Hello, people of Afterwind, I'm Mathdino, the only journalist Calculusaurus! We aim to provide unbiased coverage of the ongoing Afterwind Presidential Election, along with other political goings on. I caught up with Mr. Nate, Mr. NateBaller's running mate, earlier today to interview him in front of an audience. The following is a transcript of this interview:
Citação: Mathdino: To start off, can you tell the public who you are and what your background is? We don't know much about you.
BallerNate: Surely as you know my name is BallerNate, and I come from a small town in Georgia. I came across Afterwind one day while browsing Youtube.
Artaxias I: Georgia the state or the country?
BN: State of course.
MD: Security! Get this audience member out of here.
BN: I like hiking, reading, and being a good parent; I have 2 little girls
MD: Interesting. How did you get into Afterwind politics?
BN: Well at first I was just playing afterwind like any normal player. Then I met Nateballer. I knew he was a shining beacon for this community, and I saw that this community needed that beacon. Not bacon, beacon. So I decided to follow him and I changed my name from Redsquire to BallerNate.
MD: What's your opinion of Mr. Baller as a person?
BN: He is strong willed, brave, cunning, and most importantly a man of the people. That's why he can do so much for this community. He understands us folk.
Usernames: ....Can we get to the point, WE the people want to hear where he would be leading us.
MD: Shut up audience member!
SalchichaGrande: Excuse Mr.Nate I have a question!
MD: No! Shut up!
MD: So what is your campaign in a nutshell?
BN: Well Mr. Dino, our campaign encompasses a lot of things. First of all, we want to make sure that we represent the interests of the people. There is an elite here in this community that hordes the wealth- we want to allow the rest to the people to share in that wealth. Also, we want everyone to feel as if they are contributing; this is at the core of our campaign.
MD: Who are these elites, Mr. Nate?
BN: Well, they come from all around I tell ya. We got those admins, and those mods, and the top clans that keep the rest down. In my opinion, we need a sort of progressive tax system; one that will help the smaller and weaker clans.
MD: You propose an SP tax?
BN: This tax system is non specific; it could be on SP, CP, whatever the people clamor for. The point is, there needs to be some change.
MD: What many of us would like to know, Mr. Nate, is how you plan to deal with the many trolls and spammers in the community, and your opinion of the moderators ability to deal with them.
BN: Ahh, good question. First of all, we need stricter policies on dealing with these trolls and spammers. We need to spend more time, energy, and sp on protecting our interests- this means a lock down on people like hdrakon1. Now I feel that I have a special contribution in this area.
MD: What will the people think of this? Many see him as a national hero.
BN: Look here, the people know hdrakon is no hero. The true hero is NateBaller. And I would like to say something regarding the rival competitors, Fruit and hdrakon.
MD: Just what I was about to ask.
BN: We can't allow this scum to enter the office. Remember, these people have the codes to nukes; we can't trust em.
MD: What do you think they would do with these nukes?
BN: I dont know, but think about the kids ok? THE CHILDREN!
MD: So Mr. Nate, what's your opinion on the admins of the community?
BN: Interesting question. The admins have essentially usurped power from the people. I'm not saying they are all bad, or that they have bad intentions, but we need to concentrate our efforts into new policies and systems of governance. The old ways have so far been unsuccessful
MD: Could you explain the old ways?
BN: Well for example, if a man like me needs SP for an upgrade, the current policies leave me nowhere. But with a progressive tax system, the administration can grant me that SP.
MD: I'm sure other lower class ranks would support you in this policy, Mr. Nate. A generous idea.
BN I'm sure they would; generosity is the cornerstone of a great community. Look at how generous Mr. Baller has been.
MD: Very true. Any closing words before we allow the audience to ask questions?
BN: Yes, I have one point to make. I believe the very fact that we are here, answering questions for the people, is a testament to our loyalty to the community. Where I ask are Fruit and hdrakon? One of them revels in Bosnian whore houses. The other is in Siberia, banished. We are here.
MD: Mr. BallerNate, everyone! Now we open questions to the audience.
SalchichaGrande: Excuse Mr.Nate I have a question!
Mathdino: Mr. Grande?
SG: Why do you propose giving out SP for low ranks? Wouldn't this increase taxes on high ranks and take their SP that they worked hard for? You know, like storing it in Swiss banks.
BN: Good question, Salchica. What you have to understand is that the SP they "worked hard for" often comes at the expense of the lower classes; thus, it is natural that this wealth be shared among the community.
MD: An interesting standpoint. Any other questions?
