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24.08.2014 - 16:58
Let say you have an unit. The unit is an egg and it have 1 attack and 1 defense and 3 HP

After 5 turns ( if the unit is alive) it turn into a baby dragon and his strat charge to 6 attack and 6 defense and 7 HP

Then in another 5 turns ( if the unit is alive) it now is a dragon with 12 attack and 12 defense and 10 HP!!!!!!!!!!

Yes or Yes?
24.08.2014 - 17:00
It's terrible.
24.08.2014 - 17:04
Or no? this isnt a game like the total war games, civilisation (the military part) or wesnoth. i think AW has too many units that die too quickly in huge battles for something like this to work.

24.08.2014 - 17:11
24.08.2014 - 17:14
I think this would be good for games like SAPIEN, so you can evolve your unit's insteat of buy them
24.08.2014 - 17:16
Escrito por clovis1122, 24.08.2014 at 17:14

I think this would be good for games like SAPIEN, so you can evolve your unit's insteat of buy them

ok, maybe thats a good idea for scenarios, but...lets imagine someone has a deathkillerrobot, but he still has to buy apes that evolve into deathkillerrobots

24.08.2014 - 17:20
Escrito por Tirpitz406, 24.08.2014 at 17:16

Escrito por clovis1122, 24.08.2014 at 17:14

I think this would be good for games like SAPIEN, so you can evolve your unit's insteat of buy them

ok, maybe thats a good idea for scenarios, but...lets imagine someone has a deathkillerrobot, but he still has to buy apes that evolve into deathkillerrobots

No special items because that would be hard to do lol. But for example, if you are in SAPIEN and you have cro magnon, and the game advance to another era, it would be good that your cro magnon turn in the next unit of the era... This can be done when:

1) the troop participate in various battle ( this would be VERY HARD to implement, but very cool indeed).
2) After certain turns with the unit, it evolve.
3) After certain turn in the game, it evolve.
24.08.2014 - 17:25
Escrito por clovis1122, 24.08.2014 at 17:20

2) After certain turns with the unit, it evolve.
3) After certain turn in the game, it evolve.

No. Would be an advantage for players involved in less battles, that accumulate troops at the expense of the allies that actually engage in battles and have to renew more their units.
Would increase back-stabbing.
24.08.2014 - 17:42
Escrito por Columna Durruti, 24.08.2014 at 17:25

Escrito por clovis1122, 24.08.2014 at 17:20

2) After certain turns with the unit, it evolve.
3) After certain turn in the game, it evolve.

No. Would be an advantage for players involved in less battles, that accumulate troops at the expense of the allies that actually engage in battles and have to renew more their units.
Would increase back-stabbing.

but is Obvious that soliders which participate in more battle get experience... Anyway I think 1) is hard to implement.

Let stick with 2) ( let say, you get an dragon egg and after 3 turns if the egg unit lives then it evolve) and 3) ( Let say on SAPIEN cro magnon evolve into the next age's unit)
24.08.2014 - 17:44
Escrito por clovis1122, 24.08.2014 at 17:42

Escrito por Columna Durruti, 24.08.2014 at 17:25

Escrito por clovis1122, 24.08.2014 at 17:20

2) After certain turns with the unit, it evolve.
3) After certain turn in the game, it evolve.

No. Would be an advantage for players involved in less battles, that accumulate troops at the expense of the allies that actually engage in battles and have to renew more their units.
Would increase back-stabbing.

but is Obvious that soliders which participate in more battle get experience... Anyway I think 1) is hard to implement.

Let stick with 2) ( let say, you get an dragon egg and after 3 turns if the egg unit lives then it evolve) and 3) ( Let say on SAPIEN cro magnon evolve into the next age's unit)

Units in general or BUILT units?
24.08.2014 - 17:58
Escrito por Columna Durruti, 24.08.2014 at 17:44

Units in general or BUILT units?

The units you currently have. For example, you are playing a Medieval game, and you get Egg as random event. If 2) it get implemented, then when you have 4 turns with the "egg" units, as long as it doesnt die, it will evolve into another unit. If 3) get implemented, then at certain turn ( The creator of the map will choose which turn) the unit will evolve.
24.08.2014 - 18:04
Escrito por clovis1122, 24.08.2014 at 17:58

Escrito por Columna Durruti, 24.08.2014 at 17:44

Units in general or BUILT units?

The units you currently have. For example, you are playing a Medieval game, and you get Egg as random event. If 2) it get implemented, then when you have 4 turns with the "egg" units, as long as it doesnt die, it will evolve into another unit. If 3) get implemented, then at certain turn ( The creator of the map will choose which turn) the unit will evolve.

