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Publicações: 12   Visitado por: 46 users
30.06.2022 - 01:02
I now identify as a racially mixed black-hispanic-asian Jewish-Satanist-Atheist lesbian pansexual gender non-binary but sometimes binary woman.
30.06.2022 - 04:50
Can you stop with your spams?

I swear, out of the last 10 off topic posts, more than 50% are yours or something. They're unfunny, retarded and cringe. No upvote, no discussion, nothing. It's legit sad.

If that continues I swear people will just stop posting here.

Please do us a favor and spare us your stupidity.

30.06.2022 - 12:30
Escrito por Kaska, 30.06.2022 at 04:50

Can you stop with your spams?

I swear, out of the last 10 off topic posts, more than 50% are yours or something. They're unfunny, retarded and cringe. No upvote, no discussion, nothing. It's legit sad.

If that continues I swear people will just stop posting here.

Please do us a favor and spare us your stupidity.


Aren't we just a negative Nancy today!

I choose to be a POSITIVE PAMELA! Some people here choose to be a NEGATIVE NANCY!
30.06.2022 - 15:19
Escrito por Connection error, 30.06.2022 at 01:02

I now identify as a racially mixed black-hispanic-asian Jewish-Satanist-Atheist lesbian pansexual gender non-binary but sometimes binary woman.

You could summarize all of that in identifying yourself as a mentally unstable person who needs help

30.06.2022 - 15:39
Escrito por Croat, 30.06.2022 at 15:19

Escrito por Connection error, 30.06.2022 at 01:02

I now identify as a racially mixed black-hispanic-asian Jewish-Satanist-Atheist lesbian pansexual gender non-binary but sometimes binary woman.

You could summarize all of that in identifying yourself as a mentally unstable person who needs help

I think the ones who need help are the ones who have no sense of humor at all.

Not long ago, I went to a place (which would be considered a very conservative place) to make a purchase (for something that would be considered a very conservative purchase), and on the form I was required to fill out, I had to choose my gender These were my choices: Male, Female, or - drumroll please - Non-Binary. This was an official GOVERNMENT created form. When I was growing up, there was no such thing as "Non-Binary". You are a man or a woman. If you can't tell humor from seriousness, that's YOUR issue. I'm sorry you and Kaska have such terrible lives that you are incapable of having any kind of fun or laughing about anything. Just out of curiosity, are you demanding that leftist politicians and many people in academia, entertainment, and company CEOs go get an intervention? Because unlike me, THEY ARE SERIOUS. I DIDN'T MAKE THAT FORM! THE GOVERNMENT DID! Maybe you can't understand it because you don't have this nonsense in your country. But here in the U.S. Oh my God.
30.06.2022 - 15:43
Just to punctuate my last comment, here in the U.S. if I were a a CEO of a major company and I said that I believe in God, and that God created man and woman, and there are two genders: male and female, I would lose my CEO position. That's what is happening now days. I didn't cause this nonsense. I make fun of it. If you have an issue with me, then you MUST have an issue with the government in Washington.
30.06.2022 - 15:49
Escrito por Connection error, 30.06.2022 at 15:39

I think the ones who need help are the ones who have no sense of humor at all.

Thanks God you have sense of humor so everyone laughs at it non-stop, so damn funny humor you have

30.06.2022 - 17:09
I get the point, but I do not find this spam of yours in off topic funny at all. If you have a problem with current establshment in the US regarding sexual freedoms and gender perception politics, get into politics sign petitions run for governor kill someone suck a dick idc - just do not bother us with this spam of yours. On the other side, if you truly believe these posts you spam are funny to anyone, maybe you should visit a nearby psychologist.

30.06.2022 - 20:13
We should imprison gays (Does that make Kaska and Croat happy?:beer:)
01.07.2022 - 15:19
You know what's funny? These people who say they hate my posts, but they come read them! Literally, the only forum I post on is Off Topic. As if I my posts are unavoidable and I'm forcing people to read my posts and you can't not read my posts in every single forum! My posts suck. My posts are bad. My posts are evil. Says the same people coming to read them! Well don't read them, Kaska and Croat!
06.07.2022 - 00:54
 brianwl (Administrador)
Escrito por Connection error, 01.07.2022 at 15:19

You know what's funny? These people who say they hate my posts, but they come read them! Literally, the only forum I post on is Off Topic. As if I my posts are unavoidable and I'm forcing people to read my posts and you can't not read my posts in every single forum! My posts suck. My posts are bad. My posts are evil. Says the same people coming to read them! Well don't read them, Kaska and Croat!

You're right you know. 30 people have visited this post since it's creation. Your talents are being wasted, but worse, you're humour and insight could be reaching millions.

So how can i help?

May i suggest you begin posting on government sites? Alternatively, major news sites have forums to express your political opinions to the enlightened electorate.

Perhaps you need a little push... next time you post only for Croat/Kaska, and receive fewer than 10 upvotes, i'll ban you from AW forums ♥

Brilliant right? You're like Kevin Hart, doing stand up in a mining town on amateur night. By banning you, you'll be forced to play Lincoln Field, where you'll be adored by the masses. You are so deserving. And think of poor Croat and Kaska... no longer having to read your hilariousness and being unable to appreciate your genius. It's win win.


09.07.2022 - 05:43
Message deleted by brianwl. Reason: Alt account of "The Farmer" used to circumvent forum ban. Account deletion being discussed in mod forum.

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