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Publicado por Aetius, 21.10.2016 - 15:44


Victory Standings after 12 turns

Major Victory

1)France (17 european regions)
1) Great Britain (Has more naval squadrons than france and spain, no nation has 8 or more euro regions, controls all homelands)

Minor Victory
2) Ottoman Empire (7 european regions +7 non european)
3) Prussia (8 regions)

4)Spain (6 regions)
5) Sweden (4 regions)

6)Russia (12 regions + 1 non european) but lost Estonian homeland
7)Austria (6 regions) but lost Illyrian homeland

Expansion rankings (in some games this determines the winner as long as you hold all your homelands)
1)France took 5 regions
2)Prussia took 3 regions
3)Sweden took 2 regions
4) Spain took 1 region

03.11.2016 - 11:54
I am going to use my PAP to start an uprising in Holland,Flanders,Lombardy,Illyria.
03.11.2016 - 12:59
Counter-revolutionary forces have risen up in rebellion against the French Republic! General Napoleon has been ordered to immediately make haste to Flanders where he is to put down the rebels and ensure the Revolution is not threatened. Governors from the regions of Lombardy and Illyria continue to be hackled by men who call them "collaborators." Meanwhile, the governor of Holland has ordered the infantry in his area to remain vigilant and not to engage the insurrectionist until reinforced from Napoleon in the coming months.

Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
03.11.2016 - 14:33
Like 2 full turns or 2 move turns, I need to know how desperate I should be.

03.11.2016 - 16:30
Escrito por Pheonixking929, 03.11.2016 at 12:59

Counter-revolutionary forces have risen up in rebellion against the French Republic! General Napoleon has been ordered to immediately make haste to Flanders where he is to put down the rebels and ensure the Revolution is not threatened. Governors from the regions of Lombardy and Illyria continue to be hackled by men who call them "collaborators." Meanwhile, the governor of Holland has ordered the infantry in his area to remain vigilant and not to engage the insurrectionist until reinforced from Napoleon in the coming months.

Aetius: french attempt to stop uprising in holland
Aetius rolls 2d6 = 10 (5 +5)


1 Infantry regiment destroyed trying to suppress the dutch

Escrito por MrArmy987, 03.11.2016 at 14:33

Like 2 full turns or 2 move turns, I need to know how desperate I should be.

Much too late for you buddy, 2 move turns
03.11.2016 - 16:44
Escrito por Aetius, 03.11.2016 at 16:30

Escrito por Pheonixking929, 03.11.2016 at 12:59

Counter-revolutionary forces have risen up in rebellion against the French Republic! General Napoleon has been ordered to immediately make haste to Flanders where he is to put down the rebels and ensure the Revolution is not threatened. Governors from the regions of Lombardy and Illyria continue to be hackled by men who call them "collaborators." Meanwhile, the governor of Holland has ordered the infantry in his area to remain vigilant and not to engage the insurrectionist until reinforced from Napoleon in the coming months.

Aetius: french attempt to stop uprising in holland
Aetius rolls 2d6 = 10 (5 +5)


1 Infantry regiment destroyed trying to suppress the dutch

Aetius.... I wanted to stop insurrection in Flanders (where I sent Napoleon) and was saying not to do so in Holland hence "not engage insurrectionist until reinforced from Napoleon"
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
04.11.2016 - 11:26
Oops ignore that roll then

Aetius: french attempt to stop uprising in flanders
Aetius rolls 2d6 = 7 (3 +4)


Uprising in Flanders quashed by Napoleons hussars, all anti republican leaders were guillotined.

gonna update to final turn soon good game all I think france will win this
04.11.2016 - 12:14
General Napoleon encountered stiff resistance from Flemish rebels who were supplied arms and gear from British intelligence agencies. While they fought valiantly, Napoleons brilliant mind allowed him to easily squash the makeshift army in deadly battle.

The ringleaders of the attempted uprising have been apprehended and a general purge of the territory has caused thousands to be sent to the guillotine. No one will escape French reprisals

A key supporter of Napoleon in the National Assembly has urged the government to begin purging France of counter-revolutionary elements

A moderate leader has been charged with treason. Soldiers loyal to Napoleon were met with soldiers loyal to the moderate faction. After the leader, Jaque Touve, attempted to escape, a bullet rips through his lower jaw. All his guards have been killed and Jaque put to the guillotine

Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
04.11.2016 - 16:43
==Turn 12: March: 1797==
04.11.2016 - 18:00
Full stack st peters.
04.11.2016 - 19:32
( jerking for production points... )
04.11.2016 - 23:02
Napoleon to Holland.... crush the rebels!
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
05.11.2016 - 13:13
British Movements

Austrian Movements
wait for slav hordes

French Movements

Spain Movements

Unless you really just want the game to end, for this final movement turn I'd like to 'invade' London with 2 cavalry 1 artillery and 2 infantry, a total of 5 units.

