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Publicado por 77TENGRI99, 09.04.2021 - 16:47
Why is "paradox youth" 3rd in top coalition list rn ? do u plan to win a trophy with playing only noob clans or what? what is this logic dude if you want them to play better u shouldve let them play strong coalitions from start but you legit made them farm rank 5 clans and now they cant play any good clans because it will be farming... nice job now disband that clan
11.04.2021 - 06:07
Escrito por Mauzer Panteri, 11.04.2021 at 05:49

I created 10+ good players.

Who you trained?

You count every midrank player who was allowed to join MK as your creature? Hah, ok mr.Creator, I'll let you enjoy in your products

11.04.2021 - 06:09
 Mobster (Mod)
Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 06:02

Escrito por Croat, 11.04.2021 at 05:57

Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 05:38

Making a youth clan just prove how bad you are because you're scared to lose elo with lowranks,

Froyer, I don't know if you are another utter dumbfuck or you just enjoy acting dumb.
Just take a glance on the fact that Paradox would be even in bigger Elo plus if it was together with Youth and those guys would still play the same way, with equalizing ranks as much as possible. Low/middle rank cws functioned in that way since ever. Even myself while being in evoL as rank 6, 7 and 8. I literally always played with equalized ranks, same as any other clan around, they used their lower ranks (V-dog, Lynch, Ghost, Soldier, etc.) in the same way.

Equalizing ranks is legit stupid, when I was in mecoy's clan in 2019 both of us were cwing everyone with new players and almost never together, it was him+lowranks or me+lowranks.

When I was a lowrank I've always wanted to play better players to learn and get better, if you're equalizing ranks/skills how do you play agaisnt good teams lol.

Dude when I was back for the first time thanks to WD he accepted me into Mirage. Then you guys were trying to get equal ranks from the opponents for me to partipicate in cws but it was not possible for some frustrating chunk of time. No offense, I'm not saying this against Mirage, I'm saying it against your argument.

When I was a lowrank I've always wanted to play better players to learn and get better, if you're equalizing ranks/skills how do you play agaisnt good teams lol.

Then tell me what these look like
11.04.2021 - 06:09
Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 06:04

This equalizing ranks rules is so stupid, do you know any player that was making r9 max duels become good at dueling ?

In these 10 years of atWar no one realized it's stupid until you came to enlighten us

11.04.2021 - 06:12
Everytime I was training lowranks, I was cwing or 1v1'ing with them, after a month of training they had 1300+ elo, that's how I trained brutal and lion look at them now 2 of the best current players.

Equalizing ranks in cw and playing only 3v3s will just make you learn slowly and waste your time even more lol.
11.04.2021 - 06:12
I have to agree to with mauzer. A younth clan is good but I think nowdays you mistake the term of "low clan" . Back when dalmati pups or Illyrias younth or any low rank clan you would stay there mainly for training ranks from 1-7. When someone reached the magic number of 7 that was the pivital moment. You would either get promoted to main or you weren't good enough for that main you would leave and search for a clan that would accept you. You would be playing huge numbers 3v3 in main lobby.

Let's come to nowdays. Back then at r10 you had reached max rank of cw matching (anything above 10 makes no difference because same upgrades). The upgrade cost hot cutted at half(?) So technically nowdays a r9(?) should be considered max rank because he has all upgrades.

Nowdays i see "mid rank turnsment" where max rank is r9 or even rank 10. People forget that there is no difference between a r7 and a r15 than upgrades only. It's experience only.

Let's come to experience part. People consider guys like Mobster and Prinz eugen low ranks, which is wrong. They played in the time of 2010-2011-2012 and cwed back then too. They can win anyone here alone, let alone with a coach helping them of what to do.

So before referring to the past think about those. Back to today now.

Paradox younth is something i like as idea but execution is wrong. I see no reason why a decent r7,r8,r9 can't get promoted to main and play something in west. Look at my clan many 0 cws guys cwed here. Look at Enigma they got low ranks that they throw in cws. Look in bosnjak legion they do same. A younth should be for the training part only and for younth vs younth action. Not to have 100 cws each season. Training should be in public 3v3s, not because we want to see the "tactics" but to have even the chance to attract 1 more new player at it. I respect you trying it but I think the excecution is wrong. I expected way more 3v3s while now you have those r7 and r8s waiting even for hours to find a "fair" cw for them.
11.04.2021 - 06:14
1 new clan wont change anything, we need 5 or more. So they can play vs each other or 2 old + 1 new. Even 1 clan is good for start ! So its not like i have anything against any new clan i just want them more. But to do that someone have to force clans to do that.

