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Publicações: 5   Visitado por: 90 users
01.09.2015 - 19:27
Ladies, gentlemen, and Tunder, might I introduce you to an immense project in the making, titled: Star Wars, Galaxy in Crisis. Just in time for Star Wars Battlefront III, and the new Star Wars movie that will most likely be a massive disappointment, almost as bad as my birth!

You Star Wars fans, Sci-Fi nerds, and those with good taste will love this map. Complete with every single planet in the Star Wars universe with astounding accurate locations, units, and factions, this map will give you the chance to lead a faction of your choice through the Clone Wars. Some examples of playable factions, (each with unique units and planets) are the Republic, Separatists, Bothan Space, Chiss Ascendancy, Banking Clan, Tion Hegemony, Hapes Consortium, The Hutt clan, and many, many more, all on a massive player field which will give you the freedom to make alliances, wage war, and lead your army towards Galactic domination

The map, the most immersive and accurate Star Wars map on AtWar, will be a delight to the community. Here are some screenshots of the map so far:

The map is scheduled to be released soon, at the moment I would love to hear the community's response to this project and any feedback, criticism, or questions.
"Not all those who wander are lost."
01.09.2015 - 19:35
Quite the sp farm lol
01.09.2015 - 19:52
Escrito por Valetorious, 01.09.2015 at 19:35

Quite the sp farm lol

It is not like every player gets inflated/scenario units and 50K to start with, it's quite the contrary.

Different factions start out with a different amount of starting funds, for example, the Jedi Order starts out with only 10K, while the Intergalactic Banking Clan starts out with a staggering 50K or the Galactic Republic, Council of Neutral Systems, or the Trade Federation which are very rich factions, in order for players to effectively create a massive military it is wise of them to seek alliances from one of these factions.

Flagships are extremely expensive and will burden a lot of players wallets, so it's not like players have the ability to throw out units like candy.

If the moderators decide the SP a player can derive from this map is excessive, they can lower the SP multiplier with no issue.
"Not all those who wander are lost."
15.12.2015 - 03:32
Will this be more of a fleet battle type map, or will it still mostly include ground units like in most Star Wars maps?
17.12.2015 - 07:17
Pls remove some caps and make actual multi-city countries this looks like a clusterfuck
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