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29.11.2018 - 22:10
I'll skip the preface justifying vocalizing myself despite the fact that I'm widely regarded as a noob by some of the more toxic players who are the primary ones online and on the forum to say that competitive games are dead because said toxic persons aren't team players, they aren't inclusive, they spew hate and negativity more often than not.

I'm not gonna name check people. That list is too long and that's not the point.

Less and less people play by the rules, be them written or general house rules of the games. And when people call them out on it, they get defensive, cocky, and brazen and make lame excuses like "You're just a bad player, or we do this in cws, or just stfu and play".

I say no. That kind of attitude is what makes people wanna stop playing atwar. We get it, there are toxic players everywhere, on any game. That defeatist attitude is another lame excuse that toxic players give so they can keep acting like uneducated half wits.

The other issue I have found, is that there are people online, but no one plays with each other anymore because of drama and conflicts, either real or imaginary. I have tested it I would make games at all hours of the day when people are online, and personally invite them to get no response. Then someone who "they like" gets on and they all flock to that game.

If people would grow up and act their age, or at least pretend like they've been taught something, atwar would be an amazing place again. I have been here for about 5 years and I can recall times when the high ranks wanted to help the low ranks and didnt just cast them aside. I love this game and I'm one of those die hards who will be here until the server dies, practicing expansions, playing with famorval, eph, skies, drymud, alexis, grandson, 11/11 and everyone else!

Don't let it end
30.11.2018 - 01:11
Problem is losers like grom ban you from his games and doesn't cw your clan which makes the whole competitive scene stagnate.
30.11.2018 - 12:37
Escrito por boywind2, 30.11.2018 at 01:11

Problem is losers like grom ban you from his games and doesn't cw your clan which makes the whole competitive scene stagnate.

30.11.2018 - 16:42
It also could be fallout from the active community being smaller. It's easier for feuds and other bullshit to sabotage the fun when there aren't as many people/clans to play with.

And, yes, I'll be here until the end, most likely.
Embrace the void
10.12.2018 - 16:07
 Lelouch. (Mod)
The high ranks have no reason to feel responsible for making sure that new players learn how to play the game competitively. That is something that they must choose to do IF they want to and with WHO they want to. However, every player, regardless of how long he or she has been playing the game, should promote and practice sportsmanship. That is definitely something that moderators must ensure in order to have a healthy competitive community.

Moderators should have a basis for what constitutes harassment and bullying, different from mere trash-talking. Although, correcting all the toxic players from this game, or at least eliminating them, won't solve the issue about the game's small playerbase. Just look at all the other games with 'toxic' communities that still have a huge playerbase. Therefore, toxicity isn't the true problem.

I believe that the players who truly like the game will stay, regardless of toxicity. If players leave, it's mainly because they've grown bored of the game or are too busy, and rarely due to the toxic community. One would have to directly associate toxicity with how fun the game is in order to make your conclusion.

Since toxic players are inevitable in any competitive game, you have two options: deal with it, or cry about it. Trash-talkers infect all corners of life. If you can't deal with them, the problem's on you. There's only so much that moderators can do to regulate trash-talking. I believe that trash-talking in any game is not the problem. The true problem would be the inability to tolerate and ignore trash-talking on a regular basis. If no one cared about trash-talking, no one would complain, people who trash-talk would find it boring and stop doing it, and everyone would be happy.
10.12.2018 - 16:53
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)
It's hard not to slam the door on a newbie's face when they come on room chat, start saying edgy shit for attention, and just starting a flame war.
10.12.2018 - 23:57
Escrito por Lelouch., 10.12.2018 at 16:07

The high ranks have no reason to feel responsible for making sure that new players learn how to play the game competitively. That is something that they must choose to do IF they want to and with WHO they want to. However, every player, regardless of how long he or she has been playing the game, should promote and practice sportsmanship. That is definitely something that moderators must ensure in order to have a healthy competitive community.

Moderators should have a basis for what constitutes harassment and bullying, different from mere trash-talking. Although, correcting all the toxic players from this game, or at least eliminating them, won't solve the issue about the game's small playerbase. Just look at all the other games with 'toxic' communities that still have a huge playerbase. Therefore, toxicity isn't the true problem.

I believe that the players who truly like the game will stay, regardless of toxicity. If players leave, it's mainly because they've grown bored of the game or are too busy, and rarely due to the toxic community. One would have to directly associate toxicity with how fun the game is in order to make your conclusion.