I understand its pretty much suicide and my squadrons probably won't even make it to the English channel, but its the last turn and that seems like the greatest possibility for me doing anything better than surviving.

Prussian Movements
chill and watch the chaos

Russian Movements

Declare war on Sweden, send 2 inf from st.Peters to Sweden.
inf from caucasus to Astrakhan,
cav from caucasus to Mescow,
Units from Galicia to Hungary.

Ottoman Movements
05.11.2016 - 13:14
British Movements

Austrian Movements
wait for slav hordes

French Movements

Spain Movements

Unless you really just want the game to end, for this final movement turn I'd like to 'invade' London with 2 cavalry 1 artillery and 2 infantry, a total of 5 units.

I understand its pretty much suicide and my squadrons probably won't even make it to the English channel, but its the last turn and that seems like the greatest possibility for me doing anything better than surviving.

Prussian Movements
chill and watch the chaos

Russian Movements

I didnt know swed declared war on me. I re do my turn.
inf from caucasus to Astrakhan,
cav from caucasus to Mescow,
Units from Galicia to Hungary.

*a skirmish will break out in sweden* 2 russian infantry vs 1 swede inf and 3 militia

Ottoman Movements

Swedish Movements
Escrito por JF., 04.11.2016 at 18:00

Full stack st peters.

* A battle will happen in st peters*
05.11.2016 - 23:35
General Napoleon moves his army to Holland to crush the dutch revolt, the rest of the french fleet moves into the dutch port
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
06.11.2016 - 12:20
I didnt know swed declared war on me. I re do my turn.
inf from caucasus to Astrakhan,
cav from caucasus to Mescow,
Units from Galicia to Hungary.
06.11.2016 - 12:24
Escrito por Grabar Kitarovic, 06.11.2016 at 12:20

I didnt know swed declared war on me. I re do my turn.
inf from caucasus to Astrakhan,
cav from caucasus to Mescow,
Units from Galicia to Hungary.

is that why you only sent 2 inf to sweden.,,,
06.11.2016 - 12:25
Escrito por JF., 06.11.2016 at 12:24

Escrito por Grabar Kitarovic, 06.11.2016 at 12:20

I didnt know swed declared war on me. I re do my turn.
inf from caucasus to Astrakhan,
cav from caucasus to Mescow,
Units from Galicia to Hungary.

is that why you only sent 2 inf to sweden.,,,

*Declare war on Sweden, send 2 inf from st.Peters to Sweden.*
it was meant to be special attack, i didnt see that u declared war.
06.11.2016 - 12:26
Escrito por Grabar Kitarovic, 06.11.2016 at 12:25

Escrito por JF., 06.11.2016 at 12:24

Escrito por Grabar Kitarovic, 06.11.2016 at 12:20

I didnt know swed declared war on me. I re do my turn.
inf from caucasus to Astrakhan,
cav from caucasus to Mescow,
Units from Galicia to Hungary.

is that why you only sent 2 inf to sweden.,,,

*Declare war on Sweden, send 2 inf from st.Peters to Sweden.*
it was meant to be special attack, i didnt see that u declared war.

how is it a special attack?
06.11.2016 - 12:27
Escrito por JF., 06.11.2016 at 12:26

Escrito por Grabar Kitarovic, 06.11.2016 at 12:25

Escrito por JF., 06.11.2016 at 12:24

Escrito por Grabar Kitarovic, 06.11.2016 at 12:20

I didnt know swed declared war on me. I re do my turn.
inf from caucasus to Astrakhan,
cav from caucasus to Mescow,
Units from Galicia to Hungary.

is that why you only sent 2 inf to sweden.,,,

*Declare war on Sweden, send 2 inf from st.Peters to Sweden.*
it was meant to be special attack, i didnt see that u declared war.

how is it a special attack?

i didnt know that there was 1inf in swed.
06.11.2016 - 17:21
sorry for being slow the game is ending now going to resolve this final battle then calc who won game

Battle of Vyborg

Russian Front Rank: 5 Infantry
Russian Rear Rank: 1 Artillery
Swedish Front Rank: 6 Infantry
Swedish Rear Rank: General Tortenson, 4 cavalry, Elite Infantry
The russians had placed themselves in a strong defensive formation upon a hill ridge. Tortenson had no choice but to launch numerous costly attacks. The swedish cavalry proves to only be able to take one flank before being decimated by russian gunfire and cannons. However in the end, the mighty swedish infantry charge swarmed over the hill and caused mass panic among the russians winning a glorious, if costly victory. The Swedes enter St. Petersburg once again.