Escrito por Columna Durruti, 24.08.2014 at 17:25

No. Would be an advantage for players involved in less battles, that accumulate troops at the expense of the allies that actually engage in battles and have to renew more their units.
Would increase back-stabbing.
24.08.2014 - 18:07
Good idea
24.08.2014 - 18:15
But you wont send an egg with 1 attack 1 defense 3 hp to battle lol.... The idea is that players protect it, until it become strong.., but Anyway, I respect your point of view.
24.08.2014 - 18:32
The way you explain it, it sounds like a rare unit drop that has to be protected so it can evolve into something useful. If this is the case, then I would say: to much work for nothing really adding to the game. If it is about producing a certain unit and over time it gets stronger (more experience, technological development, etc.), then it ads to the game. If these units evolve in general, then its fine for me; if only units evolve that have been produced and need to mature in the game, then it is an advantage for players that engage less in war (ally-fuggs and potential back-stabbers).
25.08.2014 - 17:40
Sorry, you really have terrible ideas, clovik.

I agree with CD.

27.08.2014 - 17:31
 brianwl (Administrador)
I'd support Units that gain experience (maybe an increase in hit points or increase in critical for the more battles they are in)

27.08.2014 - 18:02
Would be an amazing feature for my pen island map. This way, I could accuratly represent blue balls.

27.08.2014 - 18:03
Escrito por Columna Durruti, 24.08.2014 at 18:32

The way you explain it, it sounds like a rare unit drop that has to be protected so it can evolve into something useful. If this is the case, then I would say: to much work for nothing really adding to the game. If it is about producing a certain unit and over time it gets stronger (more experience, technological development, etc.), then it ads to the game. If these units evolve in general, then its fine for me; if only units evolve that have been produced and need to mature in the game, then it is an advantage for players that engage less in war (ally-fuggs and potential back-stabbers).

How about units that get stronger after engaging in a battle and surviving?
27.08.2014 - 18:33
Escrito por Fockmeeard, 27.08.2014 at 18:03

Escrito por Columna Durruti, 24.08.2014 at 18:32

The way you explain it, it sounds like a rare unit drop that has to be protected so it can evolve into something useful. If this is the case, then I would say: to much work for nothing really adding to the game. If it is about producing a certain unit and over time it gets stronger (more experience, technological development, etc.), then it ads to the game. If these units evolve in general, then its fine for me; if only units evolve that have been produced and need to mature in the game, then it is an advantage for players that engage less in war (ally-fuggs and potential back-stabbers).

How about units that get stronger after engaging in a battle and surviving?

Would lead to "over-stacking": more units per attack to increase survivors. Has consequences to number of battles: less battles with more units each.
28.08.2014 - 03:28
Escrito por clovis1122, 24.08.2014 at 17:14

I think this would be good for games like SAPIEN, so you can evolve your unit's insteat of buy them

Yes i agree for games like sapien it should be a must ' since in sapien games at a surten point you are killing bowman with tanks...not verry realistic imo especialy if those bowmans came from the usa or any other major military power
28.08.2014 - 08:06
Escrito por Columna Durruti, 24.08.2014 at 18:32


How about units that get stronger after engaging in a battle and surviving?

Would lead to "over-stacking": more units per attack to increase survivors. Has consequences to number of battles: less battles with more units each.

Well over-stack for attack one objetive aint very professional lol.... while you do that, enemy is probably taking 5 countries off you.

Escrito por Columna Durruti, 24.08.2014 at 18:32

The way you explain it, it sounds like a rare unit drop that has to be protected so it can evolve into something useful. If this is the case, then I would say: to much work for nothing really adding to the game.

It does, just open up your mind and imagine all that could be done with this feature, you could make a game of Dragons, where every player have one egg and they must protect him so it grow into a dragon, or Greek's states, every state with one seer, and after certain time, the seer turn into a God!!!! And so on. Protect this rare unit is as normal as protect your general. I guess nobody experienced would send his gen to die lol.

Escrito por Columna Durruti, 24.08.2014 at 18:32

If it is about producing a certain unit and over time it gets stronger (more experience, technological development, etc.), then it ads to the game. If these units evolve in general, then its fine for me; if only units evolve that have been produced and need to mature in the game, then it is an advantage for players that engage less in war (ally-fuggs and potential back-stabbers).

I posted 3 ways to do it:

Escrito por clovis1122, 24.08.2014 at 17:20

1) the troop participate in various battle ( this would be VERY HARD to implement, but very cool indeed).
2) After certain turns with the unit, it evolve.
3) After certain turn in the game, it evolve.

It's not about boost certain players, but give an excelent feature that can be exploited and maximized by MapMarkers. In default map, if you have an ally that only stack and stack units near you then you should already know he is going to backstabb, lol.

A MapMarker can make certain units from ONE players to evolve first, for example, german Tanks evolving into Panzer, Russia infantry evolving into conscrips (and they can lose strat too, not only gain strat). And this all before the other countries evolved.

Yet this can be abused for example make one player to evolve and get 11 attack units or somenthing.... But I dont see how is different to abuse evolving and abuse the funtion to add unit's into the game ( nukes 0 cost 100 attack). This feature is completery for MapMarkers, it wont affect default map in the way we know it. Balancing depend's of MapMarker.
28.08.2014 - 14:33


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