Since toxic players are inevitable in any competitive game, you have two options: deal with it, or cry about it. Trash-talkers infect all corners of life. If you can't deal with them, the problem's on you. There's only so much that moderators can do to regulate trash-talking. I believe that trash-talking in any game is not the problem. The true problem would be the inability to tolerate and ignore trash-talking on a regular basis. If no one cared about trash-talking, no one would complain, people who trash-talk would find it boring and stop doing it, and everyone would be happy.

Sorry but your opinion is trash.
11.12.2018 - 10:26
 Lelouch. (Mod)
Escrito por Nations, 10.12.2018 at 23:57

Escrito por Lelouch., 10.12.2018 at 16:07

The high ranks have no reason to feel responsible for making sure that new players learn how to play the game competitively. That is something that they must choose to do IF they want to and with WHO they want to. However, every player, regardless of how long he or she has been playing the game, should promote and practice sportsmanship. That is definitely something that moderators must ensure in order to have a healthy competitive community.

Moderators should have a basis for what constitutes harassment and bullying, different from mere trash-talking. Although, correcting all the toxic players from this game, or at least eliminating them, won't solve the issue about the game's small playerbase. Just look at all the other games with 'toxic' communities that still have a huge playerbase. Therefore, toxicity isn't the true problem.

I believe that the players who truly like the game will stay, regardless of toxicity. If players leave, it's mainly because they've grown bored of the game or are too busy, and rarely due to the toxic community. One would have to directly associate toxicity with how fun the game is in order to make your conclusion.

Since toxic players are inevitable in any competitive game, you have two options: deal with it, or cry about it. Trash-talkers infect all corners of life. If you can't deal with them, the problem's on you. There's only so much that moderators can do to regulate trash-talking. I believe that trash-talking in any game is not the problem. The true problem would be the inability to tolerate and ignore trash-talking on a regular basis. If no one cared about trash-talking, no one would complain, people who trash-talk would find it boring and stop doing it, and everyone would be happy.

Sorry but your opinion is trash.

Do you simply disagree, or is there something wrong with the arguments I made?
11.12.2018 - 16:34
Escrito por Lelouch., 11.12.2018 at 10:26

Escrito por Nations, 10.12.2018 at 23:57

Escrito por Lelouch., 10.12.2018 at 16:07

The high ranks have no reason to feel responsible for making sure that new players learn how to play the game competitively. That is something that they must choose to do IF they want to and with WHO they want to. However, every player, regardless of how long he or she has been playing the game, should promote and practice sportsmanship. That is definitely something that moderators must ensure in order to have a healthy competitive community.

Moderators should have a basis for what constitutes harassment and bullying, different from mere trash-talking. Although, correcting all the toxic players from this game, or at least eliminating them, won't solve the issue about the game's small playerbase. Just look at all the other games with 'toxic' communities that still have a huge playerbase. Therefore, toxicity isn't the true problem.

I believe that the players who truly like the game will stay, regardless of toxicity. If players leave, it's mainly because they've grown bored of the game or are too busy, and rarely due to the toxic community. One would have to directly associate toxicity with how fun the game is in order to make your conclusion.

Since toxic players are inevitable in any competitive game, you have two options: deal with it, or cry about it. Trash-talkers infect all corners of life. If you can't deal with them, the problem's on you. There's only so much that moderators can do to regulate trash-talking. I believe that trash-talking in any game is not the problem. The true problem would be the inability to tolerate and ignore trash-talking on a regular basis. If no one cared about trash-talking, no one would complain, people who trash-talk would find it boring and stop doing it, and everyone would be happy.

Sorry but your opinion is trash.

Do you simply disagree, or is there something wrong with the arguments I made?

I disagree. Those who have been here longer are looked up to. Their example in both gameplay and conduct are imitated, otherwise the forum wouldn't exist, and Clovis and others wouldn't have gone through so much effort to provide useful information for those who seriously want to learn aW.

That's my point. I'm not saying that once you become r8 for example you HAVE to get a pupil and inculcate in them good principles. We aren't parents, some people here aren't even adults. What I'm saying is, high ranks and mods have more accountability and are looked to as examples [whether they like it or not]. You've heard the expression great power greater responsibility. The changes needed should start with the high ranks, those with the most influence, and let it trickle down to the lower ranks. The mentality of "I'm better than you so I will ignore or talk to you however I want" should not be tolerated here.