Dave can force us to do that, ane he should.

Croat always attacking if he doesnt like other ideas, even they can upgrade his own.

With dave is easy to make deals. Haha.

11.04.2021 - 06:14
Escrito por Mobster, 11.04.2021 at 06:09

Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 06:02

Escrito por Croat, 11.04.2021 at 05:57

Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 05:38

Equalizing ranks is legit stupid, when I was in mecoy's clan in 2019 both of us were cwing everyone with new players and almost never together, it was him+lowranks or me+lowranks.

When I was a lowrank I've always wanted to play better players to learn and get better, if you're equalizing ranks/skills how do you play agaisnt good teams lol.

Dude when I was back for the first time thanks to WD he accepted me into Mirage. Then you guys were trying to get equal ranks from the opponents for me to partipicate in cws but it was not possible for some frustrating chunk of time. No offense, I'm not saying this against Mirage, I'm saying it against your argument.

When I was a lowrank I've always wanted to play better players to learn and get better, if you're equalizing ranks/skills how do you play agaisnt good teams lol.

Then tell me what these look like

I didn't even know you were in Mirage lol, I would have cwed with you 100% I was cwing eagle and mauz with a rank 6 I wouldn't mind cwing with a rank 8 lol.
11.04.2021 - 06:22
Escrito por Mauzer Panteri, 11.04.2021 at 05:49

Stop insulting everyone who doesnt think on the same way you do.

Word shit is generally not an insult. Neither it was said in such context. If I wanted to insult you, I would say that word shit is part of your and tengri's character. But I didn't.
You should stop giving yourself credits to mock and discredit anything that's related to me. When you see my name somehwere, avoid it, last thing I need is your or tengri's smartassing around. Especially if maxiumum you're currectly doing is 'I did something 8 years ago' or 'hjsfshsjfhsfsj ape' .

Leave me alone and spare us all from tensions because I can guarantee you that nothing will change. N-o-t-h-i-n-g.
I would rather die than think of any changes in this discrediting way someone comes to me in some shit thread. I will become as ignorant.

11.04.2021 - 06:26
See how much time Helenism needed and games, afford, work to become competetive. Now they are fine clan.

11.04.2021 - 06:29
Escrito por Croat, 11.04.2021 at 06:22

Leave me alone and spare us all from tensions because I can guarantee you that nothing will change. N-o-t-h-i-n-g.
I would rather die than think of any changes in this discrediting way someone comes to me in some shit thread. I will become as ignorant.


You are mod, thats not just using/abusing mute or ban options. I cant ignore you ( or any moderator ), so you cant ignore me neither, till things change, deal with it.

And guess what i have credits and im going to use them.

In many games ppls are rdy to spent their money to become best at some games.

We all knew that aw can run only with scenario games, but competetive scene is level up and only it can keep players here.

11.04.2021 - 06:41
I don't know any good players that started cws with equalizing ranks for his first cws, maybe in 2013 or 2015 but in 3 years nope.

If paradox youth players want to get good at the game they need to stop trying to equalize ranks, it's just an advice, if they don't want to listen it's fine, idc I'm not the one who's training them
11.04.2021 - 06:47
Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 06:02

Equalizing ranks is legit stupid, when I was in mecoy's clan in 2019 both of us were cwing everyone with new players and almost never together, it was him+lowranks or me+lowranks.

When I was a lowrank I've always wanted to play better players to learn and get better, if you're equalizing ranks/skills how do you play agaisnt good teams lol.

How can equalizing ranks be stupid? In 2014, 2015 we all were always equalizing ranks. One thing is wanting to learn from better player, the other thing is when r6, r7 and r8 get bulllied in a cw against players that have been active for 7 years. I will also let myself say (I might not be right), but I just do not remember you and Mecoy cwing good clans with new players, sorry.
Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 06:41

I don't know any good players that started cws with equalizing ranks for his first cws, maybe in 2013 or 2015 but in 3 years nope.

We play this game a bit longer than you do, darling.

