Anyone else having trouble doing the little hop into a trans (not docked) and then pulling them out into France in HTML5?
In HTML5, I've found it removes a bit of freedom that units had in SL, such as (in many cases, but not all) the ability to hop short water distances to get to a transport, executing shortcuts with small bodies of water in between, etc.
I guess in reality this is a bit more realistic (what soldier is strong enough to jump half the English channel and land onto a transport??), but I do admit I'm a bit sad to see that part being changed.
In any case, it's still fun like it always is, just a slight change in movement capabilities.

"For out of the ground we were taken
For the dust we are,
And to the dust we shall return"
Escrito por jimmynow, 30.09.2015 at 19:08
Anyone else having trouble doing the little hop into a trans (not docked) and then pulling them out into France in HTML5?
You're talking about zoom bug(RIP).
The zoom bug has been fixed?!?
This... changes... EVERYTHING
Escrito por jimmynow, 30.09.2015 at 19:08
Anyone else having trouble doing the little hop into a trans (not docked) and then pulling them out into France in HTML5?
You're talking about zoom bug(RIP).