's the only real advantage other than a couple of fun strats whose value I had no clue of at the time of purchase. I think that free players should be able to make 20 player games too, but limiting them to 10 player games is a good way to push them to get the premium without taking any real game value away from them, like starting income settings or something lol. Personally if I was asked to critique the job of the admins, I'd say they've created a masterpiece, and have been ever vigilant in keeping it balanced and fair to everyone. They listen to us, they make changes based on what we ask for and how we react to the changes they make,, and they consider the opinions of everyone, premium or not.

TL;DR-I'm not bitching when I say that, I'm making a point to the non paid players that we don't get much more than them compared to some of the other F2P games out there, and most of us don't ask for more, even though we're well within our rights to.
29.03.2016 - 09:41
Escrito por Darth., 29.03.2016 at 09:15

Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 09:13

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 09:04

Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 08:46

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 08:21

Escrito por clovis1122, 29.03.2016 at 08:11

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 07:50

Ivan and Amok would probably be kind enough to remove the general, as an option in games,therfore that would cancel the argument anyway.

I support this. A lot better would'be to give it for free in order to keep the strategical element of having an unit capable of boosting your stacks of troops.

Escrito por Sun Tsu, 29.03.2016 at 04:29

If players enjoy the game so much, there should be some form of expense to play the game competitive.

I agree with this as long as it doesn't involves an advantage of any kind.

I'm afraid I cant agree with the rest of your statements. But I'd really like to see general either as an option or available for free.

Our features for premium are already scarce enough, I would be happy to propose the premium option to remove the general, from particular games.

We could always raise the drop rates of rare units,or expand the gap between low medium and high. If people are lobbying to remove the little bit of advantage that we paid for, I'll throw this out there as food for thought. How about we give players MORE incentive to buy premium. You could always give premium units all +1HP on top of the general's advantage, or set the general to affect ALL forces instead of just the stack, so as long as he lives you get the boost. I mean, there's a world of possibilities the other way that we can ask for, but how often do you see us premium players bitching about wanting more for our money? Maybe if we gave premium more of an advantage, people would be inclined to buy it.

Ultimately, those of us who paid expect what we paid for, and the Dev team has been amazing in delivering. Stop asking them not to do stuff for those of us loyal enough to pay for a quality product, return some scrap metal, get your $40 and never worry about not having the awesome stuff they do for us again .

Or just make it pay to play and be done with it.

That's the nuclear option, lol. I'd prefer to keep the free players around though. We'd lose a few of them, plus, it's nice being on the top of a caste system for a change. Wouldn't you agree Sun Tzu?

Caste system??? Lol. Never heard it called that before. Oh so many mean, racist jokes come to mind

It's a concept rooted in early civilization, landowners vs serfs, etc..... Employers vs Employees, that sort of thing. Kings over Lords over serfs in feudalism is a caste system, upper, middle, lower class is a caste system.
29.03.2016 - 09:41
Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 09:36

I'm making a point to the non paid players that we don't get much more than them compared to some of the other F2P games out there, and most of us don't ask for more, even though we're well within our rights to.

Nobody here is talking about how much Pay2Win the game is compared to other games.

It could even be a single exclusive upgrade available for protocoins, and we'd still say that the game is pay to win.
29.03.2016 - 09:42
Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 08:46

How about we give players MORE incentive to buy premium. You could always give premium units all +1HP on top of the general's advantage, or set the general to affect ALL forces instead of just the stack, so as long as he lives you get the boost. I mean, there's a world of possibilities the other way that we can ask for, but how often do you see us premium players bitching about wanting more for our money? Maybe if we gave premium more of an advantage, people would be inclined to buy it.

That would, in short, make this game even more pay-to-win than it already is. That in itself, of course, wouldn't be a bad thing. Plenty of games thrive on a pay-to-win system, after all. But that would make this game's advertisements a bit misleading.

Escrito por Director Aries, 29.03.2016 at 08:46

Ultimately, those of us who paid expect what we paid for, and the Dev team has been amazing in delivering. Stop asking them not to do stuff for those of us loyal enough to pay for a quality product, return some scrap metal, get your $40 and never worry about not having the awesome stuff they do for us again .

Escrito por Phoenix, 26.03.2016 at 15:10

If non premiums cry about generals they can buy premium.

For some people, $40 is a really significant investment, and certainly a lot more money than can be reasonably asked for in an online game. I have absolutely no intention of skipping lunch for three weeks just for AtWar Premium, thank you very much. That might be a few hour's pay for you, but for me, that's over half my monthly income.

As I said, I have absolutely nothing against Premium players being given bonuses - even significant bonuses. Plenty of games do that, and they're running fine. I merely insist that now that Premium players are being given even more bonuses then they already have, that the AtWar administrators start being honest and stop advertising this game as "not pay-to-win."

Escrito por Viruslegion, 28.03.2016 at 20:17


I would argue it's just a tipping point thing. +1 reinforcement is a truly tiny bonus, but when you stack that on top of everything else premium players already get (Desert Storm is a really big one), then it's a bit ridiculous.

Escrito por Htin, 26.03.2016 at 12:28

Cry more. I have been waiting for more upgrade for 2 years now. this will make at-war more fun. I am considering playing more again.

It is a valid complaint. Of course more upgrades will make AtWar more fun - for those people that actually have them. But for mid-rankers just getting into the deep strategy of the game, it can feel downright unfair.

Escrito por Tundy, 26.03.2016 at 12:34

Its not unfair, +1 reinforcement won't really make any difference outside of competitive play, and most competitive players are already premium.

Consider that perhaps most competitive players are already premium, because premium makes the most difference in competitive play.

The next time somebody whines about RP/scenarios/whatever taking new players away from the competitive scene, I will definitely be making that point. Thanks.

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