The sign of in how bad a state of competetive community is that they forgot how it is to have a fresh players in clans, and that they do not deserve to be bullied by stronger players, or to have to wait to reach r9 and play 10000 3v3s until their leaders decide they are worth to play.
Escrito por JUGERS2, 11.04.2021 at 06:12

I want to say few things about Mobster. You are right, he was active in 2013 and 2014, but he was inactive since then. He forgot almost everything, it was 7-8 years ago. He is a good player, but needs to practice and adapt to the new meta. (to remind you all, SM ukr was 90% strat in these years, PD turkey 60-70%, imp UK aswell.... it is not the same game it was in 2014) Also, we needed someone of a higher rank to be with new players, so that he could coach them aswell when we can't, and so that it is easier to find cw's (finding more or less equal 2v2 with r9 and r7 is a lot easier than with two r7....).

For the training clans, it is the only right to give them equal ranks to play with! As you are trying to achieve something in this topic which no one understand what exactly, same these players that you talk about here are losing a hope in this community.
Winterfell, JNA, Illyrification, Shadows Shadow and even main clans always asked for balanced ranks in the past! It is not just about experience, but about upgrades aswell! Stop being so selfish and remember how it was playing as rank6 with few important upgrades!
Some of players here are just hypocrites, because I remember them asking for balanced ranks few years ago aswell... (Mauz always asking for enemy clans to balance ranks so that Don and Steve could play when we were low ranks)

11.04.2021 - 06:58
Escrito por Mobster, 11.04.2021 at 06:09

Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 06:02

Escrito por Croat, 11.04.2021 at 05:57

Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 05:38

Making a youth clan just prove how bad you are because you're scared to lose elo with lowranks,

Froyer, I don't know if you are another utter dumbfuck or you just enjoy acting dumb.
Just take a glance on the fact that Paradox would be even in bigger Elo plus if it was together with Youth and those guys would still play the same way, with equalizing ranks as much as possible. Low/middle rank cws functioned in that way since ever. Even myself while being in evoL as rank 6, 7 and 8. I literally always played with equalized ranks, same as any other clan around, they used their lower ranks (V-dog, Lynch, Ghost, Soldier, etc.) in the same way.

Equalizing ranks is legit stupid, when I was in mecoy's clan in 2019 both of us were cwing everyone with new players and almost never together, it was him+lowranks or me+lowranks.

When I was a lowrank I've always wanted to play better players to learn and get better, if you're equalizing ranks/skills how do you play agaisnt good teams lol.

Dude when I was back for the first time thanks to WD he accepted me into Mirage. Then you guys were trying to get equal ranks from the opponents for me to partipicate in cws but it was not possible for some frustrating chunk of time. No offense, I'm not saying this against Mirage, I'm saying it against your argument.

When I was a lowrank I've always wanted to play better players to learn and get better, if you're equalizing ranks/skills how do you play agaisnt good teams lol.

Then tell me what these look like

I didn't play the second one it was bosnjak9 and bosnjak.amko lol
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
11.04.2021 - 07:15
Escrito por Oleg, 11.04.2021 at 06:47

Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 06:02

Equalizing ranks is legit stupid, when I was in mecoy's clan in 2019 both of us were cwing everyone with new players and almost never together, it was him+lowranks or me+lowranks.

When I was a lowrank I've always wanted to play better players to learn and get better, if you're equalizing ranks/skills how do you play agaisnt good teams lol.

How can equalizing ranks be stupid? In 2014, 2015 we all were always equalizing ranks. One thing is wanting to learn from better player, the other thing is when r6, r7 and r8 get bulllied in a cw against players that have been active for 7 years. I will also let myself say (I might not be right), but I just do not remember you and Mecoy cwing good clans with new players, sorry.
Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 06:41

I don't know any good players that started cws with equalizing ranks for his first cws, maybe in 2013 or 2015 but in 3 years nope.

We play this game a bit longer than you do, darling.

The sign of in how bad a state of competetive community is that they forgot how it is to have a fresh players in clans, and that they do not deserve to be bullied by stronger players, or to have to wait to reach r9 and play 10000 3v3s until their leaders decide they are worth to play.

Pavle just check Noobs former members I was there with mecoy in 2019, also my training clan keepcool and later cynical last year, we always invited lowranks and were letting them play lol.

Cynical/Doxa once did 28 wins in a row (-1 cw behind dalmati record) when we were switching teams and letting lowranks play.

