24.01.2012 - 11:01
I don't know if you know the rules of Diplomacy so here's the rules: http://www.wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy.pdf I have played diplomacy game often in my life and i would like to try a fucking huge map of diplomacy that i have made by myself. There is a lots of countries of the actual world, it woudl be great that each guyz interested in playing choose a countries. And never forget each small countries can be actually useful so don't be afraid to play them. By exemple if USA is planning an invasion on China Philippines or Vietnam can be really useful for the USA. As soon as i judge that there is enoug players that want to play and told me there countries(First to post have the first choice so join soon if you want to play a major power), i will set a deadline for everyoen to send me there orders of move by private message. Never forget its a diplomacy game so you will have to talk with a lots of players at teh risk to ba gangbangded by everyone. Also i want to play so maybe you will think that's it is not fair that i can see yoru order before to play, but don't worry i won't open any maill with the title by exemple (" China move first turn"). To tell me your move just wright somethign like this: -French Guyana Fleet Attack Suriname -French Guyana Fleet Support Belem Fleet -Fleet in the sea adjacent to french Guyana Convoy the French army from french guyana too martinique -French Guyana fleet hold Basically you can say everythign that i understand, if you don't know how to name a terrytory just say by exemple... the cities, teh biggest province or what is west,east, south or north of this province Here's the map: ![]() Normal diplomacy map: ![]()
24.01.2012 - 11:07
I think this picture is wayyyyyy too big. Is there a way you can resize it?
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
24.01.2012 - 11:09
Nope the goals is to have it way to big so you can see the details..... By exemple if the pictures is much smaller probably that a lto of people won't know that France have an army by exemple in French Polynesia Or that UK have an army in Diego Garcia
24.01.2012 - 11:16
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
24.01.2012 - 11:16
Haha, I think ThomasMer is the only person on the forum to match me in sheer wit. ![]() I've played once IRL myself and several times with this PBEM (play-by-email) community. A very enjoyable game indeed, especially when responses are fast! Some points
So yeah, I reckon we should share our emails (privately), reaffirm our commitment and form a play group. It just wouldn't work in a public forum and the map is enormous, not to mention unproven.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
24.01.2012 - 11:29
-Yea Yoba, i played once to test this world map but we wasnt enough players to test everything. I know the game is unbalanced but that was my goal... its a modern day map.... and not every small nations will be played. But some of them can be really useful and spice up the game -No need of email we can send private message on thsi forum and it would be private... No one should post is order in thsi topic! -Yea i know it's nto a good idea to be the gamemaster at teh same time that i'm playing.....so if someoen want to be the gamemast tell it=) If not well you will have to trust me! -Yea again i know that the map is enormous because that i did'nt know how many would be interested...... if there is only 7 people interested i will switch for a normal diplomacy map or a traditional variants
24.01.2012 - 11:34
I AM THE GAMESMASTER. I won't play due to a high chance of humiliation (I'm a permanoob). However, I recommend for other people to do so. I think you might as well post the normal Diplomacy map, it would be really difficult to get more than 7 players who aren't complete and utter morons in our small community.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
24.01.2012 - 11:38
Well in the current world politics there are a lots of morons that have the power=) So they can play=) it would just be realistic For the normal diplomacy map i will edit the first post
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