Backlash12: why do you want to make changes and how will you do it?
BN: We want them because they are good for the community. We will do them through our office.
B12: you have an office?
0thudson95: id like the fighter to become a standard unit in this game lol
BN: 0thudson, that is exactly the kind of thing we would support.
095: really?
BN: Yes sir.
095: and how do you plan to support my idea?
BN: We believe that the common player has just as good a say as the elites that hardly play the game.
MD: If you could answer Mr. Lash12's question please.
BN: Ahh, well not as of yet, but we will have an office if elected.
095: well baller you got my vote if your better than the rl president
BN: Thank you good sir, please cast your vote in the off topic forum.
MD: Unfortunately, that's all we have time for today. Thank you, Mr. Nate, for coming on to talk to the people of Afterwind. *shakes hand*
I already have a time set for Mr. Baller to come on air. Mr. Fruit, would you care to show the people you are willing to connect to them by allowing me to publicly interview you on your campaign?
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
Here, we have an interview with, as he would like to be called, Supreme Dictator Fruit. His approach to my questions, as you can see, is very different:
Mathdino: Alright, Mr. Fruit. Would you like me to call you Mr. Fruit or just Fruit?
Fruit: Supreme Dictator Fruit
MD: That's a little too long to write out.
Supreme Dictator Fruit: SDF
MD: Care to tell the audience a little about yourself? How you got into Afterwind politics, and your general life story.
SDF: I grew up in the city of Belgrade; from there I stole my first computer and logged into AW. I've always been the best, so obviously I rose to power as Supreme Dictator of the People, and leader of the best clan in AW.
MD: Tell us about your clan, Empire SRB.
SDF: Empire SRB is the best clan around, some say it was blessed by zizou himself, and it is true.
MD: So SDF, what's your campaign in a nutshell?
SDF: My campaign is to bring back the power to the Serbian people and remove kebab. Also to keep the Serbian horses hidden, and reclaim lost Serbian clay.
MD: SDF, could you tell us a little about your running mate, Mr. Drakon?
SDF: Mr. Drakon is a mysterious man, in fact he may be the only man ever to exist. We could all be hdrakon. However, he is Grand General of the Israeli Army, and together we will conquer the world.
MD: Are you hdrakon?
SDF: I'm not sure, I may be hdrakon. The real question is… are you hdrakon? Also, speaking of hdrakon, I think it is completely illegal that they put a rank limit. All people should have a voice, so long as they are Serbian or Serb supporter.
MD: I completely agree, SDF. It discriminates against many voters.
SDF: And the fact that the thread was made by my opponent, Nate, pig disgusting!
MD: SDF, what will be the first thing you do when you come into office?
SDF: Immediately declare war on everyone who borders Serbia, besides Macedonia. Macedonia is good ally and Avatar is a strong supporter of the people.
MD: Is there anything you will do for Afterwind?
SDF: Afterwind will of course benefit by no Bosnia. Immediately you will see the benefit that Undisputed is no longer talking. However, overall, I think AW will become a better game with the whole of Balkans (Macedonia not included) as Serbia.
MD: But what of the hundreds of Afterwind members who live in the communities surrounding Serbia?
SDF: Well, they will all be contributing to the reinf bonus of Serbia- A vote for Fruit is a vote for more reinf.
Lax Wolverine: even greece? i say we nuke them
SDF: Yes, Greece will be removed from premises, Macedonia given to Republic of Macedonia, and the rest made into a puppet state lead by Byzantine leader Aristosseur.
MD: SDF, your opponents have stated that you "revel in Bosnian whore houses. " Anything to say about that?
SDF: Bosnians are Serbian, and I won't lie, I will revel in a Serbian whore house all day.
MD: What about this quote: "We can't allow this scum to enter the office. Remember, these people have the codes to nukes; we can't trust em."?
SDF: I will only comment on the first part of this; I am in no way scum, I am the best around. On the 2nd part, however, no comment.
MD: Very well. What is your opinion of your opponents and their stances?
SDF: I'll be honest, I don't know a lot about them- I just know I will win 100%, so their stances do not matter. However I do think Nate's stance on disbanding WBL is a very good one, and I agree 100%, I will do this as well when I am elected.
MD: How can you expect to debate with them if you haven't researched them and their viewpoints?
SDF: Well, this will be easy: I will speak over them yelling "Serbia is best!" and shout at them, "You are worst turk! Remove kebab!" and I will sing the song of my people.
MD: Will this get people's votes though? They have a compelling stance to bring in voters.
