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06.03.2013 - 22:12
Atheist, the coalition, is for the best of the best. You have to be the best of the best in order to join Atheist. We do not accept slackers, nor do we tolerate nigger faggots. Our requirements are very specific.
These requirements include:
1). master trole 2011-2013
2). No traces of Turkish ancestry
3). Not fluent in Arabic
4). Able to tuck your balls in between your legs and scream like a goat
5). Understand the art of being a master trole
6). Unable to be offended
7). Beloved by fellow members of Atheist.

If you can not meet any of the following requirements, then do not be disappointed when you do not receive an invitation.
Just do it.™ -Nike
06.03.2013 - 22:14
Fuck me, i'm in
06.03.2013 - 22:37
Escrito por Nike, 06.03.2013 at 22:12

Atheist, the coalition, is for the best of the best. You have to be the best of the best in order to join Atheist. We do not accept slackers, nor do we tolerate nigger faggots. Our requirements are very specific.
These requirements include:
1). master trole 2011-2013
2). No traces of Turkish ancestry
3). Not fluent in Arabic
4). Able to tuck your balls in between your legs and scream like a goat
5). Understand the art of being a master trole
6). Unable to be offended
7). Beloved by fellow members of Atheist.

If you can not meet any of the following requirements, then do not be disappointed when you do not receive an invitation.

Try again with less overt racism when the forum ban expires.

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