Its says that some rare units are in certain country's but what are those country's cause me and my friends took over a whole map and didn't find anything even though it was on high is it cause we aren't prem user or just bad luck?
You must be prem to get rare units and as for which give you rare units all countries do give them.
Actually that's not true, you receive rares even if you aren't prem, but the chances increase a lot if you are premium.
but yes all countries can get rares unless the setting is ''rares:none''
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?
Actually that's not true, you receive rares even if you aren't prem, but the chances increase a lot if you are premium.
As far as I know the "Afterwind" rare unit isn't available for non-prem.
Here is a link to all the rare units http://atwardatabase.weebly.com/rare-units.html . I though it includes where they are dropped but apparently it doesn't.
If I remember right Child Soldiers are dropped in Africa and South America, Sky Infantries in Scandinavia,Foreign legion in France, Partisans in places such as Cuba and ex-Yugoslavian countries.
If you guys took the whole world while it was on Rare Units: High though, guess it's just bad luck
Whilst I was non prem I hardly ever got rares on low, as prem I started getting it sometimes>