SDF: Well, like I said, everyone is hdrakon. So yes.
MD: SDF, what many would like to know is how you plan to deal with the many trolls, flamers, and spammers plaguing our community.
SDF: Trolling is fine, but you must be pro-Serbian troll. Flamers? I am not sure what this is. I assure you, Gardevoir will be removed from premises. And lastly, spammers will be removed from premises on sight- we have a no tolerance policy on spammers, unless you are pro-Serbian spammer, spamming Serbian songs and educational Serbian films.
MD: Gardevoir is an active member of the community though. What will the people think if you banish him?
SDF: Activity does not mean respect, I think many will praise me for this.
MD: We will see. What's your opinion on the current government, the moderators and two admins?
SDF: Horrible, lacks supreme dictator Fruit. I would be an admin of course, and I would remove the other admins from premises, Stalin style, ice pick at the ready. And remove the mods to replace them with pro-Serb staff.
0thudson95: im so not voting for this duche. whats with you and pro serb shit
SDF: However I have no problems with the mods, and I like their oppression style- I will use many of their techniques.
MD: SDF, what would Afterwind look like with you as admin?
SDF: Well, I like surprises, I think everyone else does too. I will let you all find out!
MD: Any closing words before we allow the people to ask questions?
SDF: Yes NateBaller and BallerNate respectively are worst Turk and I will remove them from premises personally.
MD: Supreme Dictator Fruit everyone!
Skittzophrenic: What is 2 + 2?
MD: Skittz, invalid question. SECURITY
SDF: 2 is property of the government of Serbi- you are fined 200,000 sp
MD: Does anyone have a question? A valid one?
Skittz: What do you think about Hillary Clinton?
SDF: Well, to give a taste of what it will be like under my leadership, I will only allow serbians to ask me a question, and as I see none present, I will take no questions. Thank you everyone, and sleep well, for tomorrow is a great day for AW!
MD: Thank you, SDF. *Shakes hand*
SDF: This is quite the opportunity you know. Most media would have been silenced by now, but I assume you're a pro-Serbian reporter, so I will allow it.
MD: Best of luck in your campaign!
I still need to interview Mr. Drakon, and Mr. Baller. I will also be collecting various opinions of players on the street, and gathering them so we can see a general idea of the voter's viewpoints.
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
Fruit will fail to conquer the balkans by 1 reason: Hdrakon is stupid and will make you fail....
I have scheduled a time for Mr. Baller and I to talk, and he offered the answer to one question before tomorrow's interview. This is the exchange that occurred:
Citação: NateBaller: Ask me one question as a tidbit for tomorrow.
Mathdino: What's 2+2? It was a question an audience member asked Fruit.
NB: Well. You see. 2 + 2 is merely the question we must all ask ourselves. See. NateBaller and BallerNate are 2+2. Fruit and Hdrakon are 2 x 2. They offer the appearence of being able to accomplish much more than they really do. However, we are truthful in our campaign promises. We do not dabble with fancy wordplay and huge promises of a greater Serbia, as signified by the multiplication sign. We offer simple, down to earth solutions to get AW running again. And that is my answer. It makes perfect sense. Also frui raped a Russian girl last August.
MD: An interesting tidbit of philosophy. You are clearly educated, Mr. Baller. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
NoOne: Mr. Baller i have a question
NB: What is your question NoOne? The answer is yes, I do find you sexy.
NO: why thank you Mr. Baller, that is all
NB: No problem. Fruit sucks. Fruit sucks. Fruit sucks.
JFK, no, I will not interview you. Why? No reason, and I don't really know who you are...
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
Fruit is best. Fruit ftw. Nate go to fux.
I like stuff.... Yay?
Fruit dictator sounds hilarius
Mr. Drakon has repeatedly denied my request for an interview. A very interesting exchange is below:
Citação: [pr] Anonymous: Lol, why aren't you pushing the dictatorship of Fruit/ hdrakon?
[pr] hdrakon1: Anonymous: because mathdino is the one that ask me
If Mr. Drakon is unwilling to respond to a request for a fair interview in front of the people, he is either too cowardly, arrogant, or disconnected from the community to speak to them honestly about his campaign.
I simply cannot endorse this candidate. It is unfortunate; this interview could have converted quite a few voters.
Mr. Baller's interview will be released later today.
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
Y u no interviews me. I supports Jamaican political superiority. (Cuba go to fux Jamaica moar important.)
I like stuff.... Yay?
An interview with the leading candidate, Gardevoir! While Baller took a very socialist stance and Fruit took a highly nationalist authoritarian one, Gardevoir had much more community based, democratic system. Comment below.