I just think that equalizing ranks/skills doesn't make sense for a training clan, if you want to get good you don't mind losing lol, why care about getting raped cw, just be like hellenism 800 elo for 2 seasons now they're finally decent.
11.04.2021 - 07:19
Escrito por Oleg, 11.04.2021 at 06:47

Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 06:02

Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 06:41

Escrito por JUGERS2, 11.04.2021 at 06:12

Winterfell, JNA, Illyrification, Shadows Shadow

Name me 1 player that was trained and cwed in these clans and became a top tier player
11.04.2021 - 07:22
I didn't become the player I am by playing with and agaisnt lowranks or weak players but only playing strong players lol
11.04.2021 - 08:01
Oh God the toxicity!

Waffel won.

11.04.2021 - 08:17
Escrito por Rock Lee, 11.04.2021 at 08:01



Also Froyer is right. To become good you need to fight vs good players. But low ranks first need to learn how to use naval trans or similar things, before they start cwing.

11.04.2021 - 08:22
Escrito por Mauzer Panteri, 11.04.2021 at 06:29

You are mod, thats not just using/abusing mute or ban options. I cant ignore you ( or any moderator ), so you cant ignore me neither, till things change, deal with it.

It won't change. Paradox Youth will be on scene and playing the same way till I am here on game. And you can continue moaning, I can be 7 times mod or no mod, but you will achieve nothing about it. 101%

11.04.2021 - 09:17
Escrito por Froyer, 11.04.2021 at 07:19

Name me 1 player that was trained and cwed in these clans and became a top tier player

Wow, that is just toxic. Thanks for insulting me, mantis, Eleutheros, Iwan, Crey, nic, Beli, Overdose, Bossko, Aspect, Vuk, Danijel (Underworld) and countless other players that came from these training clans (take notice, I only marked players that trained and played in JNA, the clan I was part of, that won seasons with and for their clans later)....
AtWar did not begin with your account creation.
IF, and WHEN Paradox Youth starts playing higher ranks, or IF and WHEN they are experienced enough to join the main clan, is our interior matter, no topic can change that.

11.04.2021 - 09:18
Escrito por Mauzer Panteri, 11.04.2021 at 06:29

Look there is no wrong or right way to go about training new players, we all have our own different approaches which I personally think there should be some level of respect regardless the methods because its the idea that people ARE in fact training new players which lets be real most coalitions don't even bother with such a thing. Who has MK trained recently that wasn't already a fairly accomplished player? You want to take a knock on someone else's method from training players then why don't you start with your own clan; every single game we have played against you this season you continually go for a Poland/Turk combo and simply rush rush rush because that's all you appear to be able to do, if you're so concerned about how Croat trains his players then why is it you can only do cheese strats and nothing that requires any level or actual skill?
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
11.04.2021 - 09:45
I trained 10 players and then these 10 trained 10, each.... So i trained milion or even bilions of new players. Fine this is trolling... but that isnt that far from the truth.

Many of players tried to improve so they can beat clans like MK, so real numbers on which i had direct or indirect influence is pretty big. Cuz some peoples doesnt want to see that i will write that here. Because you attacking me without any reall reason i will calm this.

Also Atwar can run and stay alive even without competetive players, MK, me and rest. So train you players if you want, ne need to say stupid things like "what you did in last few years" these claims are pure nonsense.

Train your players on your way, i would be happy to see more new players here.

11.04.2021 - 11:35
Escrito por Mauzer Panteri, 11.04.2021 at 09:45

I trained 10 players and then these 10 trained 10, each.... So i trained milion or even bilions of new players. Fine this is trolling... but that isnt that far from the truth.

You mean Eagle trained 10 and then 10 trained 10

11.04.2021 - 14:28
Try harder Pavle, try harder. For start take some low rank from Sweden. Ik you cant forget that i kicked you from MK, cuz at that time every player we had in, were more talented for this game and had more potential then you. I were right about that.

11.04.2021 - 14:57
Lock this
11.04.2021 - 15:02
Escrito por Mauzer Panteri, 11.04.2021 at 14:28

Ik you cant forget that i kicked you from MK, cuz at that time every player we had in, were more talented for this game and had more potential then you. I were right about that.

Death1812 kicked me, not you xD Also, stop insulting youself:

11.04.2021 - 15:07
How yes no mr Pavel Nedved.

Escrito por Khauman, 11.04.2021 at 14:57

Lock this


11.04.2021 - 15:28
Ok i think everyone had the occasion to state his position, i'll lock this before it derails.
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