16.03.2020 - 08:16
My fellow commanders and estrategists we are experimenting a huge pandemy in this 2020. The Chinese horoscope spoke about the metal rat and suffering to this 2020 but this is going insane. The Covid - 19 is a real menace with severe effects on the 20% of the people infected with it. The 80% only experiment small effects. It is highly contagious and some countries with more IQ than the West have taken several measures to contain the spread. The Russian Federation and The People Republic of China are examples of this. If China had the same irresponsability the West Governments are having this pandemy would be far greater. During months the massive social media system of the West aligned countries has been hiding all the valuable information trying to avoid the panic on the people. Hoping to avoid economical effects on their funding capitalists. Now they are facing a pandemy much more greater than the pandemy would have been if the acted with the needed allarm againist a virus. I know some of you are different from the stupid sheeps i hear all the days. I know some of you are superior and will analyse this blog properly to avoid the effects of the virus Take the following measures to survive: Avoid contact with other people except close relatives and with contact i mean even speaking. Avoid touching your close relatives. Wash your hands when you come from the streets every times. Ignore the mass media they have been brainwashing people to avoid the panic and now they are brainwashing them to do other things. All irrelevant to your survival. If you see chinese people distributes masks take it you may need it soon. The numbers of the infected on the west will be much higher than in China so beware do not relax soon. Going to the supermarket to buy a lot of things will not save your lifes, moreover it can infect you if other people with infection went to the supermarket and touched the same products you are touching. If you are on affected areas avoid going out of home except for buying food and medicine, use vitaminc C and brush your teeth
---- http://prntscr.com/omka79 http://prntscr.com/n1ymiv Tacent quibbus Italia noverca est Lirbur: therapy for england claims of superiority Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWyvoWzq3EM Lirbur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S8tP9wu2W0
16.03.2020 - 08:26
Do this if you are slav: AJVAR - Vitamin C, strong immunity RAKIJA - Internal and external antiseptic
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
16.03.2020 - 09:25
Ok.. Time to make guide on how to be caught Corona in a best way
---- Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust!
16.03.2020 - 20:49
Shit time for Alabamians
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