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11.10.2014 - 00:43
I have given new life to Hellraiser's Medieval Map. I turned this into a massive alternate scenario with factions both realistic and completely bullcrap lol. So here is the basic guide for this scenario.

Specific Faction Analysis


Roman Empire:

This revival of the once great Roman Empire arises after unstability in Europe and shift of power with other Empires rising in the North.

Total Income: 3496
Reinforcements: 97
Capital: Rome - 430 income, 10 reinforcements
Notable Cities: Venice - 301 income, 8 reinforcements, Tunis - 200 income, 8 reinforcements



Almohads have been beaten out of Hispania completely and in its place is Aragon, A Western European Empire that has the power to conquer Europe and spread its Maritime power to the Far Ends of Earth.

Total Income: 3151
Reinforcements: 108
Capital: Zaragossa - 111 income, 5 reinforcements
Notable Cities: Ishibiya - 250 income, 9 reinforcements, Toledo - 210 income, 8 reinforcements


Kingdom of Saxony:

During the Fall of the Classical Roman Empire, the Anglo-Saxon Tribes invaded and capture Britannia, now some 700 years later, those Saxons have expanded their power to now control most of Germany, North France, Britain, and now reach all the way into the lower Nordic and Danish lands.

Total Income: 4116
Reinforcements: 121
Capital: Frankfurt - 140 income, 6 reinforcements
Notable Cities: London - 352 income, 9 reinforcements, Paris - 335 income, 9 reinforcements


Germanic Resistance:

The remainder of the Germanic Tribal People have no united in resistance against the massive Saxons and the growing Roman power. Out of brutal warfare, its people hope to gain strong alliances to counter the massive invaders.

Total Income: 2122
Reinforcements: 66
Capital: Brandenburg - 310 income, 8 reinforcements
Notable Cities: Munich - 187 income, 7 reinforcements, Konigsberg - 200 income, 7 reinforcements


Northern Clans:

Total Income: 1485
Reinforcements: 53
Notable Cities:




Total Income:
Notable Cities:


EDIT: I will add the rest tomorrow, as you can see my images stopped working and my wifi is going on and off cause a massive thunderstorm just hit. Hope to see you guys check out the rest of the map.
11.10.2014 - 00:47
Looks interesting. Have to check it!
11.10.2014 - 00:50
Escrito por Columna Durruti, 11.10.2014 at 00:47

Looks interesting. Have to check it!

Lol you beat me while im editing it, i finished all the factions and stuff, just adding it all here then finishing custom units that will be uploading info for that later
16.10.2014 - 03:36
Black Shark
Conta apagada
I feel that it has a lack of balance.

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