Magnets,how do they work?
It happens sometimes, if you wait it'll probably go away or you can simply fix it by going to their profile page and refriending again. Then shortly after refresh page a couple times.
I like stuff.... Yay?
I've seen this. This can be reproduced (i think) by adding a friend that is currently offline. Then it will say 'last seen: Never'. Witch is right in theorie, because he was never online in your friendslist before. Anyway: Once the player will come online and go back offline, the problem is solved.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
Escrito por Hugosch, 03.08.2012 at 03:10
I've seen this. This can be reproduced (i think) by adding a friend that is currently offline. Then it will say 'last seen: Never'. Witch is right in theorie, because he was never online in your friendslist before. Anyway: Once the player will come online and go back offline, the problem is solved.
You're right, I managed to reproduce it this way.