WHY DO THEY EXIST. they suck so much. they take so long and get mad boring. A MASSIVE MAP with like four players max. its all i ever see. just four fools twiddling their thumbs in a 19032 turn game. IS YOU SERIOUS BRUH! it just turns into a massive cesspit of inf spam and just idiocy in general. I AINT GOT TIMMEEE to be micromanaging my eightieth 1023 inf stack. or budling my fiftieth fortification. god. i will deilver righteous punishment to the next 50k i join. (I will join and play)
This is why you play blitz or mos and win before t15
This is why you play blitz or mos and win before t15
This is true
I like micromanaging everything which is why I enjoy world games on casual. And while I don't like 50k start, even on 5k start by turn 30 or so you might as well be on 50k.
The bitterest truth is sometimes better than the sweetest lie - Griffin, MIB III
World 50k is for chads.. 5k is for pussies.
Escrito por Red.Army, 22.10.2023 at 19:04
World 50k is for chads.. 5k is for pussies.
Get that bloody premium already
WHY DO THEY EXIST. they suck so much. they take so long and get mad boring. A MASSIVE MAP with like four players max. its all i ever see. just four fools twiddling their thumbs in a 19032 turn game. IS YOU SERIOUS BRUH! it just turns into a massive cesspit of inf spam and just idiocy in general. I AINT GOT TIMMEEE to be micromanaging my eightieth 1023 inf stack. or budling my fiftieth fortification. god. i will deilver righteous punishment to the next 50k i join. (I will join and play)
Hilarious. You complain and then finish with "I will join" hahahaha
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