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Publicações: 3   Visitado por: 21 users
22.05.2012 - 08:28
There are alot of tourneys going on, and I was wondering if the creators of the tourneys have the possibility to give medals to the winners of a tourney?
Anything is possible for me as long as I set my mind to it.
22.05.2012 - 08:40
No. Only admins can give medals.

However, you can ask a admin if your tournament can be rewarded with medals. Tournaments that are Mod/Admin supported will get medals.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
22.05.2012 - 08:44
If i'm correctly, the following (active) tournaments can get you a medal:

- The Coalition Tournament (by Pulse)
- The 2nd Afterwind 2v2 tournament (by Acquiesce and LDK)
- The 3rd Afterwind 1v1 tournament (by Caulerpa and me)
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.

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