How about an account needs to have a verified email address and an unique IP address to send protocoins?
That should make it harder to farm protocoins.
All I can say is I'm against that part... Surely there's another way...
"For out of the ground we were taken
For the dust we are,
And to the dust we shall return"
I believe this system has great potential for abuse, although as it is stated in the proposal, many safety nets can be implemented. i personally like the minimum rank requirement, as at least then a would-be scammer has to work for the PCs. i do NOT like the flood control net, however. all things considered, my vote is yes
Escrito por Meester, 12.06.2015 at 08:31
Escrito por RaulPB, 12.06.2015 at 07:24
Wow.... you've got to be literally desperate to do that...
Many people are desperate for SP and ELO whats to stop them from farming something with value like protocoins?
Well arent you are moderator? Isn't it like your job to stop SP/ELO/CW Farmers? Maybe the moderators/Admins should punish those farmers hard so the farmers would think twice before farming something again.