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22.03.2020 - 11:01
Not certain if to describe this as a bug or not. Every high rank I have asked mention that that have faster general 1,2 and gen range movement. These are all distinct upgrades. I am a new player and do not have access to faster general 2. ( Yes I bought faster gen1) Still not available. Seems my upgrades are bugging or, something is wrong. Most players have the upgrade !
22.03.2020 - 11:34
You're hereby banned by ~Waffel.

Never abuse the forums ever again!

Escrito por Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
22.03.2020 - 12:04
Just to clarify. The available upgrades list is missing these 2 upgrades:

Faster General II 23400 SP
Air Transport Capacity II 24300 SP
22.03.2020 - 17:21
At this exact time only faster general II 23400 SP is missing, I suddenly can see Air Transport Capacity II. Again maybe you can do your own checks but ONLY faster general II is missing.
22.03.2020 - 18:06
I checked few hours ago, and checked again less than a minutes ago, and they're still missing.
23.03.2020 - 16:57
 Dave (Administrador)
Escrito por DJ003, 22.03.2020 at 17:21

At this exact time only faster general II 23400 SP is missing, I suddenly can see Air Transport Capacity II. Again maybe you can do your own checks but ONLY faster general II is missing.

Escrito por Abraham, 22.03.2020 at 18:06

I checked few hours ago, and checked again less than a minutes ago, and they're still missing.

Guys, this is not a bug. I have checked. In order to get "Air Transport Capacity II", you FIRST have to buy "Air Transport Capacity". Buying 1 unlocks 2.

To get "Faster General II", you first have to buy "General: Ground Main Defence". (Why it's this instead of Faster General 1 I have no idea... ask Amok or Ivan)

There are other upgrades besides these that get "unlocked" in a similar fashion. So if you don't see an upgrade, it's not missing, you just haven't bought the prerequisite upgrade yet.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

23.03.2020 - 17:06
Truly appreciate the response. Thanks for the clarification. At the end of the day I an new and had to seek the information. Thank you.
Only through investigation can one arrive at the correct conclusion.
23.03.2020 - 19:29
Escrito por Dave, 23.03.2020 at 16:57

Escrito por DJ003, 22.03.2020 at 17:21

At this exact time only faster general II 23400 SP is missing, I suddenly can see Air Transport Capacity II. Again maybe you can do your own checks but ONLY faster general II is missing.

Escrito por Abraham, 22.03.2020 at 18:06

I checked few hours ago, and checked again less than a minutes ago, and they're still missing.

Guys, this is not a bug. I have checked. In order to get "Air Transport Capacity II", you FIRST have to buy "Air Transport Capacity". Buying 1 unlocks 2.

To get "Faster General II", you first have to buy "General: Ground Main Defence". (Why it's this instead of Faster General 1 I have no idea... ask Amok or Ivan)

There are other upgrades besides these that get "unlocked" in a similar fashion. So if you don't see an upgrade, it's not missing, you just haven't bought the prerequisite upgrade yet.

I was testing it with a guest account and your explanation crossed my mind couple of times. Anyways thanks for explaining

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