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Publicações: 2   Visitado por: 39 users
07.08.2021 - 01:36
 Mobster (Mod)
When somebody gets a new medal in a game, the game should send a chat message like "Mobster just achieved Ground: Main Attack units destroyed (15000)" (Font color can change according to the medal's type like Gold silver, bronze)

It would be a nice touch, it'd create a topic to talk about for those players in that game.

Also it should have a cooldown in case a spam happens.
07.08.2021 - 06:41
Escrito por Mobster, 07.08.2021 at 01:36

When somebody gets a new medal in a game, the game should send a chat message like "Mobster just achieved Ground: Main Attack units destroyed (15000)" (Font color can change according to the medal's type like Gold silver, bronze)

It would be a nice touch, it'd create a topic to talk about for those players in that game.

Also it should have a cooldown in case a spam happens.

Would be nice if something similar was in place with like ITSGG just killed 1000 division
Only the first player in game getting that as achievement. Or 200 division, 500 - 1000 - 5000

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