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Publicado por SyrianDevil, 02.03.2018 - 21:12
Aw is full of bugs and exploits that does make games unfair sometimes especially for ww1/ww2, and to counter that we should do our best avoiding the reasons of why this is happening and as an experienced bugger ill post the rules myself and reason them all then take map maker(aetius) approval for them to ban any exploiter according to whats in this topic

1-the supply ships in ww1/ww2 may not be defended using any unit that is forming a wall that is "Around the transport" to prevent the supply getting mixed with one of the wall units outside which will end up making it sink along with its income drain OR leaving it vulnerable to getting sunk the next turn which will also prevent wg from attacking the next turn

2-you may not leave 1 unit to avoid intercepts especially stacking the supplies with units that cannot defend them (like destroyers or planes) as its obviously an attempt to leave units behind to escape supplies ez pz and you may not leave your supplies behind to kill the attacking submarines (nobody does/realize this except me but incase someone discovers that etc)
mistakes happen in this part so several attempts in one game are necessary to consider someone rogue unless aetius makes convoy units in ww2 land units so they can move in one drag with the supplies (untransportable to avoid getting convoys far using ocean transports) (which wont hurt game play by no way) this will stay an issue and leaving 1 unit behind will happen with an valid excuse aka: HE TBED MY OTHER UNITS

3- you may not send sentry planes to kill uk supplies in their spawn at ww2(again nobody realize its possible anyways)

4- do not coordinate with team mate to send 1 +16 damage unit by each to get rid of intended defensive boost for some location aka fortress and this 50def unit what ever was its name as this gives very significant advantage to the users for low investment (a bug by me again thank me later for ruining your gaming experience D)
that applies to sending 1 dread by italy and france and uk each turn to galipoli which actually certainly gets rid of turkey very fast (dread has 17 damage)

5- there's no problem with using sentry to kill train which has 1 hp because a sentry can always turn to suicidal plane its totally conventional(trick by me as well)

6- french partisans should not be used against italy in ww2 as their name is not italian partisans and they arent meant to cross the alps
also west wall can be ignored and in ww2 and its intended as west wall gets constructed at turn 12-13 and not at the start stop crying about that its easily countered

7- i consider walling behind trenches in ww1 big bug as this especially has no way to counter but luck this shouldn't happen

8- such a wall is a bug and might turn against you by the way your enemy might cross to your cap using your own autistic wall
also do not do a wall consisting land unit and navy unit as its buggy af

have a problem? state it in a comment
these will be active once aetius comments a
19.06.2018 - 06:17
My clan doesn't have enough players. Only problem is the players
19.06.2018 - 07:37
Escrito por lsilorien, 18.06.2018 at 15:22

Not about americans but France's ability to ha spam to death

Go spam HA when i play
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
19.06.2018 - 12:11
What PD wg thats stacks trenches and mg?
19.06.2018 - 14:26
Escrito por lsilorien, 19.06.2018 at 12:11

What PD wg thats stacks trenches and mg?

failure france sending his units/money/income/stack bonus/surprise factor to death
PD buying MG? are you smartest person in your family
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
19.06.2018 - 14:35
If you want to beat germany ez ez ez ez
1- uk ignores mideast and only funds you + russia
2- you use your reinforcements wisely and know when to buy inf/art
3- turn 20~ you will have 1300-1400 unit including 700 artillery/tank vs 900 PD germans including alot of militia and conscripts
4- ez win
just a simple example of your capabilities
HA spam wont work
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
19.06.2018 - 14:49
Ha are more powerful if u kill wg trench by far
19.06.2018 - 16:40
Escrito por ulvi., 19.06.2018 at 04:49

Escrito por boywind2, 18.06.2018 at 14:46

Escrito por lsilorien, 18.06.2018 at 08:58


west can break any imp germ as soon as americans show up.

What abou PD germ?

pd germ only works with imp prussia and it is hard to play against pd prem russia that gets funded.
20.06.2018 - 01:48
With PD you can fund Prussia 3-3.5k for each reinf I think it is enough.
France need 130+ HA(personally I don't think it is enough) for breaking WG trench France usually achieves it after t25 normally Russia should die till that time otherwise Prussia player is weak
20.06.2018 - 01:50
The problem is that retard ah and especially otto ask for funds t3 so they can try to cap gaza which is fucking retarded and they leave t5 after their trenches gets taken and blames u for not funding
20.06.2018 - 06:13
What retard ah would ever need money
20.06.2018 - 17:03
Didn't think syrian's meme rules would get attention again, or tricks he wants credit for that others did before him. smh
20.06.2018 - 20:32
Escrito por boywind2, 20.06.2018 at 01:50

Wtf muscle girls are not cute. Me and every other guy prefers girls who are actually feminine and attractive
21.06.2018 - 01:43
Soyboys cant dominate their cute muscular girlfriends....
21.06.2018 - 05:39
Escrito por Lion Sin Escanor, 21.06.2018 at 05:25

Escrito por boywind2, 21.06.2018 at 01:43

Soyboys cant dominate their cute muscular girlfriends....

If a girl can't bring press at least 300lbs she isn't worth the time

if he cant pull 600 jefferson double overhand hes not worth my time

11.08.2018 - 04:49
@Aetius http://prntscr.com/khck1g
11.08.2018 - 05:54
This isn't even official if you want Aetius attention send him a personal message.
11.08.2018 - 12:23
I do not have any idea about those ww2 comments but I played ww1 much so I can type something.

Pd wg + lb pruss is the best and has no problem unless ur otto is noob ( if russ is lazy to do many walls blitz pruss op op )

As pd wg, u do not need to care naval

Imp wg can not defence his trench after about t20 even against imp france and uk.

And in games which is like that, pruss-russ front gives the result of the game. Pruss needs to be fast.

What I wrote is for full prem games.
Jewing is my jew.

Kebab reich stronk

Eat kebab

Drink ayran
12.08.2018 - 06:23
Pd wg and LB pruss struggle immensely late game with finances not to mention ah when inflation hits.
Imp wg can defend easily till t27 ish after that pruss should be there to help.
Blitz prussia is just retarded against a prem pd russia.

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