02.09.2014 - 18:09
So, after reading through the drama and shitposting about State of mind, Illyria, and farming cp (which may just be my favorite flame war of the year) it seems something needs to be done. Right now, if a clan CWs a lot of newer clans with members with a lot less experience a lot, they will be labeled as a farming clan. Whether or not this is a justified label or not is not the issue. The issue is that these less experienced clans SHOULD be able to CW a lot. Lets have two 'leagues' if you will. Like how in American high school sports we have 'varsity' and 'junior varsity' we should have a similar system here. Illyria, MK, Syndi, evoL, SM and all clans that have been around for a while with experienced players would be in the top league. The bottom league will consist of clans such as Optansi (however it's spelled) Illyrification, bactria, exc. What's great is that we don't even need admins for this. Mods can remove points awarded for a CW between a top league clan and a bottom league clan and mods can assign trophies for bottom and top leagues despite what the overall board says. Would be more work on them, but if they're up for it it could be a success. How it is decided if you are top league or bottom league clan: I suppose we can go by date of coalition creation to start off with and then top three in bottom league get bumped up to top league and bottom three in top league get pushed down to bottom league at end of season. We can work out a different system. Now, here are some additions to the idea if we have admins who could do something (lol) Allow bottom league clans to CW top league clans but have the score ONLY AFFECT THE BOTTOM LEAGUE CLAN. To ensure no farming from top league clans. A small bonus of CP may be awarded for beating a top league clan. Allow each clan to have a training coalition in addition to their main one for an additional (x amount of SP). This allows all leaders of main clan to have access to the training clan chat and forum BUT they can not participate in any CWs for the training clan, Training clans are not allowed to be bumped up to top league.
02.09.2014 - 20:36
I like the idea, So you dividing clans into 2 Tiers. If Tier 1 and Tier 2 play, None of them loses points but if Tier 1 wins, it gets points. Worst Tier 2 clan of the season gets demoted to Tier 1 and Best Tier 1 clan of the season gets promoted to Tier 2
02.09.2014 - 21:07
!!! No support
03.09.2014 - 02:06
They can't do that.
03.09.2014 - 03:24
There have been similar suggestions with leagues systems already. They are all great, but unfortunally we dont have enought active coalitions to run this, therefore implementing a huge feature like this is not valueable enough for the admins. Sorry!
03.09.2014 - 03:41
---- It's not the end. ![]()
03.09.2014 - 10:45
First person to post that actually thought this through clearly.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
03.09.2014 - 12:41
Wat. By 'league' I just meant tier, or group. I'm not suggesting that we have a schedule of CWs like they do in sports. I'm saying that we have group A and group B of clans. Group A and B can CW anytime they want but only group B's score will be affected. Group B will consist of all clans that are considered newbie or inexperienced. If SM were to CW bactria right now, we would be labeled as farmers which is why we don't CW bactria (unless our leaders have something different in mind). Many other high tier clans have the same mindset. This denies Bactria of possible CWs and chances to gain more experience. Under my system SM, Illyria, MK can CW clans such as Bactria and not gain points. This allows us the ability to CW more clans and still be able to win points competitivly. This will actually help boost the CW scene. We have another lobby for inexperienced players. Shouldn't we have another CW system for inexperienced clans?
03.09.2014 - 12:41
Mind = blown.
03.09.2014 - 13:54
Still that is too complex for now. That is not made withing a few hours. Keep in mind that the admins are currently working on the HTML5 version. But I think the next step afterwards should be something about the coalition war system!
04.09.2014 - 05:43
I don't support this. I think there are not enough competitive clans around to make two divisions worthwhile. I'd rather like to have static fixtures per season, so that every clan who joins the clan war season has to play two clan wars against all other enlisted clans. That would solve all real, potential and constructed problems around issues like "farming".
04.09.2014 - 06:08 If you viewed my thread 20minutes ago and liked my idea why you not support it, or direct the readers from here to it?
Check it out gent http://he.atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=15341
04.09.2014 - 16:09
I dont know all threads I read in memory, was just commenting this idea.
08.09.2014 - 03:22
The idea seems promising but;
which is why this still seems to be the best solution right now
08.09.2014 - 21:18
FU FOCK! WAY TO STEAL MY IDEA!!!!! ![]() ![]()
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09.09.2014 - 03:42
You do realize that he posted this before you posted yours, right?
09.09.2014 - 03:49
Fock is still a faggot ![]()
09.09.2014 - 04:29
I thought about it first then ![]()
And agree leaf ![]()
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