Russian Round 1: Russian infantry volley; 2 swedish infantry rout, russian artillery fire from rear rank; 0 hits
Swedish Round 1: MOVE UP all units except general Swedish infantry+elite volley; 0 hits, swedish cavalry charge 0 hits, swede artillery fire from rear rank; 0 hits, Tortenson fails to rally any units

Russian Round 2: Russian infantry volley; 1 swedish cavalryrout russian artillery fire from rear rank; 0 hits, russian artillery fire from rear rank; 1 swede cavalry routed
Swedish Round 2: Swedish infantry+elite volley; 0 hits, swedish cavalry charge 1 russian inf routed, swede artillery fire from rear rank; 0 hits, Tortenson fails to rally any units

Russian Round 3: Russian infantry volley; 1 swedish cavalry rout, russian artillery fire from rear rank; 0 hits, russian artillery fire from rear rank 0 hits
Swedish Round 3: Swedish infantry+elite charge; 4 russian infantry routed Tortenson fails to rally any units


Result: Swedish Victory

Russian Casualties
-5 Infantry
-1 Artillery

-2 Infantry
-3 Cavalry

Sweden gains 1 PAP for winning a major battle
Sweden gains 2 cards for winning a major battle
Russia gains 1 card for losing a major battle

Due to losing 6 units in a major battle:
Aetius: Russian commitment roll has to be 6 or lower to keep fighting
Aetius rolls 2d6 = 5 Russia keeps on fighting

Due to losing capital
Aetius: Russian commitment roll has to be 6 or lower to keep fighting
Aetius rolls 2d6 = 8 [b]Russian government sues for peace
Sweden gains 2 PAPS has total of 3

Escrito por Pheonixking929, 05.11.2016 at 23:35

General Napoleon moves his army to Holland to crush the dutch revolt, the rest of the french fleet moves into the dutch port

Having an overwhelming army the Dutch abandon their uprising.
06.11.2016 - 17:46
06.11.2016 - 17:51
Take as much russian land as i can
06.11.2016 - 17:51
Naval Landing at Gloucester (skirmish) -from west spain to>mid atlantic>bay of biscay>north atlantic>London

-due to being naval landing in homeland 3 militia have joined the british defense-

Spanish Front Rank: 2 Cavalry 2 Infantry
Spanish Rear Rank: 1 Artillery
English Front Rank: 3 militia, 8 Infantry 2 Elite
English Rear Rank: 1 Artillery
The English Fleet, clumped up in the channel had neglected the Spanish enemy whom they had been in a cold war with for a year. Seizing the moment the Spanish made a daring landing around Gloucester. The English realized their mistake too late but rallied the army to face the invasion along with local yeomanry militia. Although outnumbered the spanish troops were brave and the lack of english cavalry allowed the spainards to surround the english grenadiers and cut them down. The cavalry was eventually all destroyed by the infantry and artillery and as the main forces engaged both sides had high losses. In a desperate move the Spanish moved up their artillery to do severe damage and blow a hole into the english infnatry line. This almost worked however the English were simply too many and the Spanish eventually raised the white flag of surrender .

English Round 1: English Infantry volley; 0 hits, rear rank artillery fire 0 hits
Spanish Round 1: Spanish Infantry volley; 0 hits, Spanish Cavalry charge and rout 2 elite infantry, Spanish rear rank artillery 0 hits

English Round 2: English Infantry volley; 0 hits, rear rank artillery fire routs 1 spanish cavalry
Spanish Round 2: Spanish Infantry volley; 1 english infantry routed, Spanish Cavalry charge ; 0 hits, Spanish rear rank artillery 1 english infantry routed

English Round 3: English Infantry volley; 1 spanish cav and 1 spanish inf routed, rear rank artillery fire 0 hits
Spanish Round 3: Spanish Infantry volley; 1 militia routed, MOVE UP Spanish artillery and fire grapeshot routs 2 english infantry

English Round 4: English Infantry volley; 1 Spanish artillery routed,MOVE UP English artillery and fire grapeshot; 0 hits
Spanish Round 4:Spanish Infantry volley; 0 hits

English Round 5: English Infantry volley; 0 hits, English artillery fire grapeshot; spanish infantry routed


Result: English Victory

Spanish Casualties
-2 Cavalry
-1 Infantry
-1 Artillery

English Casualties
-2 Elite Infantry
-4 Infantry
-1 Militia
06.11.2016 - 18:30
==Game Over!==
06.11.2016 - 18:58
06.11.2016 - 19:28
Press F to pay respect
07.11.2016 - 07:26
GG everyone, until next time!
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.

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