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Publicações: 10   Visitado por: 53 users
15.12.2012 - 01:08
Ill give anyone who wants it Officer status (must have premium)

All our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing
15.12.2012 - 03:54
I recommend this coalition!!!

They seem very cool and they have ponies

15.12.2012 - 14:37
No cats, no win
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz
15.12.2012 - 21:52
Conta apagada
Yay I love ponies. Do you accept alts?.
16.12.2012 - 20:02
You too can be a faggot™ while wearing your my little pony t-shirt.
19.12.2012 - 19:45
Escrito por Guest, 15.12.2012 at 21:52

Yay I love ponies. Do you accept alts?.

We accept everyone except kebabs and chechens. Prepare to love and tolerate the shit out of afterwind.
All our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing
19.12.2012 - 21:23
Conta apagada
Escrito por Jim Jimmies, 19.12.2012 at 19:45

Escrito por Guest, 15.12.2012 at 21:52

Yay I love ponies. Do you accept alts?.

We accept everyone except kebabs and chechens. Prepare to love and tolerate the shit out of afterwind.

I mean, my other account. Just send and invite to 'Guest.'
20.12.2012 - 07:11
Escrito por Jim Jimmies, 19.12.2012 at 19:45

Escrito por Guest, 15.12.2012 at 21:52

Yay I love ponies. Do you accept alts?.

We accept everyone except kebabs and chechens. Prepare to love and tolerate the shit out of afterwind.

You don't accept me? ;_;
20.12.2012 - 11:11
Escrito por Roncho, 20.12.2012 at 07:11

Escrito por Jim Jimmies, 19.12.2012 at 19:45

Escrito por Guest, 15.12.2012 at 21:52

Yay I love ponies. Do you accept alts?.

We accept everyone except kebabs and chechens. Prepare to love and tolerate the shit out of afterwind.

You don't accept me? ;_;

I keed i keed. Except for chechens. Chechens are still not allowed.
(One of my good friends is from turkey actually)
All our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing
27.02.2013 - 22:39
Why not. Sign me up
all you need is love is all you need

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