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Publicações: 9   Visitado por: 41 users
05.07.2017 - 16:04
Hey, I have one problem with my map. Because when I test my map all cities are empty, but I have secondary defense, so what's the problem?
06.07.2017 - 05:26
Escrito por Propaganda, 05.07.2017 at 16:04

Hey, I have one problem with my map. Because when I test my map all cities are empty, but I have secondary defense, so what's the problem?

You don't, they wouldnt be empty if you did. If you could screenshot your units then i might have a better idea of whats up
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
06.07.2017 - 06:12
Everything is empty.. :/

06.07.2017 - 08:01
Escrito por Propaganda, 06.07.2017 at 06:12

Everything is empty.. :/

Ground: Main defence.
Both, Ground: Main Defence and Ground: Secondary Defence shouldn't be limited to specific country. Just keep them like they are in original units set.
06.07.2017 - 08:29
Escrito por Columna Durruti, 06.07.2017 at 08:01

Escrito por Propaganda, 06.07.2017 at 06:12

Everything is empty.. :/

Ground: Main defence.
Both, Ground: Main Defence and Ground: Secondary Defence shouldn't be limited to specific country. Just keep them like they are in original units set.

Oh, when I'll edit it cities have units, thanks!
07.07.2017 - 06:33
Escrito por Propaganda, 06.07.2017 at 08:29

Escrito por Columna Durruti, 06.07.2017 at 08:01

Escrito por Propaganda, 06.07.2017 at 06:12

Everything is empty.. :/

Ground: Main defence.
Both, Ground: Main Defence and Ground: Secondary Defence shouldn't be limited to specific country. Just keep them like they are in original units set.

Oh, when I'll edit it cities have units, thanks!

secondary defense can spawn in countries too, you just need to not limit them like CD said
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
07.07.2017 - 12:38
This problem is so 2013.

10.07.2017 - 15:33
Escrito por Professor Adog, 07.07.2017 at 12:38

This problem is so 2013.

>Those no-goes in the camp
>Map maker doesn't know how to use water to make no-goes
10.07.2017 - 17:31
Escrito por Tundy, 10.07.2017 at 15:33

Escrito por Professor Adog, 07.07.2017 at 12:38

This problem is so 2013.

>Those no-goes in the camp
>Map maker doesn't know how to use water to make no-goes

typical new gen map maker amirite ;3


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