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29.05.2018 - 16:36
I started playing with my friends and at the beginning it was very fun to play because there was no 'Where this units come from' or 'How he managing finance with all of those units' kind of things.
My actual question is how they can generate that much units even if its 1st turn ? I saw a man with Portugal (with only 1 city in it) he generated +20 units in turn 1. God how is that possible ?
29.05.2018 - 18:00
When you join mid game, the game gives you extra reinforcements to give you a chance at winning.
30.05.2018 - 00:01
It's p2w, admins don't like calling it that for some reason. If you wait til Christmas it's an alright price (1/2) if you play a lot though. It keeps more people playing and makes the money in more competitive players which is good. Actually looking at the post it's something unrelated but in response to the topic title sure it works.

Your minimum reinforcements are the average of all players reinforcements if they didn't get any bonus. May be some differences on later turns or amounts of units/players.
30.05.2018 - 12:34
Escrito por hoserain, 29.05.2018 at 16:36

I started playing with my friends and at the beginning it was very fun to play because there was no 'Where this units come from' or 'How he managing finance with all of those units' kind of things.
My actual question is how they can generate that much units even if its 1st turn ? I saw a man with Portugal (with only 1 city in it) he generated +20 units in turn 1. God how is that possible ?

Hi hoserain :3

First off when a player "Late Joins", or picks a small country, the game takes the starting troops of all of the current countries and awards that player with extra troops at the start. So this is a feature to promote fairness and is not p2w
02.06.2018 - 23:08
When you join you have average reinf of other players or something like that,t1 low reinf countries will also get it,general is op tho,it's clearly p2w
24.02.2019 - 19:59
What is p2w?
24.02.2019 - 22:37
Escrito por humanist, 24.02.2019 at 19:59

What is p2w?

"p2w" stands for "Pay (to) Win".
02.03.2019 - 01:15
Escrito por Xenosapien, 30.05.2018 at 00:01

It's p2w, admins don't like calling it that for some reason. If you wait til Christmas it's an alright price (1/2) if you play a lot though. It keeps more people playing and makes the money in more competitive players which is good. Actually looking at the post it's something unrelated but in response to the topic title sure it works.

Your minimum reinforcements are the average of all players reinforcements if they didn't get any bonus. May be some differences on later turns or amounts of units/players.

your message, while true, doesn't answer the question in this thread and makes it seem like what the author has written is a P2W feature when it is normal and not P2W


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