Citação: MD: Alright, I'm starting an interview with Gardevoir.
Gard: I'm ready whenever you are, MD.
MD: So Mr. Gardevoir, tell us a little about yourself.
Gard: Myself? Well, I like people. I like working for people. I tend to agree with what benefits everyone else other than myself, yet some people may think otherwise, due to my past as a sort of Lunatic.
MD: What got you into Afterwind politics?
Gard: Very good question, originally I loved RP in my old clans, but after a while, I became more and more interested in how the Site was going and how it would turn out, rather than just use it.
MD: Interesting. Could you tell us about your running mate, F.Sultain Mehmet?
Gard: Well, I've known Sultan as my Leader in European Union most of the time I've known him. He's a good guy, and seems to like Politics as well.
MD: Alright. Now to the point, what is your campaign in a nutshell?
Gard: My Campaign is based around you, the Community. I want to help coordinate what the Community wants, not what some selfish High-ranks want, or what Power-hungry Staff want. What everyone can agree on as a whole. Negotiation will be key, and nothing would be done until everyone can agree.
MD: But if no one can agree, won't this create a sort of impasse?
Gard: Not at all; everyone can agree eventually if the terms benefit everyone in some way or form. No one person or group can have everything in other words. We're a community, and we need to work together and stop arguing.
MD: What do you have to say about the many AW players who consider you 'retarded', 'whiny', or 'overdramatic'?
Stomach Ulcers: THEY ARE CORRECT
MD: Security! Get this audience member out of here!
Usernames: *throws shoes at mathdino*
Gard: I say they have the right to think of me that way. Yes, I made many mistakes in my time here, and nothing can ever make up for that. But looking to the past and first impressions should not matter when it affects everyone. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I'm glad that they chose to have it. When it's time for Business, I shut up and let business roll along as people want it to roll. No over-dramatic or self-centered crap on my part.
MD: How do you plan to deal with the many trolls, spammers, and flamers on this site?
Gard: They can do as they wish as long as they are well-informed on the punishment for it. If the Moderators do not act as they should, than change in the system may be needed if the community thinks that it's right.
MD: Do you have anything to say about your two main opponents, NateBaller and Fruit? Fruit's running mate is himself one of these trolls.
Gard: Honestly, I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said. They can act how they want in the Community, and I can't stop them, nor should I.
MD: I mean more on your opinions of their standpoints, and their campaigns.
Gard: My previous post applies to Fruit, and with Nate, I have to disagree on some points. His idea of taxing goes against what I have come to believe and what his group of friends believes: That SP should be earned, not given. Other than that, my knowledge of his policies isn't wide. It's seems like most of what the other two candidates have said have been jokes, unfunny ones at that.
Usernames: taking this election too seriously, like a boss
MD: Alright then, thanks for your opinions. Anything to say before we open questions to the audience?
Gardevoir: I would like to thank you for interviewing me, it's been fun!
Mathdino: Okay, audience! Any questions to ask Gardevoir?
Gard: They seem to be pre-occupied with racial rabbles.
MD: It appears so. Well Aristo asked earlier about your general inactivity in game, and your high activity in the forums.
Gard: I don't enjoy playing anything very fast, as Afterwind is. I play Casual games when I have the time, but I just don't like doing anything too fast honestly. I enjoy posting and chatting on the forums because I get to know more about the site and it's people, and I like contributing occasionally as well.
FumbDuck: Gardevoir, do you believe the people are voting for you, or Sultan?
Gard: I do not have an answer for that. I can't read minds, nor can I judge people I don't know.
Usernames: Gardevoir i have a question, can you make a WWII?
Gard: At this moment? Nope, sorry. I may one day though 
Macedonian King: HEY I AM THE BEST
Gard: @MK, self-proclaimed accolations don't get you much, trolling doesn't either 
MD: Okay, one more question from the audience before we're out of time.
Stereotype: He just said that Gardevoir is massive faggot, and that he will rape his all family, and to fuck his child.
Stereotype: Usernames, he will rape all your family, and wants you to suck his dick, and told you that you're a bastard.
MD: …..well I guess that's all we have time for today. Thanks for answering my questions, Gardevoir, good luck in your campaign.
Gard: Thank you, it's been a pleasure. Good luck on your journalism!
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
Somehow I want to vote for Gard now, only to see him break down and cry on the tiniest bit of pressure.
And of course, to read through the inevitable wall of text explaining everything afterwards.