Like I said.Just because other places are toxic doesn't mean everyone is doomed to that fate. We all have free will. We are all conscious sensitive beings, if you can be taught to use a computer, to speak, to say crap and hurtful things, then you can be taught to be considerate, selfless, humble. How do you teach? BY EXAMPLE.
11.12.2018 - 19:26
 Lelouch. (Mod)
Escrito por ise-kun, 11.12.2018 at 16:34

Escrito por Lelouch., 11.12.2018 at 10:26

Escrito por Nations, 10.12.2018 at 23:57

Escrito por Lelouch., 10.12.2018 at 16:07

The high ranks have no reason to feel responsible for making sure that new players learn how to play the game competitively. That is something that they must choose to do IF they want to and with WHO they want to. However, every player, regardless of how long he or she has been playing the game, should promote and practice sportsmanship. That is definitely something that moderators must ensure in order to have a healthy competitive community.

Moderators should have a basis for what constitutes harassment and bullying, different from mere trash-talking. Although, correcting all the toxic players from this game, or at least eliminating them, won't solve the issue about the game's small playerbase. Just look at all the other games with 'toxic' communities that still have a huge playerbase. Therefore, toxicity isn't the true problem.

I believe that the players who truly like the game will stay, regardless of toxicity. If players leave, it's mainly because they've grown bored of the game or are too busy, and rarely due to the toxic community. One would have to directly associate toxicity with how fun the game is in order to make your conclusion.

Since toxic players are inevitable in any competitive game, you have two options: deal with it, or cry about it. Trash-talkers infect all corners of life. If you can't deal with them, the problem's on you. There's only so much that moderators can do to regulate trash-talking. I believe that trash-talking in any game is not the problem. The true problem would be the inability to tolerate and ignore trash-talking on a regular basis. If no one cared about trash-talking, no one would complain, people who trash-talk would find it boring and stop doing it, and everyone would be happy.

Sorry but your opinion is trash.

Do you simply disagree, or is there something wrong with the arguments I made?

I disagree. Those who have been here longer are looked up to. Their example in both gameplay and conduct are imitated, otherwise the forum wouldn't exist, and Clovis and others wouldn't have gone through so much effort to provide useful information for those who seriously want to learn aW.

That's my point. I'm not saying that once you become r8 for example you HAVE to get a pupil and inculcate in them good principles. We aren't parents, some people here aren't even adults. What I'm saying is, high ranks and mods have more accountability and are looked to as examples [whether they like it or not]. You've heard the expression great power greater responsibility. The changes needed should start with the high ranks, those with the most influence, and let it trickle down to the lower ranks. The mentality of "I'm better than you so I will ignore or talk to you however I want" should not be tolerated here.

Like I said.Just because other places are toxic doesn't mean everyone is doomed to that fate. We all have free will. We are all conscious sensitive beings, if you can be taught to use a computer, to speak, to say crap and hurtful things, then you can be taught to be considerate, selfless, humble. How do you teach? BY EXAMPLE.

I'm simply trying to draw the line between practicing/promoting good sportsmanship, and helping out new players with learning how to play the game. I'm not saying I'm in favor of toxicity either. Try reading my comment again. You will realize that I'm actually making a suggestion for getting rid of the game's toxicity.
13.12.2018 - 18:11
I mean, lots of people are under the age of 14...
13.12.2018 - 22:24
Escrito por Puf, 13.12.2018 at 18:11

I mean, lots of people are under the age of 14...

that's true.. atwar isnt a daycare tho
14.12.2018 - 00:28
Soooo. Sportsmanship isn't not dead? I
14.12.2018 - 03:45
Why is your name kaixo
its stupid and you should change it stupid fa**ot
14.12.2018 - 03:45
Anyways good post i guess
17.12.2018 - 23:08
Escrito por mr kaiser, 14.12.2018 at 03:45

Why is your name kaixo
its stupid and you should change it stupid fa**ot

Here's a quote for you - Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's opinion is the best proof of stupidity.

My name means hello in basque

I'm a nice guy don't make me irritated. Based on the few sentences you've posted I've gathered that you're a small minded person. Small minded because you focus on people and surface things rather than larger, more important issues meriting actual cognitive function.

But why waste words on you? I'm sure if I had verbalized this blurb, you wouldn't have been able to spell or define half the words I have used, from the demonstratives to the indefinite articles to the nouns.

That is all.

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