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Publicações: 7   Visitado por: 34 users
02.04.2016 - 13:20
Http://prntscr.com/anai4q that this??? I get the google chrome browser
Discipline is the key to success

02.04.2016 - 14:04
I got it yesterday and i could move however refreshing solved the problem
02.04.2016 - 22:55
Escrito por Nations, 02.04.2016 at 14:04

I got it yesterday and i could move however refreshing solved the problem

I have tried and failed
Discipline is the key to success

03.04.2016 - 05:48
Escrito por llThe_Witnessll, 02.04.2016 at 22:55

Escrito por Nations, 02.04.2016 at 14:04

I got it yesterday and i could move however refreshing solved the problem

I have tried and failed

Usually this kind of bugs go away when you restart the browser.
03.04.2016 - 13:55
Escrito por Nations, 03.04.2016 at 05:48

Escrito por llThe_Witnessll, 02.04.2016 at 22:55

Escrito por Nations, 02.04.2016 at 14:04

I got it yesterday and i could move however refreshing solved the problem

I have tried and failed

Usually this kind of bugs go away when you restart the browser.

Mozilla Firefox no bugg
Discipline is the key to success

04.04.2016 - 13:06
Escrito por llThe_Witnessll, 03.04.2016 at 13:55

Escrito por Nations, 03.04.2016 at 05:48

Escrito por llThe_Witnessll, 02.04.2016 at 22:55

Escrito por Nations, 02.04.2016 at 14:04

I got it yesterday and i could move however refreshing solved the problem

I have tried and failed

Usually this kind of bugs go away when you restart the browser.

Mozilla Firefox no bugg

weird i think even if you use chrome again bug wont be there
04.04.2016 - 13:27
It's happend's to me too sometimes (not in Chrome only) it's like other bugs maybe becuse server refresh....
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