Garde Publicações: 2842 De: Canada
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Escrito por learster, 19.08.2012 at 04:56
Somehow I want to vote for Gard now, only to see him break down and cry on the tiniest bit of pressure.
And of course, to read through the inevitable wall of text explaining everything afterwards.
Hmn, I love your enthusiasm there, but I'm sorry to inform you that I'm most definitely the most emotionally stable candidate on the ballot. Never giving up is quite a phrase to live by, no?
You are the most emotionally unstable person I know and that I can safely say despite you being some 7000 kilometers or so away and we never even met before.
But I acknowledge your sense for self-irony saying that you live by the lyrics of Rick Astleys famous song. For a moment you actually had me believing that you were serious.
Garde Publicações: 2842 De: Canada
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Escrito por learster, 19.08.2012 at 12:47
You are the most emotionally unstable person I know and that I can safely say despite you being some 7000 kilometers or so away and we never even met before.
But I acknowledge your sense for self-irony saying that you live by the lyrics of Rick Astleys famous song. For a moment you actually had me believing that you were serious.
When I say I'm emotionally stable, I mean it. Emotions cannot come before Business. I suggest you stop taking me as a joke and open your glazed eyes a little wider.
Escrito por Garde, 19.08.2012 at 13:09
When I say I'm emotionally stable, I mean it.
Come on, put yourself into my shoes for just a second. How am I supposed to take that seriously after everything you wrote in these forums, or even in overly lengthy PMs?
Seriously, I feel like I'm getting trolled right now. You can't possibly say something like that and mean it. No wait, now I got it. It's that split personality thing you once talked about and my brain instantly forgot as a part of a subconscious self-defense mechanism, to prevent me from stabbing my eyeballs out with a fork after reading all that bullshit.
Garde Publicações: 2842 De: Canada
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Escrito por learster, 19.08.2012 at 15:03
Escrito por Garde, 19.08.2012 at 13:09
When I say I'm emotionally stable, I mean it.
Come on, put yourself into my shoes for just a second. How am I supposed to take that seriously after everything you wrote in these forums, or even in overly lengthy PMs?
Seriously, I feel like I'm getting trolled right now. You can't possibly say something like that and mean it. No wait, now I got it. It's that split personality thing you once talked about and my brain instantly forgot as a part of a subconscious self-defense mechanism, to prevent me from stabbing my eyeballs out with a fork after reading all that bullshit.
You can continue lying to yourself, but in the end I type my words in a serious manner. Business comes first. Emotions are separate.
Escrito por Garde, 19.08.2012 at 15:26
but in the end I type my words in a serious manner.
You type your words in a serious manner. I can't even dislike you kid, I just had the hardest laugh ever. :-D
Garde Publicações: 2842 De: Canada
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Escrito por learster, 19.08.2012 at 16:00
Escrito por Garde, 19.08.2012 at 15:26
but in the end I type my words in a serious manner.
You type your words in a serious manner. I can't even dislike you kid, I just had the hardest laugh ever. :-D
If I had said "say", you would have jumped on my case as well. Pitiful. I wouldn't be surprised if you were sitting at your computer desk, drinking up like a Trout at this very moment, it would explain your behavior. Looks like the Armed Forces didn't do much for you either I suppose, I man of your caliber should be much more disciplined and well-mannered. Now, stop wasting my time.
Germany had conscription, derp
Garde Publicações: 2842 De: Canada
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Germany had conscription, derp
Did I ask for your input?
It's the forum, not pm.
You're totally stable.
Garde Publicações: 2842 De: Canada
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It's the forum, not pm.
You're totally stable.
I am, you're not. Why else would you waste your time nudging me when you certainly have better things to do? "Because it's funny watching you react", yes, we all know you and your play-mates have serious mental illnesses, and it's not so gentleman-like of you to have to lash out every chance you get.
Guys, let's cool it with the personal attacks. There's no need to fight or get so emotionally invested in something that is just for fun and a good laugh.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
scripta manent
Yes, I made many mistakes in my time here, and nothing can ever make up for that. But looking to the past and first impressions should not matter when it affects everyone. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I'm glad that they chose to have it.
It's months though, not first impressions.
But anyways do what you like.
Guys, seriously, this entire thread and every thread I make in the off topic forum is a joke, a parody, satire, whatever you want to call it. The Gossip sections of my ANN reports prove that. There's no need to take this so seriously/personally.
And Inquisidor, I lol'd at your image. For the record, I started the election. But if I'm evil, I guess I'll just have to smite you.
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon