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Publicações: 4   Visitado por: 28 users
22.05.2016 - 15:57
Dear Admins,

I really appreciate if someone can tell me clearly when Atwar will restart the servers.
Someone promised will do in last Saturday but still nothing and we are sunday, i waiting since tuesday.
Boring to wait to play to our new edited map where you are mapmaker and pay for it.

I'm waiting since 5 days now to play my map still unplayable. If I pay Premium, it's just to have fun to create map better and better, share it with players looking for new maps or experiences and make them happy.

But this pleasure to create/edit can destroy our big incentive to be a Mapmaker, because of "restart Server" take too long days and seems the only way to fix map edited and unplayable, we are not a lot to be mapmakers here but it's important to us.

So I suggest to Atwar to have "Official Schedule" for Restart Server 2 times by week automatically or manually.

For example:
- Every Wednesday (to have time to update/edit from sunday to tuesday )
- Every Friday (to play and test our new map edited all the weekends)

It's my 3rd time, I pay for one month Premium Account, each time, but this problem is still here in Atwar.
If Mapmakers knows schedule of restart system server, for sure Atwar can get more LifeTime Premium account include me and less annoying/boring to wait their map become playable.

It's suggestion, don't offense about it Admins. It's can be really Win-Win between Players/Mapmakers and Admins of Atwar.

Best regards,
열흘 붉은 꽃이 없다 !
22.05.2016 - 17:10
Well i have some problems with a map i edited a while, it loads for me so donesn't for many people. I suppose its about the restarting server thing, i hope this will be fix soon.
03.06.2016 - 15:34
03.06.2016 - 15:35
Escrito por Weisser Wolf, 22.05.2016 at 17:10

Well i have some problems with a map i edited a while, it loads for me so donesn't for many people. I suppose its about the restarting server thing, i hope this will be fix soon.

Still nothing about it.. One week i'm waiting my map be playable.... It's discourage really mapmakers as me, we need test our edited maps, but im still playing old versions until now...
열흘 붉은 꽃이 없다 !

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