13.12.2020 - 13:20 ![]() Game of Thrones : a Feast for Crows RULES APPLY FOR BOTH V5 AND V6, unless indicated otherwise For most recent updates, refer to the google doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MP2Sv8ok4lpOg0bTkWLYBzuUsWi_-2cAL-E5hpL23w/edit Background: The Lannisters may have defeated Robb Stark, but they still have many enemies : Stannis is still fighting for his crown, facing the Boltons to win the support of the North ; Brynden Tully holds Riverrun, protecting his queen ; Euron Greyjoy prepares his fleet to invade Westeros ; In the South, the Martell seek revenge for Elia and Oberyn. Meanwhile, Daenerys Targaryen brings death on the Slavers and their cities, and Beyond the Wall, the White Walkers are coming. ![]() Settings: A Feast for Crows is a 16-players scenario. The ideal turn length is 5 minutes. The winning conditions are to hold all cities from the capital country for 3 turns. Starting money is irrelevant, as each side will get their own amount of money. 3 allies max. Rules: General rules: The usual: -No wall-fucking, no trespassing T1 (except for the Lands of Always Winter, on which the Wall can trespass as long as it stays away from the White Walker cities) -Do not attack coastal or island cities on turn 2, as they are impossible to wall beforehand. -No leaving before t15 -No unconsented ally-capping. -Disable the strategy Covert Operation. It breaks the balance with several units. -Don't sail inside mountains -Sea-walling with land units is strictly prohibited Kingship rules: There are five Kings/claimants: Tommen Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Euron Greyjoy, Aegon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen. Out of all of them, only Aegon and Daenerys can (can, not must) ally each other. The other claimants must fight. THEY CANNOT PEACE. Several conditions can allow them to peace, however: -Ally end -Mutual, imminent threat (White Walkers/Daenerys invasion…) -Catastrophic defeat from a claimant which may prompt him to renounce his claim and bend the knee, thus allowing him to peace out or be vassalized by another king (loss of capital/loss of stack/incoming threat) One may declare himself king and claim the throne; he is then subjected to the Kingship rules. The North: -No one can peace the White Walkers -You cannot attack the Wall (including its southern bases) and it cannot attack you until the White Walkers have been defeated -Stannis Baratheon and the Boltons must fight to the death; only the White Walkers breaching the Wall can justify peace The Riverlands: -Frey and Tully fight in 1vs1 until t10. V5 : No interference before t10 can be permitted in the Riverlands / V6 : Outside interference IS permitted in the Riverlands. The Vale: -Baelish and Royce fight in 1vs1 until t8, after which they may keep fighting or peace out. External interference is permitted, but this is a reason for truce between them before t8. V6 : This entire rule does NOT apply The Crownlands/The Westerlands/The Reach: -Under the Kingship rules, Tommen and Stannis must fight in both the Crownlands and the Stormlands. -Tyrell and Euron Greyjoy must war until t10 Essos: -Daenerys must fight the Slavers until the Slaver's Bay and Volantis are liberated. This is not a 1vs1: Aegon is allowed to attack the Slavers if he wishes so. Game Mechanics: -Braavos Minigame: a minigame in the sea, a little north of Braavos: every player (except the White Walkers) starts with a city there. The objective is to capture a maximum of the minigame cities, which bring you a lot of income. Not to be overlooked. The Braavos minigame is entirely FFA: peace rules don't apply to it. (For instance, you can attack Tully or Frey in minigame before t10, and they can attack you, but this doesn't allow you to take revenge in the main game) V6 : The minigame is now just south of Braavos. New addition : in the 4 neutral cities in the center, you can build "Iron Bank Supremacy". They can be transported towards the Braavos Mercenaries cities with the Diplomat units. 2 "Supremacy" units are generally required to take one of the Braavos cities, which offer you 10 additionnal reinforcement each (if you build the Braavos building, you can make sure that NO ONE can take the Braavos city from you, except if they themselves attack with Supremacy units). -Dragons: Daenerys starts with 3 dragons, very powerful and dangerous units which can take out stacks by themselves. There is a counter unit, however: Scorpions, unlocked t10 in Essos and t15 in Westeros, of which 3 or 4 (depending on your luck and strat) will kill a dragon thanks to a defense bonus. V6 : the dragons spawn later, and are slightly nerfed. As of now (I might change it in the future if it's not balanced enough), scorpions are no longer a feature, because in the v6 Daenerys should lose more units to the Slavers. -Capitals: Most faction-capitals, and some other cities like Storm's End, are protected by a powerful building: 120 defense, 10HP V6 : most Buildings have either 3 or 5 def and 100 HP. They offer defense bonuses (+1 to each unit) or reinforcement bonuses (+3) and are more frequent. HOWEVER, major settlements are also protected by powerful special buildings, "Walls" with 60 def and 20 HP. These can be found in Casterly Rock, Lannisport, Highgarden, Oldtown, Storm's End, King's Landing, Dragonstone, Runestone, Gulltown, Pentos, Riverrun, the Dreadfort, and Slaver's Bay. -The Wall: Each city of the Wall is protected by an event building, difficult to destroy (stronger than capital units). On top of this, the Wall can build one defense building per city, however less powerful than the event building and quite expensive. -Stark Loyalism: You can find three neutral cities in the North. Conventional units cannot take them, you need rp units: Jon Snow (the Wall's general), Sansa Stark (owned by Baelish), Lady Stoneheart (owned by Tully), "Arya Stark" (spawns in Winterfell on t10), or Rickon Stark (spawns in Skagos on t10). If you have one of these units, you may want to take the Stark Loyalism cities: on t15, each of them receive 50 event units of good quality. -Allegiance system: On the top-right of the map, you will find a diplomacy "minigame" where you can signal either your allegiance to a king, your independence or your own claim to the Throne. It is mostly informative though, there is no specific rule regarding it, except that it is forbidden to attack an allegiance unit. Coming soon Faction guides: -Slavers: Warning: the game is very unfair toward Slavers. It is a very difficult spot. The unit quality is very low, and in spite of your numerical advantage over Daenerys, the dragons and the Unsullied can easily crush you. You should try to avoid direct confrontation until t10, when you can build scorpions and defend your stack from the dragons. Make sure to sufficiently wall Volantis, in order to deterr Aegon from taking it. Holding Volantis until t10 offers you a significant chance of survival. Major events: 400 ground units (Mediocre quality) and 35 ships (Medium) near Yunkai / 40 infantry (Good) near Volantis, both T1. V6 : Outdated. -Daenerys: Daenerys is a relatively easy spot. Slavers are far weaker; however, being too cautious with the use of Unsullied and Dragons might cause you a lot of trouble, as it allows the Slavers to stale you. Once the Slavers are defeated, go to Westeros as soon as possible: do not let the other kings recover from their early game wars. Time is crucial for Daenerys: on t20 and t25, event units will make your economy collapse. You will likely be in negative by t30. Major events: 160 Unsullied (Excellent quality) and 3 dragons (God-tier) near Meereen T1 / 50 ships (Very Good) T10 / 225 land units (Very Good) T15 V6 : Outdated.
---- All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0
15.12.2020 - 08:59
Please buff Boltons, they are far weaker than Stannis in both events and reinforcement making it nigh-impossible to win if Stannis is not brainded
23.12.2020 - 07:09
I would like an in depth explanation of this rule with some practical examples.
29.08.2021 - 03:31
Hey man. Why am I banned from A feast for crows? Ive only played it once and I'm strongly sure that I didnt break any rule! And why the hell you ignored me for?
29.08.2021 - 04:36
Quoting for him to see. Also from experience, I am strongly sure you broke a rule... Don't get this as an accusation, it's just my bias.
29.08.2021 - 08:12
Thanks for doing that. Thats a STRONG bias. I just want to know reason because this is New to me and I dont want this to happen again.
30.08.2021 - 06:20
You are banned for wallfucking
---- All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0
31.08.2021 - 01:14
That's Fair! I may have done this Noob move a few times in the past. Not anymore not for at least last 30 games or so
01.09.2021 - 12:22
To those playing in the Casual Game: http://atwar-game.com/games/?link=1637543983 Most players followed the rules above,but i'm starting a thread so everyone in the game can report and be aware of the rule violations. Awesome map Gilalad ♥ News and rule violations: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=47904#m765644
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01.09.2021 - 17:24
Hi was wondering if you could clarify... there is a casual game using your map. Most players are following rules, but one who didn't said the War rules don't apply to casual games.. was wondering if you could weigh in as i thought your map was for both casual and regular games.
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27.03.2023 - 15:40
New version is out, I will update with the slightly new rules soon
---- All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0
30.03.2023 - 03:21
Awesome ive been very excited for the update for awhile now
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
30.03.2023 - 03:46
Don't think I have ever seen you playing one of my maps but I'm glad it excites you
---- All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0
03.01.2024 - 14:20
Hello Gilalad, thank you very much for creating the map! The map is very well thought out and must have taken a lot of time. I would add two improvements because of Bran Stark, that he is protected by The Children of the Forest and Hodor in the film. Best wishes and happy gaming!
18.01.2024 - 08:40
Hi, glad you like it ![]() Thanks for the suggestion, I added the Children of the Forest and the 3 Eyed Raven
---- All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0
29.11.2024 - 09:27
Victory conditions are back to "Capture home country" because people can't resist the urge to abuse the Iron Throne mechanic
---- All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0
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